" Nice atmosphere with wooden design. Delicious food with english menu. "
15 May 2018
Wonder Women
" Begibung mean eat together in the same plate (a big plate for 2 to 5 person).
Begibung is a unique restaurant and served many kind of delicious traditional foods. Strong recommended restaurant for Lombok visitor or tourist. If you a couple, try the Berayean Menu. Berayean mean dating, its cute and special design for dating with heart shape of rice and very completed dish with delicious tasted. You can also order by item or there is choice for itemized of menu.
If you are alone, try a personal portion of mixed menu of Begibung to get complete menu.
Remember... This is high recommended Traditional in Lombok "
14 May 2018
Zusni Adisya
" great food, good ambience, cheap price. Nice place to eat and meeting also, although the wifi is not too strong enough.The atmosphere is nice. "
14 March 2018
Joanna McRae
" This restaurant is one of my favourites, anywhere. Only its situation, in a rather run-down mall, lets it down. Food and service impeccable, and cheap. "
26 February 2018
Eva Fadhillah
" Sedap "
28 January 2018
Wira Kusuma
" Enak buat tongkrongan "
22 December 2017
Pemburu Senja
" Ramai santai mantap lezatnya "
07 October 2017
Ro Mi
" Pas bust nongkrong "
12 September 2017
Wulan Prawesti
" A comfortable place to enjoy a meal with family or friends, with traditional feel and good food... "
17 August 2017
Stephanie Lok
" Very affordable prices with tasty Indonesian food. Good interior decor as well "
09 August 2017
Aendy Da Saint
" Nice food. Especially "Ayam Goreng Begibung" and "Acar Timun". Affordable price. And nice place too. "
13 June 2017
Mayrisa Dwi
" Tadi nyoba gurami bumbu rajang bauk nya amis bikin eneg gitu ya 😷 Tolong chef nya menu nya di cross check. Overall good so . "
01 June 2017
Mayrisa Dwi
" Tadi nyoba gurami bumbu rajang bauk nya amis bikin eneg gitu ya 😷 Tolong chef nya menu nya di cross check "
18 May 2017
Muh Itqon
" Sedap mantab "
18 April 2017
Revata Anwar
" Makananya enak "
14 March 2017
Ary Sumayadhi
" Rasanya pas dn harganya murah 👍👍 "
27 February 2017
JT Sahabat Reny Farida
" "Salam JT (Jadi yang Terbaik), Amiin." "
18 February 2017
Muhammad Yusuf
" Mewah "
25 November 2016
Joy Ingezz
" Masakan sasak bangeeettt... enak banget. "
02 September 2016
Burhan Bin Wahab
" Mantap ikannya "
27 August 2016
" Tempatnya bagus makanannya juga enak2 "
12 August 2016
Taufan Yudhistira
" The food are great. I have to come to this place again. "
03 August 2016
Hendri Lestari
" Gak perlu nunggu lama, dan masakannya enak banget !!! "
30 June 2016
Don S
" The restauran looked ordinary from the outside, but the inside was really good. Indonesia tradinional music, bird and water sound, and traditional theme. The food was also good. Friendly and prompt service. Definitely need to visit again. "
Paige Kuo
" Nice atmosphere with wooden design. Delicious food with english menu. "
15 May 2018Wonder Women
" Begibung mean eat together in the same plate (a big plate for 2 to 5 person).
14 May 2018Begibung is a unique restaurant and served many kind of delicious traditional foods. Strong recommended restaurant for Lombok visitor or tourist. If you a couple, try the Berayean Menu. Berayean mean dating, its cute and special design for dating with heart shape of rice and very completed dish with delicious tasted. You can also order by item or there is choice for itemized of menu.
If you are alone, try a personal portion of mixed menu of Begibung to get complete menu.
Remember... This is high recommended Traditional in Lombok "
Zusni Adisya
" great food, good ambience, cheap price. Nice place to eat and meeting also, although the wifi is not too strong enough.The atmosphere is nice. "
14 March 2018Joanna McRae
" This restaurant is one of my favourites, anywhere. Only its situation, in a rather run-down mall, lets it down. Food and service impeccable, and cheap. "
26 February 2018Eva Fadhillah
" Sedap "
28 January 2018Wira Kusuma
" Enak buat tongkrongan "
22 December 2017Pemburu Senja
" Ramai santai mantap lezatnya "
07 October 2017Ro Mi
" Pas bust nongkrong "
12 September 2017Wulan Prawesti
" A comfortable place to enjoy a meal with family or friends, with traditional feel and good food... "
17 August 2017Stephanie Lok
" Very affordable prices with tasty Indonesian food. Good interior decor as well "
09 August 2017Aendy Da Saint
" Nice food. Especially "Ayam Goreng Begibung" and "Acar Timun". Affordable price. And nice place too. "
13 June 2017Mayrisa Dwi
" Tadi nyoba gurami bumbu rajang bauk nya amis bikin eneg gitu ya 😷 Tolong chef nya menu nya di cross check. Overall good so . "
01 June 2017Mayrisa Dwi
" Tadi nyoba gurami bumbu rajang bauk nya amis bikin eneg gitu ya 😷 Tolong chef nya menu nya di cross check "
18 May 2017Muh Itqon
" Sedap mantab "
18 April 2017Revata Anwar
" Makananya enak "
14 March 2017Ary Sumayadhi
" Rasanya pas dn harganya murah 👍👍 "
27 February 2017JT Sahabat Reny Farida
" "Salam JT (Jadi yang Terbaik), Amiin." "
18 February 2017Muhammad Yusuf
" Mewah "
25 November 2016Joy Ingezz
" Masakan sasak bangeeettt... enak banget. "
02 September 2016Burhan Bin Wahab
" Mantap ikannya "
27 August 2016WIDI P TIYATMO
" Tempatnya bagus makanannya juga enak2 "
12 August 2016Taufan Yudhistira
" The food are great. I have to come to this place again. "
03 August 2016Hendri Lestari
" Gak perlu nunggu lama, dan masakannya enak banget !!! "
30 June 2016Don S
" The restauran looked ordinary from the outside, but the inside was really good. Indonesia tradinional music, bird and water sound, and traditional theme. The food was also good. Friendly and prompt service. Definitely need to visit again. "
07 May 2016