Pasar Seni Senggigi is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Raya Senggigi No.16, Senggigi, Batu Layar, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83355, Indonesia
" Place to buy a give... You can find a dress, accessory, crafting, etc "
21 March 2018
Santi Dewi
" Close to the beach and perfect for lombok gift "
22 January 2018
Rendy Anom
" Basic market with lots of clothe stalls.. "
04 January 2018
Ivan Lin
" Ye can find a lot of traditional souvenirs in this place. "
16 November 2017
Antonio Delgomez
" I am here for only the sate in front of pasar seni "
20 September 2017
Santi Dewi
" Close to the beach and good for lombok gift "
17 September 2017
Yazid Askar
" Better place to search for souvenirs with friendlier and haggle-able prices than in the big shops often recommended by taxi driver to clueless tourists. "
09 September 2017
Baiq Dwintarahma Putri
" You must try the satay "
29 August 2017
Joanna McRae
" Good for tourists who like to stay within cooee of their hotel and beach. "
15 August 2017
Bambang Ryan Setiadi
" nice place to find an unique stuff "
01 July 2017
" Favorit sate dan es cendol 😂 "
22 June 2017
Vijay Kumar
" A lot of choices, need to bargain on the prices "
26 May 2017
Ria Arsy
" didepan pasar seni ada sate dan cendol yg yummi "
22 May 2017
Sajidin Ahmad
" pasar aneka kerajinan khas lombok.. "
07 May 2017
Ahmad Ghufron
" Mantab "
25 April 2017
Wayan Candrajagapati
" Tempat nya bersih.
Pusat belanja oleh yg beraneka ragam bisa di temui.
Pedagangnya sopan kepada calon pembeli.
Tempat pusat informasi bisa di temui.
Tempat strategis. "
19 April 2017
Angga Hidayat
" Sate ikannya enak, "
08 March 2017
Nizamul Amri
" Ok "
18 October 2016
Agen Villabatu
" Lumayan "
18 September 2016
Waluyo Askot
" Stannya UMKM bidang seni, ukir, batik dll "
06 September 2016
Tisna Pratama
" Pasar Seni Senggigi dekat sekali dengan pantai, jadi sambil berbelanja juga bisa menikmati kuliner dan pemandangan pantainya. "
Nita Diece
" Place to buy a give... You can find a dress, accessory, crafting, etc "
21 March 2018Santi Dewi
" Close to the beach and perfect for lombok gift "
22 January 2018Rendy Anom
" Basic market with lots of clothe stalls.. "
04 January 2018Ivan Lin
" Ye can find a lot of traditional souvenirs in this place. "
16 November 2017Antonio Delgomez
" I am here for only the sate in front of pasar seni "
20 September 2017Santi Dewi
" Close to the beach and good for lombok gift "
17 September 2017Yazid Askar
" Better place to search for souvenirs with friendlier and haggle-able prices than in the big shops often recommended by taxi driver to clueless tourists. "
09 September 2017Baiq Dwintarahma Putri
" You must try the satay "
29 August 2017Joanna McRae
" Good for tourists who like to stay within cooee of their hotel and beach. "
15 August 2017Bambang Ryan Setiadi
" nice place to find an unique stuff "
01 July 2017Ismemeet
" Favorit sate dan es cendol 😂 "
22 June 2017Vijay Kumar
" A lot of choices, need to bargain on the prices "
26 May 2017Ria Arsy
" didepan pasar seni ada sate dan cendol yg yummi "
22 May 2017Sajidin Ahmad
" pasar aneka kerajinan khas lombok.. "
07 May 2017Ahmad Ghufron
" Mantab "
25 April 2017Wayan Candrajagapati
" Tempat nya bersih.
19 April 2017Pusat belanja oleh yg beraneka ragam bisa di temui.
Pedagangnya sopan kepada calon pembeli.
Tempat pusat informasi bisa di temui.
Tempat strategis. "
Angga Hidayat
" Sate ikannya enak, "
08 March 2017Nizamul Amri
" Ok "
18 October 2016Agen Villabatu
" Lumayan "
18 September 2016Waluyo Askot
" Stannya UMKM bidang seni, ukir, batik dll "
06 September 2016Tisna Pratama
" Pasar Seni Senggigi dekat sekali dengan pantai, jadi sambil berbelanja juga bisa menikmati kuliner dan pemandangan pantainya. "
06 August 2016