HAMZANWADI UNIVERSITY is a university, located at Jl. Cut Nyak Dien No.85, Pancor, Selong, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83611, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 376 22954, visit their website www.hamzanwadi.ac.id for more detailed information.
Dendi Satriawan
" Mau daftar kuliah di sini "
08 May 2018All Call
" Kampus terbaik..👍 "
03 February 2018Doni Ibrahim
" Kampus Santri berdaya saing global "
24 November 2017Sam Aranta
" This is one of best university. this university is so huge with large parking area, massive students in every grade. I have lot of friends they are so kind and loyal so I felt so comfortable studying with that environments. "
08 November 2017Lukmanul Hakim
" Sekolah tinggi terbaik di Lombok Timur, bnyak jurusan pavorit, lokasi di pusat kota pancor "
23 August 2017Sam Aranta
" This is one of best university. I was studied here for couple of years with satisfaction grade. this university is so huge with large parking area, massive students in every grade. I have lot of friends they are so kind and loyal so I felt so comfortable studying with that environments. "
25 July 2017Lalu Saleh
" Perjuangan panjang tuk menggapai impian telah terwujud...teruslah berbenah diri almamaterku sehingga menjadi idola semua orang... "
25 April 2017Sam Aranta
" ah yes,, This is one of the biggest one at East Lombok, I have studied here for couple of years, I graduated and got S.Pd tittle with satisfaction grade. this university is so huge with large parking area, massive students in every grade. I have lot of friends they are so kind and loyal so I felt so comfortable studying with that environment. a Great lecture I met was totally change my front of view to face my future, Mr. Moedjito, Ph.D is one of my favorite lecture, he was so kind. Thanks for everything . "
05 February 2017Nizamul Amri
" Nice "
28 November 2016Muhammad Yusuf
" Megah dan luas "
19 November 2016Mu
" Sukses terus STKIP "
24 August 2016Muhammad Khairul Faridi
" luar biasa,,,,, "
31 July 2016M Ikrar
" Sip "
03 June 2016Alphachilli
" Semoga STKIP makin jaya "
17 April 2016Takdir Cinta Sartika
" MasyaAlLah indah xa tempat utk menuntut ilmu "
02 November 2015