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About Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Barat

Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Barat is located at JL. POS KOTA NO.4 TELP. (021, Jakarta, Indonesia 11110. They can be contacted via phone at (021) 6904795, visit their website for more detailed information.




Kantor Imigrasi Kelas I Khusus Jakarta Barat merupakan salah satu instansi Unit Pelaksana Teknis di bawah Kantor Wilayah Kementerian Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia DKI Jakarta. Berlokasi di Jalan Pos Kota No. 4 Jakarta Barat, di wilayah tujuan wisata dan cagar budaya Kota Tua Zona 2 berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah No. 2 Tahun 1999.


Item Reviews - 21

Kurnia Kurnia

" The important thing is staff very helpful n friendly and thx lots for ur help....GOOD JOB AND I APPRECIATE UR HELP👍 "

11 May 2018


" Parahhh banyak calo, petugas juga mempersulita banget ya, yg pake calo disana dipermudah, yg datang sndr dipersulit udah antrian online disana jg nunggu 4 jam trus ujung2nya ga bisa "

30 April 2018

Kasia Głąb

" Very professional and helpful staff! Thank you! "

29 March 2018

Glen R17

" Super slow work process. Especially in the collection locket. Come on guys 2018 this is like going back to 1950 "

12 February 2018

Albert Kristian

" Passport pickup counter is a complete chaos! No queueing system..4 hours to collect the passports..queueing for picking up 2 passports respectively but it ended up getting only 1 after 3 hours and needed to wait another 1 hour to get the other 1. "

07 February 2018

Daisy Moeljono

" So crowded, long queue. But there is a 30 minutes morning education about passport process procedure. There is Question & Answer session.
Locket will be opened at 08.00.

Education is given at 07.30 - 08.00.
Formal dresscode (no shirt, no sandals, no short pant), otherwise you will not be served. "

11 January 2018

Everdineone Kambey

" Very easy, come with all document they needed to make the passport, waiting until your turn, easy n helpfull if you have completed documen "

25 October 2017

Ary Pratama

" Staff is very helpful, not as crowded as the other immigration office, but still I'm queueing on 4 AM to get the 2 number "

07 July 2017

Charles Edward

" Thx U Google Map "

24 April 2017

Galaxy Park

" Come at 6am to get entrance no around 40-50 on Monday~
Complicated Place!!!!!! "

16 March 2017

Riko Fajar

" Berikut pengalaman saya saat pengurusan paspor hilang:

1. Sampai di TKP jam 5:35.
2. Nulis manual kehadiran. Saat itu saya dapet urutan ke 29.
3. Jam 6:30 satpam bukain gerbang kantor imigrasi dan manggilin 1-1 nama yang udah ditulis tadi
4. Jam 7:25 ada petugas kantor imigrasi ngasih pemberitahuan. Intinya sih dia cuma bilang kalo persyaratan-persyaratan sih baik asli dan salinan wajib dibawa.
5. Jam 14:00 masuk wawancara. Selesai wawancara sekitar jam 14:30 dan masih disuruh nunggu buat ttd BAP.
6. Selesai jam 16:50 dan disuruh balik lagi hari Jumatnya.

Initial conclusion: kelamaan nunggu daripada prosesnya "

20 February 2017

Daniel Myers

" Very good staff!..Be polite and dress accordingly and it will streamline the process!...;) "

28 January 2017

Daniel Darmadi

" The staff very friendly & helpfull. I come back to Indonesia every year since 2009 & spent 4 to 6 months. Always very easy to extend the visa. Thank you to all the staff. Daniel Darmadi.👍👍👍. "

19 January 2017

Rio Rinaldo

" The most strategically and beautifully located immigration office. Walk-in registration (if you haven't registered online) starts at from 8am to 10am and you can also go in the afternoon. Open from 4.30pm to 7pm. "

02 September 2016

Afif Junpri

" Sangat berguna "

06 June 2016

Willyam Fleoriko Talim

" Sekarang sistem ny uda berjalan lebih baik
Bisa online dan walkinn "

16 May 2016

Susanto Wicaksono

" Mau buat paspor, antri dari jam 0530 pagi.. Buat ambil nomor antrian.. "

16 May 2016

Samuel Liputra

" Pelayanannya cepat.. Tapi butuh orang untuk memberikan informasi lagi.. Di depan "

12 May 2016

Antoni Wiguna

" Rame, harus datang subuh kalo mau bkin paspor "

18 November 2015

Nayan Aziz

" Kurang memuaskan "

29 October 2015


" You can go here to extend visa. Fast and efficient. Photocopy available on site. "

14 August 2015

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