" One of the best hotel in Masohi, not so many option here, but the staff is very helpful, tea and cookie or yellow rice in the morning. 250k per night, just a stone throw from Julia resto and atm. "
08 August 2019
Megytetra Fauzan Arnold
" New building, pretty neat, had a stolen phone incident "
18 November 2018
Reezar Sumbaymider
" Near govermental offices complex. Affordable room with cool AC. Blue shower knob for warm water, red for cool water. Breakfast menu only sponge cake + hot tea every morning. But with only IDR 250k per night, what more could you possibly ask for. "
11 November 2018
Marhatmadi Purwanto
" Its rather a 2 star hotel because hot water shower only available at VIP rooms only. "
05 October 2018
Harri Aja
" Clean, quite.
There has 3 level and cheap.
Easy to find from Amahai port only 20mnt less or more.
Use Ojek around 10-15 thousand IDR
Oto or angkot 10thousand IDR
Use "taxi" rental car arround 100k IDR / car.
No real breakfast only slice of bread and tea.
No bathtubs, shower only but position to low
Close from Ina Marina Beach arround 5-10mnt walking.
TV cable, AC, warm water.
Overall enough for me. "
27 July 2018
Rini Suryantini
" Decent stay at Masohi, quite new, walking distance to ferry harbour, market, atms, caffe and eating places, affordable, friendly service and relative clean. Hot water is available for shower, but the switch can be bit in unusual order. Be prepared for alternative breakfast since they do not cook it themselves. Overall one of favorite hotel in Masohi. "
26 July 2018
Urza Rumpoko
" Penginapan ada di pinggir jalan utama. Cukup bagus lah untuk sekedar istirahat dan baring badan. Menu sarapan biasanya hanya nasi kuning / roti dan teh manis. WiFi hanya ada di lobi depan. Tarif relatif murah. "
27 May 2018
Wawan Zoel
" Letak Strategis, mudah ditemukan, dekat Jalan Utama.
Dekat dengan Rumah Makan, Warung Makan dan ATM.
Tersedia mobil rental disamping Hotel. "
03 May 2018
Alfian Massagony
" Pelayanan petugas hotel yang tidak ramah, no wifi, kamar jarang dibersihkan, bahkan sekedar air panas untuk membuat kopi saja tidak ada. "
26 March 2018
" Nice and clean hotel "
21 February 2018
Bambang Budiharso
" Salah satu hotel terbaik di kabupaten Masohi Maluku Utara. Lokasinya berdekatan dengan kompleks kantor pemerintahan. Dekat juga dengan pasar dan juga terminal. Kamar tersedia untuk double bed dan twin. Setiap pagi ada jatah sarapan roti dan teh hangat. Disamping hotel ada pangkalan taksi yang siap mengantar kita keliling Masohi. "
13 January 2018
Djar Woko
" Hotel bersih, cuma karena seperti hotel baru jadinya beberapa fasilitas tdk sesuai. Sinyal tv jarang ada. "
28 November 2017
Img Adi
" Tempat menginap yg strategis, luas kamarnya, luas pemandangannya menghadap kepelabuhan di teluk. Mantap . "
25 November 2017
Adiangkasa ,
" Hotelnya masih baru dan pemandangannya ke Teluk di sore hari luar biasa. "
25 November 2017
Sukur Basuki
" good enaugh hotel at masohi city "
16 October 2017
Nyoman Parsana
" Pelayanan dibawah standar. But not choice "
06 September 2017
Bisma Salimudin
" Nyaman sesuai level nya "
16 August 2017
Iwan Tetanel
" Kamar luas, dekat perkantoran.hanya saja seprei jarang diganti. Bersihkan kamar hanya melipat selimut dan membuang sampah. "
20 July 2017
Mangun DINUL
" Karenahanya satu hotel di onemay "
14 June 2017
Hastiany St
" Tidak ada eskalator, terlalu banyak aturan, tamu maks2 orang sekamar, bawa teman lagi kena cash "
28 May 2017
M Agphin Ramadhan
" Hotel yang bersih, cukup murah, lokasi strategis, di depannya ada beberapa rumah makan. AC dingin, wifi oke, pelayanan baik. Kasurnya yg kurang lebar. But sipp lah.. Maju terus kabupaten maluku tengah, khususnya Masohi. "
25 May 2017
Ainov Arif Irfan
" Ini sih bukan hotel, tapi lebih tepatnya wisma.. "
Firman Rismara
" The best hotel in town "
14 September 2019Hasan Hasan
" One of the best hotel in Masohi, not so many option here, but the staff is very helpful, tea and cookie or yellow rice in the morning. 250k per night, just a stone throw from Julia resto and atm. "
08 August 2019Megytetra Fauzan Arnold
" New building, pretty neat, had a stolen phone incident "
18 November 2018Reezar Sumbaymider
" Near govermental offices complex. Affordable room with cool AC. Blue shower knob for warm water, red for cool water. Breakfast menu only sponge cake + hot tea every morning. But with only IDR 250k per night, what more could you possibly ask for. "
11 November 2018Marhatmadi Purwanto
" Its rather a 2 star hotel because hot water shower only available at VIP rooms only. "
05 October 2018Harri Aja
" Clean, quite.
