About Timezone Mal Kartini
Timezone Mal Kartini is located at Mall Kartini 4th Floor, JL. RA Kartini, No. 49, Tanjung Karang, Palapa, Tj. Karang Pusat, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35118, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 721 269888 for more detailed information.
Dove 82
" I love this mall its offering all things i need n quality clotges products "
29 May 2018Wahyu Wardana
" Although this old Mall, but never lost visitors because of the characteristics and tenants in it. Now more complete with the presence of XXI Premier, make watching movies more exciting. Located right in the heart of Bandar Lampung it's great to spend a weekend at this place. "
17 May 2018Yulius Wijaya
" We could find many storea here that sell clothes, accessories, handphone,shoes. On the third floor we could watch movies at the cinema. The place is comfortable enough for shopping and of course eating when we are hungry. "
05 April 2018Sanriomi Sintaro
" Good place if you don't like a "really crowded" Mall. "
30 March 2018Detta Charylia
" I went here because of the Bioskop XXI. The animation only in here. The Bioskop XXI at the top floor. Need to go with escalator. Most of the things here is on discount. So many big discount. Reach 20% to 70% discount. Cheaper than other Mall. And Miniso also opened here. One stop shopping centre. If you have the centre point member card, they will give you more discount. But 1 thing that I really hate bout this Mall is the parking lot. I reach the top floor parking lot, but it's full. So sad... need to go down and searching again. "
05 March 2018Dessy Christian
" CNY season but the backsong of the Mall is arabic songs. Just lil funny "
20 February 2018Hizkia Genta Genta
" Tempat yg asik untuk bermain bersama teman dan keluarga,jarang ada permainan yg rusak,tetapi lumayan harga credit untuk memainkan game tembak tembakan bersama teman ataupun keluarga. "
08 February 2018Febrianto Kustiadi
" I love to shopping at Center Poin in Mall Kartini.
06 January 2018And now, u can watching cinema at XXI premiere..
It's fun places for family "
BlueGoose Photo
" Older mall but with affordable prices. Super Indo is a good store for shopping too. I would change the checkout process in the mall so one doesn't need to run around from desk to desk to pick up purchases. "
28 November 2017Octa The_Marcikk
" Nice places to shopping .... Many shop here... Super indo market very helpful me... Coz, I can eat fresh food here... So clean... Very yummy.. "
18 November 2017Charles Andresen
" Crowded product in department store but a nice assortment of product. Running around to different checkout areas is a negative. Need a central checkout. "
10 November 2017Jamiel Keren
" you can spand your tine here with your friends "
04 November 2017Arfinda Rahma
" If ur looking for handphone come here hehe... "
04 November 2017Green Earth
" Nice mal, i can find photo booth here 4th floor. Not too busy. "
20 October 2017Masayu Dhieyan
" Tempat bolos hahahaha "
09 October 2017Christin Angelina
" Have many good choices of dress n cloth. Especially for women. "
21 July 2017Fajar Kurniasih
" The location is strategic and the shops often give many discount. "
05 July 2017Hesti Setyawati
" Love the place, crowded on the weekend, but cheap high end product for local people "
" Good place for fashion shopping, mobile phone center and culinary. "
29 June 2017Ridho Try Syahpitra
" Inget masa sekolah aja "
08 June 2017Jeny Serhan
" Kurang lengkap, banyak yg rusak "
06 May 2017H Hadi Susanto
" A suitable place to buy mobile phones and clothing. Many coffee Shop, needs to be visited when to Lampung. "
08 April 2017Muhammad Firmansyah
" Ny jop "
29 March 2017Budiman BJ Al Bantani
" vinuslampung.blogspot.co.id "
23 March 2017Eastern Samudra
" Salah satu mall di bandar lampung tempat jual belihandphone "
07 March 2017Enny Simanjorang
" Lumayan lengkap permainannya dan harganya murah dibanding dengan Timezone di Mal Bumi Kedaton. "
12 February 2017Enny Simanjorang
" Still enjoy this mall for shopping, but not for hang out w/ friends. "
12 February 2017Hasan Ansyori
" good place to look for smartphone,, good foodcourt and theres the best billiard place in bandar lampung "
19 January 2017Arief Rahman
" Good place for buying handphones and gadgets "
14 January 2017Boedix83
" Good. "
04 November 2016Ryan Prakasa
" Lumayan "
14 October 2016Dika Apriyanto
" Arena bermain anak-anak, recomended Untuk dikunjungi "
02 October 2016Aris Asrori
" Good place to do department store shopping. Reasonable price. You can find anything about cellphones too "
07 September 2016Robbi Kurniawan
" Good place with friends "
15 July 2016Bambang Suwarsono
" Waw...luar biasa "
09 April 2016Irawan Syah
" Top "
04 March 2016James Adhitthana
" The arcade does not have enough games, it is very small!! "
08 February 2016James Adhitthana
" It is an average mall with nothing special really in it. Recommended way to go to this mall is by walking, the parking sucks and the location is crowded. "
08 February 2016Deddy Irwan Setiawan
" There are any some place that will make you happy. "
01 January 2016Abed Kurniawan
" Bermain game dengan harga 1000/play* dari senin-jumat jam 10.00 s/d 16.00 hanya ada di TIMEZONE "
04 August 2015Mendi Saka
" ga terlalu rame "
21 July 2015Okta Katrina
" Lumayan ramee euy "
14 July 2013Kana Ayu
" Shoppng agan hehehe "
07 May 2013