Manulife Indonesia (PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia)
About Manulife Indonesia (PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia)
Manulife Indonesia (PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia) is a company, located at South Jakarta, Jakarta, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62-21-25557777, visit their website, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Didirikan pada tahun 1985, PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia (Manulife Indonesia) merupakan bagian dari Manulife Financial Corporation, grup penyedia layanan keuangan dari Kanada yang beroperasi di Asia, Kanada dan Amerika Serikat. Manulife Indonesia beroperasi dengan izin usaha berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Keuangan Republik Indonesia No. Kep-020/KM.13/1989 tertanggal 6 Maret 1989 dan surat Departemen Keuangan Republik Indonesia No. S.254/MK.17/99 tertanggal 30 Juni 1999. Manulife Indonesia menawarkan beragam layanan keuangan termasuk asuransi jiwa, asuransi kecelakaan dan kesehatan, layanan investasi dan dana pensiun kepada nasabah individu maupun pelaku usaha di Indonesia. Melalui jaringan lebih dari 9.000 karyawan dan agen profesional yang tersebar di 25 kantor pemasaran, Manulife Indonesia melayani lebih dari 2,5 juta nasabah di Indonesia.PT Asuransi Jiwa Manulife Indonesia terdaftar dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan (OJK).
Roy Wimar
" good customer service "
28 June 2019HQQ
" Manulife's insurance office. "
15 May 2019Arum Kusuma79
" The best insurance and sales marketing "
24 February 2019Bip Finadm
" Great service by remind us if the contract are ended, thus we can receive the benefit "
01 October 2018Hatta Dewantara
" Easy to notice from the main road, it places in the 6th floor of Graha Bukopin's building, you need the access card to operate the lift, you can get it at the customer service near the lift (new policy from early august). The service is great but it took long time to get your turn, idk why. "
09 August 2018Michael Antony
" Tempat nyaman , full AC , pelayanannya ramah "
05 June 2018Ahmad Taufik
" Asuransi Juwa manulife... Program asuransi swasta di kota semarang. "
25 May 2018Arif Stiawan
" Josh "
15 April 2018Rachel Oh
" Can never get through to them. Really frustrating "
26 March 2018A Google User
" Would you purchase Manulife 3G Endowment Plan if its breakeven time horizon is 16 years and projected return on investment is up to 3%? You can get better returns with 10-year Singapore Government Bond or place your cash in fixed deposits!!
16 March 2018Failed to act in the best interest of its clients; Investment brochures lack clarity & inadequate public disclosure in terms of required rate of investment vs tenor, breakeven time horizon and key downside risks. Ask the insurer to explain all these key figures clearly to you before purchasing or flag this issue to MAS for follow-up. "
Frans Enero
" Claim my hospital insurance just hope everything going well. They said the process takes 14 days to reimburse.. I'll let you know "
10 March 2018Caroline Teo
" Try calling the hotline so many times but always busy. Finally someone pickup and supposed to get an insurance agent to contact me but never after so many days. Luckily never buy policy from them. With such a lousy service, I can imagine how would I get paid if event happened. "
28 February 2018Hamid Arief
" Alamat sudah pindah ke jl. Pandanaran 16, Randusari "
23 February 2018Yusuf Adiatma
" Ok "
06 February 2018Liscita Wilis
" Best insurance company "
25 January 2018Ridwan Harris
" Perusahaan Asuransi Manulife "
08 January 2018Andreassinaga05 Andreassinaga05
" Klaim cepat, asuransi kesehatan terbaik "
05 January 2018James Ticualu
" One of the best Insurance office in Surabaya, clean, quite and great hospitality. "
16 December 2017Erwin Santoso
" The only problem is waiting for lift "
19 November 2017Qomaruddin Putranto
" Baek "
17 October 2017Arnanda Maulana
" Sip "
15 October 2017Januar Frediansyah
" Ok "
29 September 2017Kartini Syahrul Muhammad Ali
" Good insurance company "
02 September 2017Motiur Rohuman
" motiurrohuman9 "
25 August 2017Agustinus Rudy
" Parking difficult. "
29 July 2017Dedi Satria
" Sangat bagus tempatnya "
" Oke jga dah "
24 July 2017JAC LAW
" Cool "
24 July 2017Khaeruman .Pamungkas
" I Work here "
22 July 2017Endang Setyaningsih
" Good policy and administration "
30 May 2017Mokhamad Abrar
" Manulife "
26 May 2017Awan A. Rusdi
" Cukup "
06 May 2017Kawijanto Wondo
" This place make me alive "
27 April 2017Sukarno Apartmn Manulife
" Menabung 1 juta/bln bisa menjadi 1 milyard "
24 March 2017Gerry Soetanto
" Professional service, friendly atmosphere. "
15 March 2017Tan Tuan Poh
" Good building "
21 February 2017Abdul Aziz Hasyim
" Pelayanan cepat..terima kasih "
17 February 2017Hardi Agunadi
" Pelayanan memuaskan "
03 February 2017Agung Setyo Budi
" Supervisor ibu Fera "
17 January 2017Imam Zarkasyi
" good place with good quality of service "
07 January 2017FX Budi Widyatmoko
" Manulife Insurance Bogor Branch office. Clean and neat. Enough car parking lot. "
26 December 2016Yanie Ahc
" Parkir Memadai. Ada Mushola yg Cukup Bersih dan t4 makan. Didalamnya ada kantor Asuransi Jiwa Manulife dan Bank Bukopin "
15 December 2016Agung Setyo Budi
" Purchasing bu Fera "
26 October 2016Niko Nurisman
" Ok dahhh "
20 September 2016Dani Enggar
" Top bgt dah "
07 September 2016Mida Lumbantoruan
" mantap Macetnya "
17 August 2016Joko J
" Mantap "
27 July 2016Mislah Spd
" Layanan baik..
14 April 2016Dan memuaskan... "
Marco Pratama
" Kerenn "
07 March 2016Jonathan Ng
" Pretty building "
26 December 2015Wahyu Parwitayasa
" assurance here "
21 November 2015Satria Buana
" State city medan "
12 July 2014