" it such a good place and also ghere is beach near there. but the weather is s hot. "
28 December 2017
Aufa Sidix
" nice place to learn the history of saparua island when under portugise colonialism "
24 December 2017
Oka Mahendra
" Historical Spot when the colonial VOC era reach its peak. This is a remnant story of glorious spices of Moluccas (Saparua) that make more pain and sorrow than prosperity to the local Saparuan people. Once there was a rebellion led by Kapitan Pattimura against the ruler that successfully overtook the fort. "
08 September 2017
MEZ Suyuthi
" Benteng tempat kapitan Pattimura mengukir sejarah kepahlawanan "
14 July 2017
Mezly Taihuttu
" Tempat bersejarah "
29 May 2017
Yudianto Joga
" A historical place at Saparua.
There is a sign that all the history writen on it.
Good view especially at sunset
Good maintenance for this place "
20 May 2017
Andreas Muljadi
" The historical building of Dutch cruelity to Indonesian. "
27 April 2017
Anak Rantau
" The best Fort i've ever visited. Its large as Rotterdam makassar. And its building still the original one..
Hanya saja to reach this place we use boat for 1-2 hours from Ambon. "
12 April 2017
Vencephilips Takaria
" Benteng Durstede
Adalah kebanggaan anak cucu
Saparua. "
Wilen Ovilia
" it such a good place and also ghere is beach near there. but the weather is s hot. "
28 December 2017Aufa Sidix
" nice place to learn the history of saparua island when under portugise colonialism "
24 December 2017Oka Mahendra
" Historical Spot when the colonial VOC era reach its peak. This is a remnant story of glorious spices of Moluccas (Saparua) that make more pain and sorrow than prosperity to the local Saparuan people. Once there was a rebellion led by Kapitan Pattimura against the ruler that successfully overtook the fort. "
08 September 2017MEZ Suyuthi
" Benteng tempat kapitan Pattimura mengukir sejarah kepahlawanan "
14 July 2017Mezly Taihuttu
" Tempat bersejarah "
29 May 2017Yudianto Joga
" A historical place at Saparua.
20 May 2017There is a sign that all the history writen on it.
Good view especially at sunset
Good maintenance for this place "
Andreas Muljadi
" The historical building of Dutch cruelity to Indonesian. "
27 April 2017Anak Rantau
" The best Fort i've ever visited. Its large as Rotterdam makassar. And its building still the original one..
12 April 2017Hanya saja to reach this place we use boat for 1-2 hours from Ambon. "
Vencephilips Takaria
" Benteng Durstede
06 January 2017Adalah kebanggaan anak cucu
Saparua. "
Fandri Gren
" Cinta kita berdua😊 "
30 December 2016Heljon Sloan
" Tempat Bersejarah dari Negeri Saparua "
29 October 2016Ian Sitanala
" An historical place "
28 September 2016Juwan Syah
" Terawat, pemandangan indah "
04 September 2016