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About Gili Kedis

Gili Kedis is located at Sekotong Barat, Central Sekotong, West Lombok Regency, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia



Item Reviews - 33

Shirley Rompis

" Small island surrounded by other islands.
Be aware of damn BIG bulu babi(sea urchins) hiding behind coral. "

19 May 2018


" this is one of the best places to get away make sure you do all 3 islands as kedes is very small but fantastic to watch the sun set. fish, starfish and a beautiful view. "

08 May 2018

Rizky Firmansyah

" A very little island. With white sand and very calm water. Suitable for kids. The transport is not expensive. There's only a little shop here, so you might want to bring your own snack. "

28 April 2018

Anna F

" Not many people who know this island. The island is very small, very remote, it so worth if you want to spend time and enjoy the peace and quiet with beautiful coral and tropical fish. You won't find anything here, but so worth to laying below the trees. "

25 April 2018

Tom Wright

" This island is so remote and quiet we were one of only 9 people of the island and the water is so clear fish not used to humans as much as nangoo but worth a short trip over "

16 April 2018

Anti Ahsanti

" The smallest island with the proper view for sunset. You'll enjoy the beautiful scenery of sunset from here. "

26 March 2018

Mark Baade

" Such a lot packed into a tiny island....a relaxing place after a lovely lunch on Gili Sudak "

20 March 2018

Shinta Puspita

" The view is superb and my guide is so nice and helpful, we would like to come back for a long longgg snorkeling "

11 March 2018

Dewani Intan Asmarani Permana

" Very very amazing place! You can see a lot of starfish, corals, and various kinds of fish!!! And its look like private island too! Perfect island to visit!!! "

23 February 2018

Rizad Sutinjo

" White sandy beach. Not too crowded. On Monday Gili Kedis was the most beautiful beach we visited. "

24 January 2018

Sigit Sambodo

" Awesome and prestine air, clear water, fishy and serenity. Slice of paradise "

07 November 2017

Eko K. Henryawan

" Romantic island... evryone will stunning for its panoramic view. "

23 October 2017

Supii Liem

" Liitle tini island in west lombok, is just awesome place "

20 October 2017

Faras Miyosi

" Intrance Rp 5000/person. Very small island (Gili), with great view of the sea and white sand. Ada berugaq yang difungsikan sebagai tempat sholat :) "

10 October 2017

Nursyamsu Rizqi

" Love this place so much, very fun doing snorkling in this area, i saw nemo there "

14 September 2017

Lorenzo Dall'Oca

" Amazing little island! Must visit "

18 August 2017


" Very small island with nothing but a swing there. But it's so relaxing "

29 July 2017

Tomas Zachar

" Nice Island. Nice snorkling. "

16 July 2017

Justin Chu

" Cute tiny island that takes literally 5-10 minutes to walk around. Cool place to chill, go for a swim, but not great for snorkeling. "

29 June 2017

Fadhilis Syakur

" private. calm. "

26 June 2017

Darwan Fabianto

" Paradise... thats it!!! "

17 May 2017

Muhammad Farhan

" Beautiful underwater view, easy to access and tranquil. "

10 April 2017

Ardani Hendarta

" The best island arround with great and beautiful fiew.. white sands, ramps slope.. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼 "

28 March 2017

Ramadhani Darmawan

" The place is still clean and beautiful "

10 February 2017

Dian Novitha

" The smallest gili but the nicest "

19 January 2017

Fransisca Mira

" Smalest island, yet one of the best, I've ever seen. Maybe only 5 minutes walk around the island. Find a lot of living starfishes here. "

11 January 2017

Chichi Rizki Nut

" Quiet place is goos for relaxing mind "

04 October 2016

Rolan Marlan

" Gili kedis,nice fof everything "

10 September 2016

Putranji Akhyar

" Nyesel kalo nggak kesini "

03 September 2016

Devit Rianto

" Spot bintang laut, pulaunya seperti Love kalo dilihat dari atas "

18 August 2016

Jayson Munnings

" All coral DEAD "

12 August 2016

Tisna Pratama

" Pulau kecil ini tidak boleh Anda lewatkan ketika berlibur ke Lombok, air yang super jernih dengan ombak kecilnya membuat Anda akan sangat menyesal jika tidak snorkling di sini. Dan jangan lupa mengabadikan perjalanan Anda ke sini dalam bentuk foto ataupun video. Sangat saya rekomendasikan ke sini. "

06 August 2016

Hendra Wiryanto

" Tempatnya asyik banget, sangat private pulau nya. Cocok buat refreshing, snorkling. Namun harus di persiapan makanan krn tdk ada yg jualan makanan maupun minuman. "

01 July 2016

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