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About PT Bina Artha

PT Bina Artha is a company, located at Jakarta, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 21 21392294, visit their website, Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

VISION"To be the preferred business partner of Indonesian households lacking access to formal credit enriching their lives by providing convenient and reliable solutions, matching their evolving needs."MISION"We provide Indonesian families with convenient and innovative access to reliable financial and non-financial services, thereby being the most trusted business partner in each location we operate."COMPANY PROFILEPT Bina Artha Ventura (Bina Artha) is a registered Venture Capital Company actively engaged in the microfinance sector since December 2011. Bina Artha is regulated by the Financial Services Authority (Otoritas Jasa Keuangan – OJK), which took over this responsibility from the Ministry of Finance (Bapepam) in 2013. PT Bina Artha Ventura offers working capital through a modified version of the traditional microfinance Grameen group methodology exclusively to women who do not have or have only partial access to the formal financial sector. In addition, we provide access to business loans for micro-entrepreneurs and small enterprises. Today, we have more than 360 branches serving more than 380,000 clients and employ more than 2,500 people in Indonesia. As of May 2021, through solid teamwork, Bina Artha has succeeded in providing working capital loans of more than 1 trillion IDR to its clients.We are currently in a midst of a digital transformation to optimized our processes and to serve better our clients with a customer engagement platform in development.Bina Artha is part of Credit Access South East Asia (CA-SEA) as our holding group. CA-SEA is a large, well established and a quality investment grade company, attracting funds globally and providing USD 200 – 5,000 working capital loans and other financial services to small, informal businesses and unbanked workers in South-East Asia (Indonesia and The Philippines). The Group has its corporate headquarters in the Netherlands and regional support office in Singapore.



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