" One of free public area for Kupang city.. main problem is this place are so dirt.. to many trashes here "
03 June 2018
Hendrina Erving
" It's big enough to do sports, has spots for sitting, walking, jogging and playing basketball. It's shady and greeny. "
28 April 2018
Alexander Kazawsky
" You can find the tasties salome a very crowded one "
15 April 2018
" Public place for city people. Nice park in the center of the kupang town. All ages are coming to do sport and spending time enjoying facilities given "
18 December 2017
David Jacob
" Nice jogging track with a halfcourt basketball field and many food stand that selling food, especialy the meatball called "salome" "
03 December 2017
Agus Wartono
" People must have concern on keeping public area and public facility here. Unfortunately, public toilet, garden bench and park lamp are not safe from vandalism. "
12 November 2017
Awang Praing
" A good place for hang out but not clean "
06 October 2017
Iwan Lulu
" The overall concept of this area is good. But to me, they have to add more trees to keep this place cool and to prevent visitors from the unbearable heat of Kupang city. "
28 September 2017
Bogarth K. Watuwaya
" Nice place for joging and have a gathering with friends in Kupang "
05 September 2017
Welem Bire
" dont be wasting time!!!! "
17 July 2017
Fahmi Prajawiguna
" Great place for afternoon jogging, there are many place for quick bite around the place "
13 July 2017
Dominic P. Temaluru
" Good place for refreshing but it's not well-managed yet. "
23 June 2017
El Manafe
" Good place to hang out "
15 June 2017
Andi Syarifudin
" Taman yang cukup luas dan asri, ada jalan setapak untuk keliling taman dan ada gong perdamaian nusantara "
24 May 2017
Wiryadi Kwok
" TAMAN NOSTALGIA Kota Kupang terletak di Jalan Frans Seda Kecamatan Oebobo, seberang GKN (Gedung Keuangan Negara), adalah sebuah taman kota yang dilengkapi dengan jogging track, arena olahraga dan taman bermain.
Taman yg ditata cukup baik ini cocok digunakan bagi warga Kupang utk bersantai, berolahraga dan juga ber selfy ria. Di sekitar taman terdapat pula jajanan "Salome Goreng" (di Bandung disebut Cilok). "
02 May 2017
Faisal Nafai
" Nice park "
15 April 2017
Dino Aliwangsa
" Slalu ramai "
24 March 2017
Adri Gabriel Sooai
" Exercise "
16 March 2017
Yong Motor
" Lumayan untuk tapaleuk , olah raga, bersantai sambil cuci mata.
Sayang toilet kurang barisi masih dadolek. "
04 March 2017
Meilan Inggrit
" It has jogging tracks. Fresh air. Various tent offering snacks and foods;mostly Indonesian cuisine. Paid parking. The toilets are not working. No wifi. "
29 January 2017
Erlin Da Silva
" Sejuk "
05 January 2017
Abdias Putra
" Tempat Terbesar berburu Pokemon & Salome Goreng :D "
29 December 2016
Reiza Mutia
" mantab "
19 December 2016
Fernando Thene
" Taman nostalgia kota kupang "
27 November 2016
Galih Rakasiwi
" Some great place in kupang for rendezvous, jogging, or having a chit chat with friends in a cloudy evening. "
11 October 2016
Pantjahjo Noerwanto
" Lari sore di tempat ini .. asyik banget "
29 August 2016
Agus Wartono
" Good spot for community activity. "
05 August 2016
Yoseph Sutjipto
" Great place to run in the morning or afternoon, lots of people come here to hang out and there is a number of various street food stalls to choose from "
01 August 2016
Robertho Alexander
" joging track di tengah kota "
05 July 2016
Singgih Yuntoto
" Tempat nongkrong dan nyari makan "
01 July 2016
Abba Lobo
" One of the nice open space in Kupang. But lack of maintenance and need further development "
17 June 2016
Iqbal Muhammad
" salome goreng "
08 January 2016
Radeet Rock
" taman kota di Kupang NTT
ada jogging track, Tempat duduk, dagang makanan di sore hari
tempat pacaran juga "
