About Hotel Puri Indah
Hotel Puri Indah is a lodging, located at Jl. Sriwijaya No. 132, Cakranegara, Cilinaya, Cakranegara, Kota Mataram, Nusa Tenggara Bar. 83232, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 370 7501616, visit their website www.puriindahhotel.com for more detailed information.
Yusuf Sukmana
" Bagus "
05 May 2018Gamers Online
" Good hotel,the people in there very fun...the place is good,any tree and beautiful house in there "
23 April 2018Khairul Leon
" Nice bedroom, delicious food and lovely swimming pool .. Tapi kalo berenang ga boleh pake baju huhu "
22 April 2018Asep Suherman
" The place is strategic in the city of Rembang to Blora "
16 April 2018Mbak Imoes
" Comfort, clean located in the mataram city. Easy to go anywhere love this hotel "
14 April 2018Deni Rustandi
" Sangat membantu "
10 April 2018Dhani Eko Nugroho
" I booked via airyrooms and I got great room... "
27 March 2018Danni Muhammad
" Nice hotel, Nice view "
19 March 2018Balgis Ilmi
" Ini adalah hotel yang letaknya di tepi jalan. Di dalamnya do sediakan wahana permandian yang biasanya selalu ada pengunjung "
15 March 2018Yuliyanti Mulyani
" murah meriah..tambahan diskon bagi para sales yg sering nginep "
09 March 2018Jana Sjarif
" Valuable for price.. Full breakfast.. Clean room.. Nice service.. "
01 March 2018Pipit Aprilianda
" Low price 😁 "
20 February 2018Anjar Sembada
" Mantaaap "
10 December 2017Surya Hardhiyana
" The hotel located at Mataram City Down Town. Near with mall. The room is clean, but in my room (311), the air conditioning is not working good. Television channel just indonesian channel. There is just one elevator at hotel. The breakfast is quite completed. The taste is standard "
09 December 2017Oktavian Afrindo
" Mayan lah buat happy "
29 November 2017Erik Ernandes
" Tempat nongkrong anak clubing "
25 November 2017Indratno Pardiansyach
" Hotel is quite minimalist. Located in the city centre and about 5 minutes by foot to reach the nearest shopping complex, Lombok Epicentrum. "
25 November 2017Nur Indah Novia Dewi
" Ada karaoke "
06 October 2017Andry Haryanto
" Ok with cheap price "
16 September 2017Anto Subagijanto
" nice place to stay in mataram lombok. "
14 September 2017MrYsudono
" Hotel "
25 August 2017Die Huang
" Good hotel for who like karaoke and disco "
24 August 2017Huang She Chin
" Bagus utk yg hoby karaoke dan disco "
23 August 2017AGOes Setiawan
" Ballroom,available for rent,
16 July 2017My cousin wedding it's joining on there "
Yayanm 1k
" Not bad hotel, although the cleaning service "forgot" to clean up many cigarette ash below the beds 😵. "
12 July 2017Sam' S
" Nice, cozy place, and have a good service too.. It's a great idea to stay with family. "
29 June 2017Ratih -Madow
" This hotel is realy nice, with a good facility.. but not so wide, it has alittle walking area "
25 June 2017Ridwan Nurpalahudin
" Banyak nyamuk, dan tumila, tp harganya murah "
07 June 2017Kurniadi Sandi
" Hotel dan Fasilitas Club di Manggar "
06 June 2017Puri Indah FamilyKaraoke
" hotel club & karaoke "
25 May 2017Mas Faatih
" The price is good "
09 May 2017Laurencius Foong
" The best hotel ,include restoran, swimming, and GMS mataram church "
16 April 2017Lalu Ripaal
" Nice place to stay "
29 March 2017Iefah Fudoli
" Clean & neat hotel "
17 March 2017Arianto Raynelz
" Lumayan "
26 February 2017Agung Burangrang
" Nyaman "
20 February 2017JT Sahabat Reny Farida
" 👍👍👍👍👍 Oke... but room need to be improove "
16 February 2017Vinsensius Masgo
" Nyaman dan tenang "
18 January 2017Tari Kadek
" Hotelnya bersih dan di central mataram. Dari sini mau kemanapun mudah. Ada taxi juga. Keren dan rekomen banget untuk liburan.. "
13 January 2017Indra Wigianto
" Halaman luas bersih nyaman... silakan mampir ya ke hotel puri indah rembang "
22 December 2016Gusti
" Large parking area "
18 December 2016Monica Putri Purnama Sari
" Toiletnya di kamar random..... "
21 November 2016Eka Febry Setiawan
" Dekat alfamart "
03 September 2016Hape Kece
" Great "
24 August 2016Muhamad Azis
" TFM III 21 Agustus "
20 August 2016Tisna Pratama
" Jika Anda mencari lokasi menginap yang nyaman di Mataram maka ini bisa jadi salah satu pilihan, lokasi strategis, kamar yang bagus dan tidak bising walaupun di pinggir jalan raya, fasilitas cukup lengkap, kolam renang nya layak dicoba, namun saya berikan bintang 4 karena menu sarapannya kurang variatif . Untuk harga saya merasa cukup fair karena hotel ini sudah berbenah menjadi jauh lebih baik. "
06 August 2016Harisa Laraswatie
" Tempat menginap yang cukup mudah ditemukan, bisa parkir didepan kamar menginap "
26 July 2016True Vacation Lombok T & T
" New building hotel with swimming pool "
22 July 2016Zulfikri Muharrisin
" sangat bagus "
09 June 2016Ingsun Bae
" Sip "
29 May 2016Alamsyah Hr
" Bagus dan bersih "
09 May 2016Ari Mimon
" Nyaman banget, istirahat nyaman.... "
12 January 2016Zetta Nusantara Putra
" Penginapan murah di dalam gang. Lumayan lah klo cuma perlu buat tidur... Tapi tampaknya sering juga digunakan untuk aktifitas "tidur". IYKWIM "
30 December 2015Soudin Bgt73
" Kerjo gae alfamart.. turune nok hotel puri. Jozzz "
01 October 2015Arief New
29 September 2015Delta Corp
" Lumayan nginep di sana dari malang ke rembang "
19 July 2015Maya Puspita Sari
" Hotel Puri Indah Rembang.Higenic,Comfortable and Safety place. "
27 June 2014A Google User
" Nyantai sejenak "
16 September 2013