" Pulau yg penuh dgn wisata dan budaya yg masih sangat kental.. "
24 April 2018
Christiano Unmehopa
" Pulau Saparua cukup bagus. Disinilah muka perjuangan Pahlawan Pattimura Thomas Matulessy. Disini terdapat Benteng Duurstede dan Monumen Perjuangan Pattimura "
10 March 2018
Roberta Mac
" a paradise in the middle of the ocean swimming among the fish of every shape and color is beautiful ....great food. Renting a scooter is a good way to get around "
02 March 2018
Grace Gwb22
" Pulau saparua juga tidak kalah menarik dengan pulau pulau lain di ambon.... Kalau ke ambon,maluku jangan lupa datang ke saparua ya guys... "
01 February 2018
Arie Wattimury
" Jalan pasar saparua "
26 October 2017
Suyono Kurniawan
" A very beautiful and untouched island in the eastern part of Indonesia. Worth to visit. The only thing is this place is not professionally managed yet. Need improvement in term of tourist service. You can find a very beautiful view here. "
10 September 2017
" my world and my dream "
06 June 2017
Alo Letsoin
" Thn 1817 di pulau ini muncul seorang pemuda perkasa yg bernama Thomas matulessy (alias kapital Patimura ) bersama teman2nya berperang melawan tentara Belanda. "
Charles Pupella
" Nice beach! "
24 May 2018Harpendi Wadudi
" Pulau yg penuh dgn wisata dan budaya yg masih sangat kental.. "
24 April 2018Christiano Unmehopa
" Pulau Saparua cukup bagus. Disinilah muka perjuangan Pahlawan Pattimura Thomas Matulessy. Disini terdapat Benteng Duurstede dan Monumen Perjuangan Pattimura "
10 March 2018Roberta Mac
" a paradise in the middle of the ocean swimming among the fish of every shape and color is beautiful ....great food. Renting a scooter is a good way to get around "
02 March 2018Grace Gwb22
" Pulau saparua juga tidak kalah menarik dengan pulau pulau lain di ambon.... Kalau ke ambon,maluku jangan lupa datang ke saparua ya guys... "
01 February 2018Arie Wattimury
" Jalan pasar saparua "
26 October 2017Suyono Kurniawan
" A very beautiful and untouched island in the eastern part of Indonesia. Worth to visit. The only thing is this place is not professionally managed yet. Need improvement in term of tourist service. You can find a very beautiful view here. "
10 September 2017Agnesatma
" my world and my dream "
06 June 2017Alo Letsoin
" Thn 1817 di pulau ini muncul seorang pemuda perkasa yg bernama Thomas matulessy (alias kapital Patimura ) bersama teman2nya berperang melawan tentara Belanda. "
28 February 2017