About PT. Sembilan Pilar Semesta
PT. Sembilan Pilar Semesta is a company, located at South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. Visit their website www.spilar.net or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Founded in May 2021, Sembilan Pilar Group (PT. SembilanPillar Semesta & PT. Sembilan Pillar Anugrah) is a managedsecurity service provider company with operation in variousindustry segments.Since its focus only in cyber security services, our teammajority are plentiful of cyber security engineers, with eachindividual has a unique cyber security skills and certificationsdivided into CSIRT color-based categories: Blue team forCyber Defenders, Red team for Ethical Attackers, and Yellowteam for DevSecOpWe ensuring our clients are always protected from cyberthreats of today and tomorrow, anytime, anywhere, anydevice.