About Mal Lampung
Mal Lampung is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35142, Indonesia. Visit their website ramayana.co.id for more detailed information.
Mal Lampung is a shopping mall, located at Jl. Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam, Rajabasa, Kota Bandar Lampung, Lampung 35142, Indonesia. Visit their website ramayana.co.id for more detailed information.
Galang Prakarsa
" Tempatnya nyaman dan fasilitasnya lengkap, serta harga yang ditawarkan cukup menarik, parkir luas dan akses mudah. "
06 June 2018Qodri Febrian
" Ok "
16 May 2018Rofi Oktriyani Shofa
" So far so good "
14 April 2018Agus Cahyo
" Very nice n perfect... "
12 April 2018Reynal Dianto
" Cheap stuff... sale all the time "
25 March 2018Ila Ilo
" Ok "
25 March 2018Reni Tri.septiana
" Ramee "
29 December 2017Lasto Desmedio
" Good place to hangout, shop, and eat "
08 December 2017Humairo Siregar
" low budget, nice "
25 November 2017Zulius Alfandi
" Good for family shopping "
03 September 2017Sanriomi Sintaro
" Just another regular shoping place "
29 August 2017Hesti Setyawati
" Low budget mall, standard product available "
" Cheap price options and varie items sold "
29 June 2017Dimas Arif
" There's good enough for shopping with our simple style. "
17 June 2017Seriana Putri
" Berisik oleh teriakan dari shop attendants Ramayana yang sibuk promo. "
03 June 2017Effendi S Sofwan
" Good palace on near Rajabasa Bandar Lampung as alternate for shopping "
02 June 2017Daor Syafi'i
" So far so god. "
30 April 2017Muhammad Bisri
" Ramayana robinson "
01 March 2017Vincentius Rinaldo Nainggolan
" Nice! "
01 February 2017Ayu Rizky
" Mall lampung ramayana robinson "
01 January 2017Barto Jorang
" Lokasi dekat dengan terminal, cukup sulit untuk menjelajah karena sedikit petunjuk di dalam mall. Sedikit pilihan untuk makan. "
25 December 2016Ayu Triana
" Good place "
14 December 2016Novaria Yuasa
" Good "
03 October 2016Markus Deni
" Good place for shopping "
20 July 2016Shella Wulandari
" Oke "
02 September 2015