" in need of a proper waiting area or parking area for visitors cars as they cause slow congestion as they're stopping dangerously on the roadside. i've had a few occurrence where i nearly got to an accident cause people just stop abruptly without indicating they're stopped at the road side. "
Adyl Ellmi
" in need of a proper waiting area or parking area for visitors cars as they cause slow congestion as they're stopping dangerously on the roadside. i've had a few occurrence where i nearly got to an accident cause people just stop abruptly without indicating they're stopped at the road side. "
15 October 2017Pichey Amrin
" នៅខ្វះពត់មាននៅឡើយ "
07 November 2016Mimi MimiLias
" mini "
05 April 2014Qilong Lee
" Tarindak' Seni(马来餐) "
20 August 2013