" It's a nice museum & focusing on cultural ar hitecture building design. However, aircond are not functionning well. A bit hot inside "
04 December 2017
Ania James
" Very interesting display of all types of buildings with models, pictures and plans. Maybe it feels like a bit too much to read :). Free entry is a plus "
20 April 2017
Dody Ismoyo
" Simple yet complete description of the architecture of various buildings in Malaysia. Free entrance! :D "
06 January 2017
Bernardo Arellano III
" This little museum will give you an overview of Malaysian architectural design: from religious structures, to the rumahs, to shophouses, civic buildings, and other buildings. It is both educational and also free. "
03 December 2016
Haziq Aiman
" Free entry and thank God for the air conditioning to cool off the sweat. Interesting exhibition. "
Lee Chee You
" It's a nice museum & focusing on cultural ar hitecture building design. However, aircond are not functionning well. A bit hot inside "
04 December 2017Ania James
" Very interesting display of all types of buildings with models, pictures and plans. Maybe it feels like a bit too much to read :). Free entry is a plus "
20 April 2017Dody Ismoyo
" Simple yet complete description of the architecture of various buildings in Malaysia. Free entrance! :D "
06 January 2017Bernardo Arellano III
" This little museum will give you an overview of Malaysian architectural design: from religious structures, to the rumahs, to shophouses, civic buildings, and other buildings. It is both educational and also free. "
03 December 2016Haziq Aiman
" Free entry and thank God for the air conditioning to cool off the sweat. Interesting exhibition. "
15 August 2016Wasin Sirichai-ekawat
" Museum about architecture in Malaysia "
16 March 2016