About Jakarta–Cikampek Toll Road
Jakarta–Cikampek Toll Road is located at Jakarta, Indonesia
The Jakarta–Cikampek Toll Road opened in 1988. The highway links Jakarta with cities to its east in the province of West Java. Since 2005, this toll road also connects Bandung and Jakarta via the separate Cipularang Toll Road; the interchange to Bandung was built before the Dawuan exit. This toll road is also part of AH2. The toll road is operated by PT Jasa Marga Tbk. In June 2015, Cikampek–Palimanan Toll Road was opened, which means Jakarta and Cirebon are now connected via toll road.Exits and GatesExit In Jakarta-CikampekRest areaRest area In Jakarta–CikampekOpen system paymentSince 2 March 2011, an Open system payment has been applied in line with moved main toll gates from Pondok Gede Timur to Cikarang Utama. In the open system payment, motorists only pay at an exit gate without having to pick up the plastic ticket first due to there are only one gate at exit. The new system applied for avoiding traffic jam at Pondok Gede Timur (East Pondok Gede) entry gate before and also makes for a quicker payment. The system does create inconveniences for short travel among the gate before Cikarang Utama gate due to there are only one flat tariff for all distances.Elevated toll roadElevated toll road with aim to ease traffic in current toll road between Cikunir to West Karawang has been signed with PT Penjaminan Infrastruktur Indonesia, so risk of the project can be reduced. The elevated toll road will be 36 kilometers use existing land of toll road with 45 years concession and predicted will be operated in 2019.
Evi Nalsha
" Pernah ngalamin saldo tdk cukup. Untung ada petugas yg membantu meminjamkan dari pengendara lain "
29 May 2018Andi Adharto
" Numpang lewat aje "
02 May 2018Ivory Vhasie
" Worth to visit "
19 April 2018Rizki Fajar Bahari
" Sistem pembayaran sudah dengan e-tiket.
07 April 2018Tapi sangat disayangkan jalanannya masih banyak yg tidak rata dan macetnya parah. Mungkin karna masih ada proyek di tengah dan di samping jalan tol. Semoga lekas di perbaiki. "
Daud Beurueh
" 2017 2018 jalanan ini bikin stress "
31 March 2018Koko Soetrisno
" puenuuhh.. lebih parah dr jalan protokol "
15 March 2018Gaya 2323
" Bagus macet terus "
10 March 2018Benny Kuswoyo
" sudah pakai e-toll semua jadi lebih praktis dan cepat "
31 January 2018BARUNO EXPREST INDONESIA 2009-2017
" Good "
23 December 2017