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HOTEL ARTHA is a lodging, located at Kampung Sawah, Waikabubak City, West Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 387 21112 for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 76

Nurul Huda Pratiwy

" Cocok untuk backpackeran. Wifinya lancar bangeeeeetttt.. sukaaaa "

15 May 2018

Veronika Adisty

" Clean n comfort...afordable price "

13 May 2018

Firman Syah

" Best budget hotel "

10 May 2018

Hari Murti

" Kebersihan cukup "

05 May 2018

Fitri Kumalasari

" Hospitality is great, room clean with cheap price "

04 May 2018

Dedy Prastyo

" Nice hotel to book in Purwokerto.
Clean, cheap & easy to acces by public transportation "

29 April 2018

Yusri Yusri

" ew "

29 April 2018

Reza Pragita Daza

" hotel murah fasilitas mantep buat yg liburan cocok kesini. depannya dekat dengan alfamidi, ke ritasupermal juga dekat "

21 April 2018

Dwi Yulianto

" Tembok kotor, banyak seperti bekas cairan kental gak jelas, menjijikan, kelas ekonomi kipas angin rusak, yang mengejutkan, tidak ada musholla "

17 April 2018

Sultan Yance

" Hotelnya murah meriah "

17 April 2018

Septina Damayanti

" The price isn't equal with room and the service "

23 March 2018

D.A Risma

" Big and clean room for its standard, quick respond, nice and great hospitality service, near to port or harbour, near to nite market, near to food center, easy to get public transport. The winning point is CHEAP. I will definitely visit it again. "

15 March 2018

Misbah Joss

" Bagus, harga sesuai "

12 March 2018

Chaira Andhia Putri

" Comfortable, clean, with good price. Easy to spot it from the main road. Love it! "

08 March 2018

Siau Agus Julnandar

" Looks new, ok lah "

10 February 2018

Vit Kocourek

" nice garden, friendly stuff and simple but clean room! "

05 February 2018

Nono Tar

" Ok "

04 February 2018

Gerhard Wunderler

" simply friendly, hospitable, quiet and comfortable... fine bed, clean mendis (bucket shower)... fan... fair price... what else do you need?! "

18 January 2018

Philip Shields

" Hotel Artha is very basic and a little walk from town center, the cheapest room was 250k and comes with a decent bed and a fan. The bathroom is in decent condition and includes a western toilet with a cold water bucket shower. Compared to another hotel I stayed in town, this one has a cleaner bathroom, comes with bedsheets and a bath towel. On the negative, this place is more expensive, doesn't provide breakfast, staff are less hospitable, and it is a short walk from town but most streets are not lit well so it may not feel safe for some guests going out in the evening. "

12 January 2018

Susi Lestari

" Harga oke👍 fasilitas lumayanlah, tapi sayang untuk kebersihannya sangat sangat kurang👎, sprei sama selimut kurang bersih (masih bau), lantai km licin sangattt,,, perbaiki lagi kebersihannya,, mohon maaf kalau untuk sprei tolong di cuci, karena kan dipakai banyak orang, yg punya penyakit menularkan bisa menulari yg laen,( saran ya bapak/ibuk ) mohon maaf kalau ada perkataan yg salaah🙏 "

11 January 2018

Gizella Frances

" Harga kamar ekonomi Rp 100.000,- utk 2 orang + 2 breakfast.... Kamar AC Rp 150.000,-.... kamar VIP ada yg Rp 250.000,- ....
Lobby free wifi... kamar dibersihkan tiap hari "

08 January 2018

Agung Art

" Ok "

29 December 2017

Yanti Leo

" Nyaman dan mnyenangkan... "

26 December 2017

Muhamad Budiono

" Good "

04 December 2017

Harimurti S

" Good room and clean. Chipper rate "

29 November 2017

Albertina Daindo

" Suasana tenang dan nyaman "

27 November 2017

Adiyanto Sukardi

" fasilitas cukup lengkap AC , TV, air panas dekat dgn kota harga bersahabat cocok untuk backpaker yg singgah di purwokerto . "

03 November 2017

Nikki Vella

" Fine budget stay in Sumba. During our stay they had some problems with water supply. Overall fine "

13 October 2017

Anis Sitrimo

" cukup terjangkau "

04 October 2017

Zaenal Arifin

" Cocok dan ekonomis, cuma handuknya yg kita dapat agak bau "

01 October 2017

Harun Al Rasyid

" Just ordinary hotel "

29 September 2017

Andrew Tambora

" Keramahan sangat ok, tapi untuk lokasi & kenyamanan cukup kurang. Kamar tidak kedap suara & suasananya setara kamar kost "

18 September 2017

Muhammad Ismanto

" Lumayan murah "

17 September 2017

Edwin Setiawan

" showernya sering mati kehabisan air, wastafelnya rusak dan airnya kotor. terlihat ketika nge-flush toilet, yg keluar airnya coklat. parahnya nggak ada telpon utk menghubungi front office. jadi klo mau komplain harus jalan ke bawah :( "

14 September 2017

Edwin Setiawan

" wastafelnya rusak... :( "

05 September 2017

Elia Rassi

" Suasana asri n jauh dari kebisingan... "

30 August 2017

Christian Sidharta

" cozy place, friendly receptionist and staff... "

28 August 2017

Meyi Pattiwari

" Hotelnya nyaman, bagus, perlu peningkatan fasilitas (mis : air panas lambat panas) "

16 August 2017

Elfrida Frydolin

" 👌👌👌👌 "

30 July 2017

Aditya Aryatama

" Everything here outdated. "

27 July 2017

Muhammad Maawy

" Washroom was unusable "

