Laboratorium Klinik Agung Amanah
About Laboratorium Klinik Agung Amanah
Laboratorium Klinik Agung Amanah is located at Marikurubu, Central Ternate, Ternate City, North Maluku, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 921 3124958 for more detailed information.
Yunia Damayanti
" Klinik terdekat langganan keluarga. Dokternya baik dan ramah dalam pelayanan. Walaupun kliniknya tidak begitu besar, namun klinik ini cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat kawasan Citarik dan sekitarnya.
03 May 2018Dokter Agung nya biasanya hanya ada sampai dhuhur. Setelah dhuhur sampai sore, diganti oleh asistennya. "
Gumelar Jaya
" Dokternya ramah, menanganinya cepat, tempatnya bersih. Cocok semua kalo berobat di klinik dokter agung. 👍👍👍 "
22 April 2018Kemal Ananta
" good "
12 October 2016Zaid Zariski
" Is there another phone number in the hub? I live in petobo. Mw to the dentist. But I didn't go to my phone number but nobody answered. Urgent .. Pliss reply soon. This is a toothache "
28 May 2016Lukas Palintong
" At present my family and I are registered as BPJS participants at this clinic. Very fast and friendly service. The atmosphere is like at home, not like a hospital atmosphere. "
25 May 2016Ryzqa Zainal Arifin
" Agung Clinic is the first inpatient clinic in Central Sulawesi. With complete facilities ranging from emergency units, general poly, dental clinic, delivery rooms, laboratories and pharmacies. "
21 October 2015