About Taman Wisata Pusuk Sembalun
Taman Wisata Pusuk Sembalun is a park, located at Jl. Wisata Gn. Rinjani, Sembalun Bumbung, Sembalun, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83656, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 818-0579-1762, visit their website www.royalrinjanitour.com for more detailed information.
Tyouki Uki
" Nice place to leusure with beautiful view in mounth rinjani "
04 May 2018Rizky Firmansyah
" Great garden located right before you enter the village of sembalun. The air is so cold here, so you better bring your jacket. Just a spot to take photos. Usually empty on weekdays and a little crowd in weekend. "
28 April 2018Maria Rosalina
" This place has a great view. There are many monkeys. "
24 April 2018Safrial Amri
" Truly amazing highest rest area at Pusuk Pass Sembalaun, Lombok Island. "
12 April 2018Ali Arifin
" Sayang sekali cm bisa lewat aja ga smpt mampir. Ketika itu dr gili trawangan mau mnju Mataram. g lewat jalur senggigi, tapi lewat jalur satunya lagi (pusuk namanya). Sekeliling jalan adalah Hutan dimana d spanjang jalan raya terdapat kera2 liar yg jmlahnya banyak. Pertanda masyarakat setempat msh mnjaga hutan sehingga habitat kera2 tidak punah. "
07 April 2018Sam Aranta
" Keep in mind, don't leave your waste in this place and keep it clean and fancy. "
28 March 2018Azhar Yeo
" Amazing view of sembalun from an elevated height. Should avoid coming here during monsoon season as it can get cloudy fast and it would mean that you can’t view the scenery and driving would be dangerous as visibility would drop to 10m "
27 January 2018Rezza Aulia
" Love its atmosphere. Many spot has a good scenery, and cute MONKEY although I came here when fog close all those good scenery 😂😂.. Well I love those animals as long as they didn't start to crawling or climbing on my body (That's creepy). You have to bring some snacks for them, but ofc you have to bring your garbage back, I can't see a lot of trashbin around here, and because of that some naughty people threw their trash away and made this place so dirty. ☺be a good visitors and keep your environment clean guys. "
03 January 2018Hendry Yasti
" This place has a fantastic view, but to reach this place we will find extreme route "
23 November 2017Tifani Sarihutami
" Better u ride motorcycle or u must have great skill of driving. So many post to take a picture here. Best moment before fog coming "
25 October 2017David Goliath
" This place is colder because it sits in the foot of mountain Rinjani.
29 September 2017Fogs sometimes seen near.
There are some place to get selphie with cheap price. "
Wayan Kim
" You can fell the fresh air and see beautiful sunrise "
19 September 2017Ershad Hoque
" Loved it. U can feed monkeys.
16 September 2017Drove a rented Avenza myself from Kuta. Roads are nice but steep. One must have experience in driving in the hill side. "
Giovany Dea
" Nice place with a good view. Cold and very windy. It's good to take a fresh air here "
18 August 2017H Hengki
" There is more to lombok than just beaches & food. There is also mount rinjani & its surrounding hills.
08 July 2017Up here at taman wisata pusuk sembalun the air is cool & fresh.
It's green all around you and the view is just simply breathtaking..!! "
Radinal Wibisono
" Good scenery and atmosphere "
30 June 2017I Suta
" We didnt have enough time to get into the park. But since our 4-6 yr olds are happy to see the monkey forest , we just need to stop on side road to see the monkeys coming out from the forest, and from a safe place inside our car. "
" There is verry nice view
15 April 2017Soeme body can visit to there and get memorable exprience "
Lombok Pirates
" Good place. Try to avoid visiting this place when rainy season "
13 December 2016Wibisono Yamin
" Cold, fresh. The road is good. "
12 December 2016Muhammad Paozan
" Cool air with the great view. Love it! "
26 November 2016Lhaloe Setiyadi
" Great Scenery, cool place, you must try Sembalun Original Coffee, its really have a great taste.. "
31 October 2016Sam Aranta
" Almost perfect,, cool air, fresh panorama and stunned place presented by piece of paradise in East Lombok, hundreds of visitor will spend their holiday in this place especially on Sunday. After long and long time finally this place will be rebuild and rearrangement in every sector so visitor can enjoy the panorama with safe from best point of view.
02 October 2016the general problem still unsolved is garbage in everywhere scattered with no one care. Exactly this place can be more amazing if everyone aware about cleanness and together protect this place. "
Agus Setiawan
" Beautiful "
29 September 2016Risa Abiyanda
" Mantap "
06 August 2016Diman Kusuma
" Because there have a great views "
14 July 2016Hendra Pramana
" view yang sangat mempesona "
12 July 2016Rinjani Garden
" View from the hill is stunning especially in the morning and before the sun sets "
16 June 2016082247272942 Sofyanarisandi
" Sembalun "
05 June 2016