Baktiar Sontani
" One of free public area for Kupang city.. main problem is this place are so dirt.. to many trashes here "
03 June 2018Hendrina Erving
" It's big enough to do sports, has spots for sitting, walking, jogging and playing basketball. It's shady and greeny. "
28 April 2018Alexander Kazawsky
" You can find the tasties salome a very crowded one "
15 April 2018ANAK TIMOR
" Public place for city people. Nice park in the center of the kupang town. All ages are coming to do sport and spending time enjoying facilities given "
18 December 2017David Jacob
" Nice jogging track with a halfcourt basketball field and many food stand that selling food, especialy the meatball called "salome" "
03 December 2017Agus Wartono
" People must have concern on keeping public area and public facility here. Unfortunately, public toilet, garden bench and park lamp are not safe from vandalism. "
12 November 2017Awang Praing
" A good place for hang out but not clean "
06 October 2017Iwan Lulu
" The overall concept of this area is good. But to me, they have to add more trees to keep this place cool and to prevent visitors from the unbearable heat of Kupang city. "
28 September 2017Bogarth K. Watuwaya
" Nice place for joging and have a gathering with friends in Kupang "
05 September 2017Welem Bire
" dont be wasting time!!!! "
17 July 2017Fahmi Prajawiguna
" Great place for afternoon jogging, there are many place for quick bite around the place "
13 July 2017Dominic P. Temaluru
" Good place for refreshing but it's not well-managed yet. "
23 June 2017El Manafe
" Good place to hang out "
15 June 2017Andi Syarifudin
" Taman yang cukup luas dan asri, ada jalan setapak untuk keliling taman dan ada gong perdamaian nusantara "
24 May 2017Wiryadi Kwok
" TAMAN NOSTALGIA Kota Kupang terletak di Jalan Frans Seda Kecamatan Oebobo, seberang GKN (Gedung Keuangan Negara), adalah sebuah taman kota yang dilengkapi dengan jogging track, arena olahraga dan taman bermain.
02 May 2017Taman yg ditata cukup baik ini cocok digunakan bagi warga Kupang utk bersantai, berolahraga dan juga ber selfy ria. Di sekitar taman terdapat pula jajanan "Salome Goreng" (di Bandung disebut Cilok). "
Faisal Nafai
" Nice park "
15 April 2017Dino Aliwangsa
" Slalu ramai "
24 March 2017Adri Gabriel Sooai
" Exercise "
16 March 2017Yong Motor
" Lumayan untuk tapaleuk , olah raga, bersantai sambil cuci mata.
04 March 2017Sayang toilet kurang barisi masih dadolek. "
Meilan Inggrit
" It has jogging tracks. Fresh air. Various tent offering snacks and foods;mostly Indonesian cuisine. Paid parking. The toilets are not working. No wifi. "
29 January 2017Erlin Da Silva
" Sejuk "
05 January 2017Abdias Putra
" Tempat Terbesar berburu Pokemon & Salome Goreng :D "
29 December 2016Reiza Mutia
" mantab "
19 December 2016Fernando Thene
" Taman nostalgia kota kupang "
27 November 2016Galih Rakasiwi
" Some great place in kupang for rendezvous, jogging, or having a chit chat with friends in a cloudy evening. "
11 October 2016Pantjahjo Noerwanto
" Lari sore di tempat ini .. asyik banget "
29 August 2016Agus Wartono
" Good spot for community activity. "
05 August 2016Yoseph Sutjipto
" Great place to run in the morning or afternoon, lots of people come here to hang out and there is a number of various street food stalls to choose from "
01 August 2016Robertho Alexander
" joging track di tengah kota "
05 July 2016Singgih Yuntoto
" Tempat nongkrong dan nyari makan "
01 July 2016Abba Lobo
" One of the nice open space in Kupang. But lack of maintenance and need further development "
17 June 2016Iqbal Muhammad
" salome goreng "
08 January 2016Radeet Rock
" taman kota di Kupang NTT
04 December 2015ada jogging track, Tempat duduk, dagang makanan di sore hari
tempat pacaran juga "