About PT. Samudera Lautan Luas
PT. Samudera Lautan Luas is a company, located at Medan, North Sumatra, Indonesia. Visit their website www.samuderalautanluas.co.id or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
PT. Samudera Lautan Luas is a share-holding logistics company, which provides a complete range of services in shipping, freight forwarding, warehousing, distribution, and customs brokerage from Indonesia.Founded in January 2005, 100% Indonesian ownership. We are set 6 offices covering West & East Indonesia and employ over 100 personnel.PT. Samudera Lautan Luas operates out of six locations with Belawan as Head Office. The other offices are located in Jakarta, Surabaya, Semarang, Padang, Palembang.