" Anginnya kencang kalau transit dibandara ini .. pemandangan pegunungan yang indah "
15 April 2018
Erick Tjiandra
" Bandara soa "
25 December 2017
" Small airport "
21 November 2017
Eman Keo
" Tempat yang nyaman, penduduknya ramah. Menyediakan kenangan kerajinan lokal BERE GARI "
26 September 2017
" Small airport in Ngada Regency, Flores. So far this airport has no excellent facility but they have super friendly staff. Really happy among them with their unique Florenesse kindness. Need more improvement in sanitation, garden and public Wi-Fi. Ojek-bike taxi is a good choice if you are a solo travel with little luggage. Private local driver available outside the arrival room. Price is negotiable if you really good at it. ATR 70-600 is the star at this airport. "
29 June 2017
Donny Adi
" Mohon disediakan ATM "
17 June 2017
Jackson Laga
" Bagus banget..memudahkan kita untuk mencari alamat d indonesia "
Erwin Ardiansyah
" Cukup lumayan "
01 May 2018M Yusuf
" Anginnya kencang kalau transit dibandara ini .. pemandangan pegunungan yang indah "
15 April 2018Erick Tjiandra
" Bandara soa "
25 December 2017Kris
" Small airport "
21 November 2017Eman Keo
" Tempat yang nyaman, penduduknya ramah. Menyediakan kenangan kerajinan lokal BERE GARI "
26 September 2017Germanus
" Small airport in Ngada Regency, Flores. So far this airport has no excellent facility but they have super friendly staff. Really happy among them with their unique Florenesse kindness. Need more improvement in sanitation, garden and public Wi-Fi. Ojek-bike taxi is a good choice if you are a solo travel with little luggage. Private local driver available outside the arrival room. Price is negotiable if you really good at it. ATR 70-600 is the star at this airport. "
29 June 2017Donny Adi
" Mohon disediakan ATM "
17 June 2017Jackson Laga
" Bagus banget..memudahkan kita untuk mencari alamat d indonesia "
31 January 2017