" A place for short break. Only statue dor so who like taking pics "
27 May 2018
Fara Ghazali
" A nice spot to take a short break, enjoy the hawker street food. "
11 May 2018
T. Spark
" You can do a visit and take a couple of pictures if you happen to be nearby. Toilet fee is 30 cents. "
03 April 2018
Rizky Hermawan
" A green area in the middle of old structures in Jonker. We can see the statue of Dr. Gan Boon Leong who reformed the Jonker Walk as we see right now. This small garden is a rest area after strolling around Jonker and a place where you can find public toilet. "
22 January 2018
Liling Tan
" Nice resting oasis in the middle of Jonker walk. There's some music performance on Friday and Saturday night. "
02 December 2017
Stephen Abraham
" An open area with trees within the hectic Jonker walk. There is a bust of the famous Mr Gan Boon Leong who was a famous Malaccan body builder. A good place to come cool down under the trees. There is also a public toilet here. "
03 November 2017
Jacklien Mumu
" Sebuah taman kecil di Jonker street sebagai tempat untuk spot foto "
29 October 2017
Devi P
" Cozy place and i can listening live music in saturday night "
30 September 2017
Wee Yang Lim
" There is a lot of argument whether is it a heritage park or a memorial park of Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong who has credit to Jonker Street. "
29 September 2017
Philip Khew
" Simple park "
12 September 2016
" 東西比別人貴,人多的要死,不是很值得。 "
18 August 2016
AZ-Zakwanul Faiz Bin Zakaria
" Situ ada bilik air bagi siapa-siapa ada urusan. "
Nguyen Yen Vu
" A place for short break. Only statue dor so who like taking pics "
27 May 2018Fara Ghazali
" A nice spot to take a short break, enjoy the hawker street food. "
11 May 2018T. Spark
" You can do a visit and take a couple of pictures if you happen to be nearby. Toilet fee is 30 cents. "
03 April 2018Rizky Hermawan
" A green area in the middle of old structures in Jonker. We can see the statue of Dr. Gan Boon Leong who reformed the Jonker Walk as we see right now. This small garden is a rest area after strolling around Jonker and a place where you can find public toilet. "
22 January 2018Liling Tan
" Nice resting oasis in the middle of Jonker walk. There's some music performance on Friday and Saturday night. "
02 December 2017Stephen Abraham
" An open area with trees within the hectic Jonker walk. There is a bust of the famous Mr Gan Boon Leong who was a famous Malaccan body builder. A good place to come cool down under the trees. There is also a public toilet here. "
03 November 2017Jacklien Mumu
" Sebuah taman kecil di Jonker street sebagai tempat untuk spot foto "
29 October 2017Devi P
" Cozy place and i can listening live music in saturday night "
30 September 2017Wee Yang Lim
" There is a lot of argument whether is it a heritage park or a memorial park of Datuk Wira Gan Boon Leong who has credit to Jonker Street. "
29 September 2017Philip Khew
" Simple park "
12 September 2016林侃儒
" 東西比別人貴,人多的要死,不是很值得。 "
18 August 2016AZ-Zakwanul Faiz Bin Zakaria
" Situ ada bilik air bagi siapa-siapa ada urusan. "
12 June 2016