" This is one of the first shopping center in Ambon, established since 1996/1997..In that time, this place was very popular but nowadays, it became the last choice of mall you want to visit..This mall has stores that sell clothes, shoes, accesories, cell phone,etc..It has supermarket, barbershop, cinema, retail store(Matahari),fast food resto (KFC), food court and tailor also..Sorry to say, but i found nothing special about this place..It has to rebuild or has some major renovation i guess..But since it located in the center of the city,near Merdeka Field, Gong Perdamaian, so, it could be a short escape.. Near this mall, you can find hotels and at night there are many local food in front of the mall, like food festival..In the other street, you can find live music performed by local artists with talented voice.. "
31 March 2018
M. Nursholiqin
" When I lived in Ambon I when here just to watched movies to the cinema, Studio 21 theatre at that time. This was an old mall in Ambon City. "
10 March 2018
Ardianto S. Wijaya
" some of the stuff I buy, there are quite expensive but Unfortunately the quality is very disappointing. I suggest you to compare with the other stores before you decide to buy it, I hope you will get more of goods with good quality "
28 February 2018
Douglas Koster
" Shop-in-shop concept and a MataHari department store. Shop for local perfumes and batik and (fake) Nikes "
27 February 2018
Iyus Sopandi
" Good place to buy daily food.
Tapi Semenjak ada aplikasi ovo, jujur saja bnyak pembeli kesal karena antri dan ga jadi belanja sampai ditinggalkan belanjaannya gara gara ada yg transaksi pakai ovo. Saya pun demikian terganggu, bukan buruk aplikasinya hanya perlu pembenahan saja. "
19 January 2018
Falantino Eryk
" Not far from the central point of Ambon but not clean at all. "
25 December 2017
Oka Mahendra
" A shopping center for various handphone and gadget. There are also dept store and some fashion store around complex "
14 December 2017
Jurnie Darakay
" Favorite destination for shopping in Ambon, although the AC is sometimes not working "
29 November 2017
Putri Widyarti Kendria
" Outdated shopping center. The escalators and air conditioners are out of order, not very clean, and lack of maintenance. "
26 November 2017
Nursida Yaru
" Mall pertama di Ambon. Ada supermarket, KFC, Matahari, dan hampir kebanyakan toko menjual pakaian. "
18 October 2017
Wilber Purwanto
" It was a good mall before 98 crisis, that good era has ended this mall became traditional market like "
11 October 2017
Alex Munandar
" Good place for shopping "
09 October 2017
Jully Pattiwael
" Senior members "
22 September 2017
Kristian Sarles Hasugian
" Good for shopping "
28 June 2017
Catur Si
" Untuk bangunan dinmasa nya, mungkin oke.
Namun dengan pwrkembangan jaman sekarang,
Terlihat bangunan sudah ketinggalan jaman. "
27 June 2017
M Saleh Afif
" buat pengelola, mohon area parkir diperbaiki untuk kenyamanan pengunjung. lantai 3 juga sayang sekali tidak dikelola dengan baik, padahal dari lantai 3 pemandangan indah bisa nampak jelas. "
" Walaupun kumuh (bukan seperti mall modrn) banyak barang yg dapat kau temukan "
17 April 2017
Galih Jati
" Yes...ok "
28 February 2017
Verawaty Waliulu
" Krna bagus n tdk ribet cari barang yg kita mau "
23 February 2017
Shaggy Sigit Sarwanto
" Pasar lama butuh renovasi total "
14 January 2017
Zulfikar Maluku
" Akses k amplas gampang trus dekat dgn pertokoan & pasar tradisional "
05 January 2017
Wesrizal Wesrizal
" Mall tua dengan lokasi strategis "
11 December 2016
Yanssen Herlambang
" Klo mau wisata kuliner seafoood dr ikan sampai cumi cumi bakar...datang aja ke jalan sam ratulangi Ambon Plaza...klo malam aepanjang jalan banyak klo siang tdk ada...tapi ada gang sebelah kiri Ambon plaza jl.Fully dari pagi sampai malam bisa makan ikan cumi bakar harga murah Idr 30.000an/porsi update 14 Juli 2016 ya "
14 July 2016
Sesye Lilihata
" Di Ambon Plaza itu bau...tokonya gak teratur terus bioskopnya cuma 1 trus...amazone nya juga udah gak higenis pelatan bermainnya...trus cuma ada resto kfc sama warung...trus di smping Ambon plaza itu banyak sampah.. "
Muhamad Arifin Sangadji
" Its still good but not much change in there "
22 April 2018Debora Widiansa Making
" This is one of the first shopping center in Ambon, established since 1996/1997..In that time, this place was very popular but nowadays, it became the last choice of mall you want to visit..This mall has stores that sell clothes, shoes, accesories, cell phone,etc..It has supermarket, barbershop, cinema, retail store(Matahari),fast food resto (KFC), food court and tailor also..Sorry to say, but i found nothing special about this place..It has to rebuild or has some major renovation i guess..But since it located in the center of the city,near Merdeka Field, Gong Perdamaian, so, it could be a short escape.. Near this mall, you can find hotels and at night there are many local food in front of the mall, like food festival..In the other street, you can find live music performed by local artists with talented voice.. "
31 March 2018M. Nursholiqin
" When I lived in Ambon I when here just to watched movies to the cinema, Studio 21 theatre at that time. This was an old mall in Ambon City. "
10 March 2018Ardianto S. Wijaya
" some of the stuff I buy, there are quite expensive but Unfortunately the quality is very disappointing. I suggest you to compare with the other stores before you decide to buy it, I hope you will get more of goods with good quality "
28 February 2018Douglas Koster
" Shop-in-shop concept and a MataHari department store. Shop for local perfumes and batik and (fake) Nikes "
27 February 2018Iyus Sopandi
" Good place to buy daily food.
