Laboratory of International Relations Programme - University of Brawijaya
About Laboratory of International Relations Programme - University of Brawijaya
Laboratory of International Relations Programme - University of Brawijaya is a company, located at Jalan Veteran, Malang, East Java 65145, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Laboratory of International Relations Programme is one work unit in International Relations Programme, Faculty of Social and Political Science, University of Brawijaya, Malang, Indonesia, established with the aim of:1. Improving the quality of international relations teaching method through practical activities, preparation of teaching materials, and training of the International Relations students.2. As one of supporting unit in teaching activities, teacher researchs and services to the community, which eventually can support the achievement of Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi, which are including Teaching, Research and Community Services.In order to provide student awareness of self-learning , laboratory of International Relations Programme provides various facilities such as reading sources to support lectures and student's competencies that can be accessed directly in laboratory room, which also provides other supporting facilities such as, internet access and discussion area.In order to meet the student's competency outside of university curricular activity, The laboratory also conducts supporting activities such as:1. Training activities are carried out regularly which aims to support the improvement of student's hard skills and soft skills.2. Support the implementation method based learning Student Center Learning (SCL) to facilitate the implementation of practical activities and enrichment courses outside of teaching activities.Laboratory of International Relations Programme is also a center of strategic studies, both for students and lecturers in International Relations Programmme will answer the challenge of the development of contemporary international relations.