SMAN 1 SIKUR is a school, located at Jl. Raya Paok Motong - Kotaraja, Gelora, Sikur, Loyok, Sikur, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83662, Indonesia. Visit their website sman1sikur.sch.id for more detailed information.
SMAN 1 SIKUR is a school, located at Jl. Raya Paok Motong - Kotaraja, Gelora, Sikur, Loyok, Sikur, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83662, Indonesia. Visit their website sman1sikur.sch.id for more detailed information.
" Sekolah Favorite(SMANSIK) "
19 April 2018Zainul Adrian
" School Favorite "
13 April 2018Bummi Cahyani
" Bank terdekat dari tempat saya (15km) yang jam operasionalnya cukup bikin saya sangat menyesal memiliki rekening Mandiri. Saya tidak pernah bisa menabung disini kecuali saya bolos kerja, karena ketika jam saya istirahat kerja (12.00 - 13.00) mereka tidak melayani nasabah karena jam istirahat dan mereka tutup jam 15.00 padahal saya pulang kerja jam 17.00. ATM yang untuk setor tunai juga mereka gak punya.
04 April 2018Jadi kalo saya mau menabung disana berarti saya harus bolos kerja? Yang paling parah, karyawannya menyarankan saya ke kantor cabang di Selong kalo tetap mau menabung di jam istirahat kantor. Buat apa??? Mau menabung saja dibuat susah. Memangnya mereka gak bisa mengatur jam istirahat petugasnya seperti di bank sebelah?
Sepertinya Bank Mandiri Cabang Paokmotong ini perlu berbenah. "
Mahendra Sanjaya
" Lumayan, kecil. Ya, namanya juga cabang mikro. "
16 March 2018Luthfi R
" Sekolah favorite "
06 January 2018Sam Aranta
" A high school "
03 January 2018Bani Suyada
" Luar biasa "
23 December 2017Sam Aranta
" Nice and cool, but camera not allowed for unknown reason. "
27 November 2017Sam Aranta
" This is one of famous High School at East Lombok under government development, there are many facilities as like Biological Lab, Multimedia Lab, Canteen, large parking area and so much more. Otherwise SMAN 1 Sikur has lot of students, but one of the problem is the buildings of the school it hasn't nice position it quite looks like overlapping buildings without a space between each buildings. Students place like dessert should be one of the priority to make it look good, cleanliness also should be one of the priority, the fact said that students' toilet is out from clean and feasible to use, garbage strewn around the cafeteria and more. "
12 September 2017Sam Aranta
" Quick notice from normal traffic "
24 May 2017Sam Aranta
" This is one of famous High School at East Lombok under government development, there are many facilities as like Biological Lab, Multimedia Lab, Canteen, large parking area and so much more. Otherwise SMAN 1 Sikur has lot of students, but one of the problem is the buildings of the school it hasn't nice position it quite looks like overlapping buildings without a space between each buildings. Students place like dessert should be one of the priority to make it look good, cleanliness also should be one of the priority, the fact said that students' toilet is out from clean and feasible to use, garbage strewn around the cafeteria and more. The great thing I've ever heard from this High School is they are so discipline in time and rules and the bad thing I've ever heard is student must pay about more than Rp. 100.000/year for parking area although the student itself didn't bring motorcycle. Exactly no matter where they are study bad or good but the important thing is best result.
20 June 2016Operational Funds given by Government to the Shool should followed by good service and cool place for sudying. That is what learners need I guess "
Alenzi Maulana
" Best juge lah "
29 March 2016