19 January 2018Tapi Semenjak ada aplikasi ovo, jujur saja bnyak pembeli kesal karena antri dan ga jadi belanja sampai ditinggalkan belanjaannya gara gara ada yg transaksi pakai ovo. Saya pun demikian terganggu, bukan buruk aplikasinya hanya perlu pembenahan saja. "
Falantino Eryk
" Not far from the central point of Ambon but not clean at all. "
25 December 2017Oka Mahendra
" A shopping center for various handphone and gadget. There are also dept store and some fashion store around complex "
14 December 2017Jurnie Darakay
" Favorite destination for shopping in Ambon, although the AC is sometimes not working "
29 November 2017Putri Widyarti Kendria
" Outdated shopping center. The escalators and air conditioners are out of order, not very clean, and lack of maintenance. "
26 November 2017Nursida Yaru
" Mall pertama di Ambon. Ada supermarket, KFC, Matahari, dan hampir kebanyakan toko menjual pakaian. "
18 October 2017Wilber Purwanto
" It was a good mall before 98 crisis, that good era has ended this mall became traditional market like "
11 October 2017Alex Munandar
" Good place for shopping "
09 October 2017Jully Pattiwael
" Senior members "
22 September 2017Kristian Sarles Hasugian
" Good for shopping "
28 June 2017Catur Si
" Untuk bangunan dinmasa nya, mungkin oke.
27 June 2017Namun dengan pwrkembangan jaman sekarang,
Terlihat bangunan sudah ketinggalan jaman. "
M Saleh Afif
" buat pengelola, mohon area parkir diperbaiki untuk kenyamanan pengunjung. lantai 3 juga sayang sekali tidak dikelola dengan baik, padahal dari lantai 3 pemandangan indah bisa nampak jelas. "
01 June 2017Sulaiman Dudalola
" Barang"ny sngt Bagus, pelayanany jg Ramah tamah, harga standard, trima ksih.... "
31 May 2017Muhammad Isra
" Good "
22 May 2017Pieter Lase
" Walaupun kumuh (bukan seperti mall modrn) banyak barang yg dapat kau temukan "
17 April 2017Galih Jati
" Yes...ok "
28 February 2017Verawaty Waliulu
" Krna bagus n tdk ribet cari barang yg kita mau "
23 February 2017Shaggy Sigit Sarwanto
" Pasar lama butuh renovasi total "
14 January 2017Zulfikar Maluku
" Akses k amplas gampang trus dekat dgn pertokoan & pasar tradisional "
05 January 2017Wesrizal Wesrizal
" Mall tua dengan lokasi strategis "
11 December 2016Yanssen Herlambang
" Klo mau wisata kuliner seafoood dr ikan sampai cumi cumi bakar...datang aja ke jalan sam ratulangi Ambon Plaza...klo malam aepanjang jalan banyak klo siang tdk ada...tapi ada gang sebelah kiri Ambon plaza jl.Fully dari pagi sampai malam bisa makan ikan cumi bakar harga murah Idr 30.000an/porsi update 14 Juli 2016 ya "
14 July 2016Sesye Lilihata
" Di Ambon Plaza itu bau...tokonya gak teratur terus bioskopnya cuma 1 trus...amazone nya juga udah gak higenis pelatan bermainnya...trus cuma ada resto kfc sama warung...trus di smping Ambon plaza itu banyak sampah.. "
27 February 2016