27 July 2018There has 3 level and cheap.
Easy to find from Amahai port only 20mnt less or more.
Use Ojek around 10-15 thousand IDR
Oto or angkot 10thousand IDR
Use "taxi" rental car arround 100k IDR / car.
No real breakfast only slice of bread and tea.
No bathtubs, shower only but position to low
Close from Ina Marina Beach arround 5-10mnt walking.
TV cable, AC, warm water.
Overall enough for me. "
Rini Suryantini
" Decent stay at Masohi, quite new, walking distance to ferry harbour, market, atms, caffe and eating places, affordable, friendly service and relative clean. Hot water is available for shower, but the switch can be bit in unusual order. Be prepared for alternative breakfast since they do not cook it themselves. Overall one of favorite hotel in Masohi. "
26 July 2018Urza Rumpoko
" Penginapan ada di pinggir jalan utama. Cukup bagus lah untuk sekedar istirahat dan baring badan. Menu sarapan biasanya hanya nasi kuning / roti dan teh manis. WiFi hanya ada di lobi depan. Tarif relatif murah. "
27 May 2018Wawan Zoel
" Letak Strategis, mudah ditemukan, dekat Jalan Utama.
03 May 2018Dekat dengan Rumah Makan, Warung Makan dan ATM.
Tersedia mobil rental disamping Hotel. "
Alfian Massagony
" Pelayanan petugas hotel yang tidak ramah, no wifi, kamar jarang dibersihkan, bahkan sekedar air panas untuk membuat kopi saja tidak ada. "
" Nice and clean hotel "
21 February 2018Bambang Budiharso
" Salah satu hotel terbaik di kabupaten Masohi Maluku Utara. Lokasinya berdekatan dengan kompleks kantor pemerintahan. Dekat juga dengan pasar dan juga terminal. Kamar tersedia untuk double bed dan twin. Setiap pagi ada jatah sarapan roti dan teh hangat. Disamping hotel ada pangkalan taksi yang siap mengantar kita keliling Masohi. "
13 January 2018Djar Woko
" Hotel bersih, cuma karena seperti hotel baru jadinya beberapa fasilitas tdk sesuai. Sinyal tv jarang ada. "
28 November 2017Img Adi
" Tempat menginap yg strategis, luas kamarnya, luas pemandangannya menghadap kepelabuhan di teluk. Mantap . "
25 November 2017Adiangkasa ,
" Hotelnya masih baru dan pemandangannya ke Teluk di sore hari luar biasa. "
25 November 2017Sukur Basuki
" good enaugh hotel at masohi city "
16 October 2017Nyoman Parsana
" Pelayanan dibawah standar. But not choice "
06 September 2017Bisma Salimudin
" Nyaman sesuai level nya "
16 August 2017Iwan Tetanel
" Kamar luas, dekat perkantoran.hanya saja seprei jarang diganti. Bersihkan kamar hanya melipat selimut dan membuang sampah. "
20 July 2017Mangun DINUL
" Karenahanya satu hotel di onemay "
14 June 2017Hastiany St
" Tidak ada eskalator, terlalu banyak aturan, tamu maks2 orang sekamar, bawa teman lagi kena cash "
28 May 2017M Agphin Ramadhan
" Hotel yang bersih, cukup murah, lokasi strategis, di depannya ada beberapa rumah makan. AC dingin, wifi oke, pelayanan baik. Kasurnya yg kurang lebar. But sipp lah.. Maju terus kabupaten maluku tengah, khususnya Masohi. "
25 May 2017Ainov Arif Irfan
" Ini sih bukan hotel, tapi lebih tepatnya wisma.. "
19 May 2017Anak Rantau
" Its cheap. "
27 April 2017