02 July 2017

Satrio Adi

" (+) Hotel bersih, cukup dekat dgn stasiun
(-) tidak ada lemari pakaian, teko air panas, peralatan mandi harus bawa sendiri "

29 June 2017

Dimas Murtado

" Murah tapi bersih dan nyaman. dekat pusat oleh2 Purwokerto
reception ramah (soalnya langsung sama tantenya yang punya) hehehe "

28 June 2017

Syams Rizal

" Lokasi strategis harga bersahabat...range 100k-200k "

22 June 2017

Yudi Ferdian

" Kebersihan nya kurang...aer nya kecil buat mandi "

21 June 2017

Ferry Malirano

" Cheap hotel but clean and comfortable room "

16 June 2017

Ripin Halim

" Cocok utk keluarga "

04 June 2017

Mucofifin Alfatehah

" Murah dan mewah "

14 May 2017

Fera Desy

" Gak tau "

06 May 2017

Bae Gemstone

" Udara kurang sejuk..hoho hihe jadi kurang nyaman "

05 May 2017

Abdullah Hatta

" salah satu hotel di kudus yang cukup nyaman untuk istirahat dengan harga yg terjangkau. lokasi hotel juga cukup dekat dengan terminal kudus "

02 May 2017

Youlee See

" Bolehlah "

29 April 2017

Amien Oe

" Mantep dah kluar hotel byk jajanan dpnnye ada supermarket boleh lh buat istirahat "

28 April 2017

Meghan Burns

" Do not stay here! It is dirty, disgusting and infested with cockroaches. The owners are dishonest and not accommodating in the least. Even if it's just for one night, look elsewhere. "

30 March 2017

Noni Ara Mangkudisastro

" Lumayan. Mirip kost2an hehe. Service yg didapat sesuai dengan harga kamar. Dapat welcome drink (kopi atau teh). Dapat sarapan (nasi goreng) yg dihantar ke kamar. Intinya; kamar murah & staff nya ramah.. "

20 March 2017

Rizky Adhitya R

" Great guest house, comfortable room. Nice hospitality.. recommended for backpacker "

19 March 2017

Mohammad Nafis

" Pengalaman tidak terlalu baik d hotel ini (maaf). Pelayanan tidak standart hotel. Kebetulan pas lampu , tidak ada empatik apapun dr pengelola. Semoga kedepan lebih baik. "

04 March 2017

Awaliyah M

" Bagus , murah, dekat dengan terminal, nyaman, "

27 February 2017

Muhammad Wicaksono

" Enak nyaman dan Aman dari Rasia Poll PP dan Polisi.jadi tenang dehhhh..... "

13 February 2017

Anton C. Hermawan

" Hotel berlokasi mau masuk ke kota Purwokerto dari arah jalur selatan.

Harga terjangkau, bersih, ramah servicenya.
Parkir kendaraan luas dan rindang. Diseberang jalan hotel ada Minimarket dan ATM.

~ TV LED 32',
~ AC. "

13 February 2017

Holly Bobs Bobbins

" BAD. Not a pleasant stay. The room was dirty. The "bathroom" was appalling. The toilet was grim. No toilet seat, no sink, no paper, I don't think a cleaning product has ever been used in here. It stank of wee. Which made the bedroom... smell of wee. The beds had hairs in it and the mattress was saggy and broken. The pillows where like bricks. Their where cockroaches and mice.
This was incredibly uncomfortable and unpleasant. I didn't want to touch anything, and sleep didn't really happen. We left as soon as the sun came up. Boo. "

06 February 2017

Faishal Hammam

" Sesuai harapan "

04 February 2017


" Rooms are nothing like in the photos, dirt and cobwebs in every corner and on every surface. The ensuite bathroom resembled those found at any roadside truck stop, it was covered in scum, the stench was foul and it had no toilet seat or sink. Bedding was itchy, pillows were rock hard and you could feel every spring in the mattress.
When we asked to book one of the advertised trips listed on the Hotel Artha paperwork supplied in the room the staff just pointed at a phone number and told me to do it myself but would not let me use their phone, super helpful.
The room was cheap but this is no excuse, we have stayed at infinitely better places throughout Indonesia for the same price or less.
DO NOT STAY HERE, there are much better places nearby. "

03 February 2017

Dewi Zahrie

" clean nice place "

27 January 2017

Alifa M

" Nice for a one night stay "

12 January 2017

Sammy Dewi

" Cukup murah "

11 January 2017

Yayank Tatik

" Dengan harga yang relatif murah tp bisa mendapatkan kamar yg bersih dan lumayan bagus, disertai sarapan "

10 January 2017

Gim Gandasujitna Dinata

" Great place .. recomended banget ni buat nginep !! "

29 December 2016

Christy Angelini

" gila banget ga sii.. ini Hotel enak banget, kemana-mana deket Gak mahal lagi, yang punya Ganteng lagi uuu. akiyu seneng bgt "

10 October 2016

Sasha Savira

" Very recommended. Lokasi strategis dan di seberang hotel ada minimarket. "

10 October 2016

William Surya

" Hotel yang menarik & bersih, harga pun terjangkau TOP MARKOTOP!!! "

10 October 2016

Woo WX

" Sangat nyaman "

02 September 2016

Flora Bereau-Goutaudier

" Bon rapport qualité prix (120 000roupies la nuit), accès Wi-Fi, petit déjeuner, terrasse, tv "

07 August 2016

Moritz Taslim

" Lokasi di perempatan utama masuk kota satria "

25 July 2016

Annissa Diah Apriani

" Lokasi cukup strategis "

10 June 2014

Roy Asher

" Lokasi strategis. Cukup nyaman di atas kualitas rata2 hotel d kudus "

29 May 2014

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