Se'i Babi Petra is a restaurant, located at Jl. Bundaran PU, RT. 06 / RW. 02, Oebobo, Oebufu, Oebobo, Kota Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Tim. 85000, Indonesia
" Se'i paling enak... "
" The food in the place quickly runs out. But fortunately for parking no need to pay,but the parking lot is narrow "
" Enak "
" 🍴🍖 "
" Dgn google M.... sangat membantu sekali...kelibihanx adalah di sertai dgn arah smw jalan.. setiap hari di perbaharui..mantaaap sukses teruss. "
" Yang tidak mengharamkan babi, enak se'i nya. "
Alens 80
" Se'i paling enak... "
20 November 2017Ferdy Agastia
" The food in the place quickly runs out. But fortunately for parking no need to pay,but the parking lot is narrow "
03 August 2017Jemmy Bessie
" Enak "
19 May 2017Kiky Tjung
" 🍴🍖 "
27 March 2017Nuksi Rino
" Dgn google M.... sangat membantu sekali...kelibihanx adalah di sertai dgn arah smw jalan.. setiap hari di perbaharui..mantaaap sukses teruss. "
07 March 2017Maddi Djara
" Yang tidak mengharamkan babi, enak se'i nya. "
23 September 2016