About Telukbetung Central Mosque
Telukbetung Central Mosque is a mosque, located at Jl. P. Diponegoro, Gulak Galik, Tlk. Betung Utara, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35212, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 852-6820-7999, visit their website bulletinbijak.blogspot.com for more detailed information.
Antanyz Arc
" One of the largest mosque in city. Al furqan is a mosque that also have an auditorium that become a place for wedding and other occassion. The mosque located in the center of teluk betung area. With a big tower that quite easy to be seen. Large parking area and the water that always available. Obe of the choice for traveler to get some prayer and a little rest. Something that bothering is here, so many beggar which laying here and there to bothering people. I came in friday. The place usually crowded and full. But even if it full, i always get a nice place yo pray. Some chair and attention voard is placed in a not proper place. But afterall for a big mosque this place is good. People who want to find a big mosque to feel teluk betung fresh air are recommended to visit this place. "
09 March 2018Akhmed Fither Boy Indonesian
" Best mosque and night beautiful "
20 February 2018Keluarga Pelancong
" Big mosque with unique architecture. Very big parking lot. Main prayer on the upper ground. Many food vendor around the mosque at night. "
15 January 2018Dhani Sugiharto
" Great "
12 November 2017Green Earth
" It's a big mosque in the city. So close to the government office building. Space for parking lot help you a lot. "
20 October 2017Iqbal Muhammad
" Very nice view "
09 September 2017Ali Akbarul Falah
" Good view "
13 August 2017Made Kade
" Play ground on weekend night "
03 June 2017Si Entong
" Masjid Agung Bandar Lampung, ad fasilitas tuk resepsi pernikahan atau pertemuan lainnya. Klo malem sekitar masjid banyak yg pada nongkrong tuk menikmati keindahannya "
22 May 2017Sufi Elmishry
" Ok "
22 May 2017Dwi Retno Mulyaningrum
" Grand mosque in Bandar Lampung city, in front of city hall. "
25 March 2017Imelda Billitonia
" Icon religi di bandar lampung. Tempatnya bersih, nyaman dan luas. "
19 March 2017Evi Indrawanto
" Masjid bersejarah, hingga saat ini dianggap terbesar di Bandar Lampung. Dibangun di atas tanah yang diwafkan oleh Presiden Soekarno. Mulai dibangun tahun 1961 "
13 March 2017Yadi Fakhruzein TJ
" Bersih dan nyaman "
10 March 2017MPU UAN
" Salah satu landmark kota Bandarlampung, Masjidnya bersih, sejuk, nyaman. Selamat beribadah "
06 January 2017Danu Danu01
" Beler "
04 January 2017Ridho Try Syahpitra
" Icon wisata religi bandar lampung "
25 December 2016Satria Wijaya
" Wisata religi sekalian nongkrong "
19 December 2016Kenzhie7
" There are nice relief in front of Masjid Al-Furqon "
14 November 2016Yuzzie Maharto
" Okay "
31 October 2016Endra Jaya Putera
" Pray to Allah "
07 October 2016M Robby Fir Amzi
" Untuk ukuran masjid agung terkesan kurang terurus. "
31 August 2016Koko Ayah Zahra
" Katanya sih ini masjid terbesar di lampung,tapi belum pernah masuk kesini "
20 August 2016Ridwan Fajar
" Tempat ibadah yang nyaman dan indah "
11 August 2016Andry Fahrial
" Masjid terbesar di bandar lampung "
28 July 2016Hendra Effendy
" belum pernah solat disini "
25 July 2016Sofiya Irzandach
" Best Place in Town,Thanks Allah,i 've been here.. "
15 July 2016Toha Saleh
" Masjid yg unik dan megah... terlihat ciri khas bangunan daerah Lampung "
14 July 2016Bambang Eko Nugroho
" Potentially be the great mosque in Bandar Lampung, yet the committee must pay more attention in the cleanliness aspect to maintain the comfort of the jamaah praying in the mosque. "
01 June 2016Ernawaty Purba
" bagus "
08 January 2016Guntur Putra
" Jelek "
03 January 2016Imron Hamzah
" Keren "
27 October 2015