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About Pantai Seger Kuta Lombok

Pantai Seger Kuta Lombok is located at Kuta, Pujut, Kabupaten Lombok Tengah, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83573, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 40

Zulmi Muhammad Rizal

" Another rocky beach. But this one is not too crowded. In fact, when I was there with my wife at the morning, we were the only visitors. You can enjoy yourself when staring at the horizon here. The distance from Kuta town area is not too far, but there were quite a number of turns, you would need GPS to get there. And mobile phone signal didn't reach the site when I was there. "

29 May 2018

Fatmiati Ramdhani

" Good place but kinda far from city and no transport over there, so you must go with your own car or bike. "

07 May 2018

Fin 1507

" Really nice place to relax. If you climb up the hill in the evening, you can see a nice sunset. "

02 May 2018

Chris Daniels

" Quite a wild and wind-swept beach head with a couple of rocky cluffs to climb. It's worth a visit and a walk around. Not the best spit to swim but picturesque. "

23 April 2018

Elga Cusimano

" wonderful scenery but the beach is a bit dirty .... what made me more nervous are the children who just see you climb upstairs because they want you to buy something from them and if you say no they do not go. ... even my boyfriend and I had to run away from the beach because they attacked .... we went further and always a child of them and even sitting next to us complaining and always saying that we had to buy something ... at the end we got up to go and he finally went away .... stressful !!! nothing but relaxation !! "

18 March 2018

Chia Joel

" I would say this is one heck of a spot for sunset in the region, but it's already quite popular with tourist so there are lesser known spots.

Still this was a great place to just chill with a Bintang beer.

Giving it four stars only because there was a influx your kids trying to up sell you bracelets which can get quite frustrating.

Wear proper good shoes to climb the hill up for sunset as there is no proper hiking path.

Lots of surfing spots at this beach but definitely not so appropriate for beginners. Good beach which is quiet for you to sunbath as well.

No toilets available but one small shop with some seats and food I guess is limited but available.

See picture for more of the kind of sunsets you can get to experience.

Definitely come here before it gets privatized because that's what I hear is happening along this stretch of coastline :( "

14 March 2018

Robyn Du Trevou

" Lovely spot for sunsets, but I'd recommend scooting around for the lesser known spots which are even more beautiful!

Bring your own beers or a cool box for a slight saving (40k large Bintang)
Bracelet seller's are annoying and very persistent on this hill in specific...

Would recommend climbing down about 10 minutes after sunset and enjoying the colours in the sky from below as the walk down the hill can be a little tricky (with lots of loose rocks) in the dark "

24 February 2018

Breo Li

" Nice beach to spend some time. There are some hills around where you can get awesome views. There are status of Princess Madalika and...
The beach side was a bit dirty with some garbage. "

12 February 2018

Eris Versini

" Great place without almost any facility. Only almost 50 tent-shops ... where you get food and drinks. A bit disappointed about young kids trying to sell you bracelets but they are not insisting. "For buy book in school" they say...
Before sunrise or just in sunset time the sea retreats and the beaches turn into pools and swamp... they even have another name for the 5 a.m. beach! "

04 February 2018

Wirastuti Dwi.M

" A place where Sasakness people conduct a yearly cultural festive called Bau Nyale. Beautifull scenery surrounding that you see from the hill "

14 December 2017

Daeng Ipul

" Just take your time to climb to the hill. It will give you a stunning view "

30 November 2017

Agus Prianto

" Another cool spot in South lombok. When i went here around 10 AM the beach is kinda quiet and almost no body. I spent quite sometimes by myself enjoying the sun, read book and listened to my music and it was just a perfect holiday ever. "

23 November 2017

Sonny Rae

" Beautiful. Clean waters, areas for swimming and surfing. Beautiful rocks to climb up for a good view.
Had to pay 10k RP to get in on motorbike. "

24 October 2017

Ariza Prawira

" Great and Clean Beach... a lot of spot for taking picture... "

02 September 2017

Sarah Eisya

" The place that you can attend Nyale Festival. A traditional festival that only run once in a year. Nyale means worm. Just googling if u interest to know it😄 "

21 August 2017

Chika Syafgina

" Saat terdesak Mau isi berapa aja bisa disini "

06 August 2017

Fadlan El Yudith

" Nice view, quietly.. near of kuta lombok "

20 July 2017

John Schouten

" Good and fast service "

10 July 2017

Arka Navarro

" Nice view ... People can climb to the hill but not sure it's free or not. The sea is clean, just little sea grass floating and little rocky to the middle. "

08 July 2017


" Very good place and perfect scenary here... Clean and so many good people "

27 June 2017

Budy Tanajaya

" Very nice scenery, been told to watch out for local souvenir trader by our driver "

20 June 2017

Darwan Fabianto

" Lewat aja kayanya "

17 May 2017

Hieu Nguyen

" It has a high cliff that is such a nice view to see the sunset. "

14 May 2017

Dud M

" This beach is cleaner and wilder than Tanjung Ann beach, with no sign of tourism at all on the east end of the beach. Lombok please try to keep it this way and don't build walls or too many cafes like Tanjung Ann! "

14 May 2017

Azmi MJ

" White sandy beach. Clear water "

01 May 2017

John Schouten

" Just petrol pumps "

19 April 2017

Lalu Ripaal

" Wonderful beach with its annual celebration called Bau Nyale Festival "

24 March 2017

Agung Darminto

" Sudah tutup. Kena pelebaran jalan "

20 March 2017

Ahmad Dimas

" Pantai yg tenang dengan ombak yg tidak terlalu besar "

07 March 2017

Suryadi Pujut

" Selalu membantu dalam pelayanan "

03 March 2017

Iwan Latu

" Beautifull places, its very easy to reach, you can found many small hill to climb and saw wide view from the top! This beach as sasak traditional ceremony of Bau Nyale Putri Mandalika.. "

29 January 2017

War Sito

" Beautiful beach. "

01 January 2017

Andy LombokClick Holiday

" Beautyfull pleace "

17 November 2016

Suri Maniaka

" Beautiful beach, ga nyesel jauh2 kesana "

19 October 2016

Robbe Vangheluwe

" Nice beaches and very cool view from the top of the hill! Very nice place but just a step down from Tanjung Aan. "

23 August 2016

Sven Donner

" pure adventure. balancing over broken bridge "

25 July 2016

Rinjani Garden

" Scenery is spectacular from the hill "

16 June 2016

David Tremblay

" Some pretty killer views in general but even more so at sunset. You have to pay 10,000 Rupiah to bring your motorcycle in but I've heard you can park it just outside and walk in without paying that fee. Just give yourself enough time to walk up to one of the hills before sunset (20ish minutes) "

02 June 2016

Hans Hamid

" Sepi gan. "

14 May 2016

Dwi Priyatna

" Saya kesana 24 April 2016, pemandangan yang mengagumkan, ada jembatan, patung putri mandalika, bukit yang bagus, ada hotel Novotel dan mendokumentasikannya dg drone "

07 May 2016

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