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About Toko Mekar Jaya

Toko Mekar Jaya is located at Kota Baru, East Alok, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 382 21992 for more detailed information.



Toko Mekar Jaya, nestled in the heart of Kota Baru, East Alok, Sikka Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia, is a well-established retail hub that has been catering to the local community for years. Situated strategically, it's a go-to spot for daily essentials, offering a diverse range of products that cater to the needs of both locals and visitors. The store is known for its convenience and the warmth of its staff, ensuring that you feel welcomed every time you step in.

The store operates within a vibrant local market, offering a blend of traditional Indonesian goods and modern necessities. You can find everything from staple food items like "beras" (rice) and "minyak goreng" (cooking oil) to household products and even local crafts. This variety makes Toko Mekar Jaya a one-stop shop, saving you time and effort. The store's commitment to the community is evident in its support for local producers, often stocking products sourced from the surrounding areas.

Toko Mekar Jaya's success is not just attributable to its product range but also its customer service. The staff, predominantly local, are known for their friendliness and helpfulness. They are always ready to assist you, whether it's finding a specific product or offering advice based on your needs. This personal touch has endeared the store to many, making it more than just a retail outlet but a community hub.

In terms of accessibility, Toko Mekar Jaya is easily reachable from various points in Kota Baru. Its central location ensures that you can conveniently incorporate a shopping trip into your routine. The store's layout is also designed for ease of navigation, making your shopping experience smooth and hassle-free. Reviews from real people often highlight the store's cleanliness, organization, and the freshness of its produce. One satisfied customer, Pak Budi, commented, "Saya selalu membeli kebutuhan harian saya di Toko Mekar Jaya. Produknya lengkap dan segar, serta stafnya sangat ramah." (Translation: "I always buy my daily needs at Toko Mekar Jaya. Their products are complete and fresh, and the staff is very friendly.")


Item Reviews - 52

Mas Runi

" Bisa di kategorikan Toko kelontong karena menjual beraneka keperluan rumah tangga ; pembersih, makanan & minuman, serta alat2 listrik. Tidak terlalu luas tapi cukup lengkap. Lahan parkir roda 2 cukup memadai, kalau roda 4 terpaksa menggunakan bahu jalan "

01 June 2018

Duwi Astuti

" Oce "

22 May 2018

Mochamad Hidayat

" tidak seburuk yang dibayangkan "

18 May 2018

Manbay Muse

" Tempat berbelanja "

11 May 2018

Nur Asiah

" Sipp pokoknya "

08 May 2018

Dela Noviana

" Harga murah meriaaahh "

04 May 2018

Felicia Devania

" Sekarang semakin lengkap, jual batik "

14 April 2018

Kevin Devano

" Mantap "

14 April 2018

Asep Suparja

" Barangnya banyak macamnya, harga murah pelayanan cepat "

09 April 2018

Hairyanto 2017

" Jualan ya murah "

06 April 2018

Heni Cirebon

" Baru memijakan kaki heeeheee "

05 April 2018

Adhi Artha

" Ok "

23 March 2018

Peny Fristianto

" Bagus sekali "

21 March 2018

Aku Tea

" Ok "

20 March 2018

Puguh P

" Tempatnya mudah di jangkau. "

19 March 2018

Fanny Yulistiawan

" Tempat yg nyaman, bersih, pelayanannya memuaskan. Happy shopping "

05 March 2018

Mekar Alumunium

" Gudang alumunium yg penuh "

04 March 2018

Frederika Ekayuni

" Toko sembako yang cukup lengkap di kota Tobelo "

21 February 2018


" Market "

19 February 2018

Princess Naum

" Harga merakyat..
Orang.nya ramah2.. Seneng de beLanja dsni..
Udah jd LanggAnan..😁 "

16 February 2018

Ledy Tunjung Sari

" Murah bingiits "

15 February 2018

Ananda Yusuf

" Harga bersaing "

13 February 2018

Ari Kincrit

" Tempat belanja layaknya mini market "

07 February 2018

Antuji Hm


25 January 2018

Rafqirocky88 Hidayat

" Lengkap dan murah...retail tau eceran hrg sama...pegawai penerima order banyak..jd ga takut nunggu lama...cek TKP aja "

15 January 2018

Ukhy Rock

" πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘ "

13 January 2018

Kie Tjong

" Nawarin dagangan "

08 January 2018

Riko Ferdinan

" It's god "

01 January 2018

Roy Suryadi

" Toko serba ada....rokokku slalu ada disini "

23 December 2017

Bagus Tri Hanggoro

" Murah harganya & ramah pelayanannya "

12 December 2017

Jendoltelulas Adeniumduasatu

" rekomended untuk belanja "

07 December 2017

Are Rince

" Mantap lah "

21 November 2017


" kebutuhan pokok rumah tangga harga sipp dan bersaing disni tempatnya. "

26 October 2017

Nanang Haris S

" aditiya erisanti : Maaf, kalau menandaai suatu alamat jangan asal taruh.... pastikan dulu GPS anda sdh aktif & akurat posisinya... agar tidak salah penempatan lokasi; coba cek, masak toko Mekar posisinya baratnya Cobra cell/store ???? "

08 October 2017

Ivan Wiyogo

" Best price in town "

04 September 2017

Yeyen Ferys

" Kasir e ramah2..😍 "

30 July 2017

Dimas Wns

" Gud "

27 July 2017

Fendi Murya M

" TokonLengkap dan murah sekali "

18 July 2017

Tedi Rustandi

" Good "

28 June 2017

Dokter Laptop

" Elektronik MurahΒ² banget.... "

24 May 2017

Fatur Rahman

" Sangat membantu para petani modern dalam mencari lokasi penjualan sarana pertanian dan perkebunan. "

17 May 2017

Ero Suntoro

" Pelayanan ramah "

13 May 2017

Antcient Iruna

" This place is the oldest and the best furniture store in payalumbuh. Mekar furniture feautring alot of top brand with high quality. "

25 April 2017

Ivan Crisnanda

" Harga bersaing dan lengkap "

19 April 2017

Hu Ting Li

" Tempatnya strategis buat usaha "

30 March 2017

Engku Zabir

" Buat yg suka belanja cek aja "

22 March 2017


" Recommended.. !!! Salah satu toko langgananku tempat saya belanja sandal sepatu dan aksesorisnya. Beragam pilihan model alas kaki dan aksesorisnya tersedia disini secara lengkap berbagai model trendy "up 2 date" branded berkualitas dengan layanan ramah supel familiar friendly cepat tangkas cekatan harga menawan bersih aman nyaman rapi indah. Manteb, Gan...!!! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ˜€πŸ˜β˜ΊπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜Š "

17 February 2017


" Jual elektronik murah "

10 January 2017

Rahayu As

" Ayam segar, asli pemelihara Nunukan "

16 December 2016

Agus Wahyu Maryanto

" Toko yang menyediakan plastik, kardus snack, aneka minuman, alat tulis, foto copy, jual pulsa dan membuka Kursus Stir Mobil Mekar Jaya yang ada ijin dari Dinas Pemda Karanganyar serta dapat melakukan sertifikasi kursus stir mobil. Buka hari senin s.d sabtu jam 07.00 - 05.00 WIB. "

21 September 2016

Antuji Hm

" Harga murah, melayani semua pembayaran, juga tarik tunai dan transfer. "

20 July 2016

Alis Winarti

" enak,murah,parkis luas. "

02 May 2016

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  • Monday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Tuesday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Wednesday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Thursday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Friday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Saturday 8:00 AM – 7:00 PM
  • Sunday Closed