About Ganbate
Ganbate is a company, located at 3 Jalan Rejowinangun, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55171, Indonesia. Visit their website www.ganbate.net or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Fashion for hobbyist. We produce a lot of jackets, cosplay, shirt, pants and bags for hobbyist or community theme.Please visit our website www.ganbate.net or our facebook page at www.fb.com/ganbateOr you can contact us with email to mail@ganbate.net
Ade Novianto
" produknya keren- keren "
23 May 2018Tuit-Tuit HD
" Ada cosplay sword art online ga? Kalau ada harganya berapa? "
29 March 2018Oke Shop
" Toko jejepangan kuereeeeeen "
08 January 2018Candra Wahyudi
" Tempatnya enak "
13 December 2017Karis Bagus
" Baik "
22 September 2017NUGIE KAZUTO KAZUTO
" Ada Hollow mask ichigo sama pedang tensa Zangetsu cosplay gak, gan ? "
30 October 2016Christophorus Kris
" Nice "
20 March 2015Hamdan Muhammad
" Permisi, saya dari Bogor pengen pesan Hoodie Scouting Legion yang Batwing..
14 May 2014bagaimana? "
Bunpen Ares
" gan harga boy day vampire knight brapa tuh?? "
18 February 2014Prijsti Holandari
" Toko fashion jepang paaaaling suggoiii!!!
09 June 2013Keren pokoknyaa :D "
Tri Wijiastuti
" menyediakan berbagai jaket dan kostum untuk cosplay dengan kualitas yang bagus dan harga yang tidak terlalu mahal. keren pokoknya! :D "
07 June 2013