" Satu2nya tempat penyebrangan kapal laut yang menghubungkan antara pulau jawa dan sumatra. Tempat ini sangat terawat dengan baik dan dengan pelayanan yang memuaskan. Saya suka itu "
02 February 2017
Tri Wibowo
" OK "
11 January 2017
Davit Kurniawan
" Informasi tentang Ketersediaan kapal, kemampuan kapal dlm menampung jumlah kendaraan tidak tersistematis. "
25 December 2016
Ham Cunkruxs
" Beberapa kali lewat sini, antrinya sering panjang.... "
23 October 2016
Oktri Yusroh
" The only way to get / off Java Island if you're using land transportation.
Careful of your belongings. "
23 August 2016
Rizky Amalia
" I like the place, the frequency of the ship is high so you don't need to wait long "
19 August 2016
" Transport from and to the sea port is terrible, bus only (theres also train but not sure how it is), took me f5ve hours for 200km trip (!!), how can you grow the economy if your public wheels are so slow?? Dont go with public transport to this port, or kikk yourself 😧 "
30 July 2016
SHFL Sumi Hiu
" Tertib bersih "
26 July 2016
Fiky Firmansyah
" As ASDP system is not pretty clear, you may find yourself a confusion taking ship here "
23 July 2016
Mochamad Soleh
" No clear indication of route to port, no direction from Port personnel to improve waiting time "
21 July 2016
Agung Kurniawan
" Bisa lihat laut "
19 July 2016
Jaenudin Saja
" Untuk lebaran ini saya kasih bintang 5. Hari ini saya mudik dgn angkutan. Bawaan saya lumayan. Diangkut sama pramuka. Diarahkan ke bus Damri kalo yg bawa balita/lansia. Terimakasih #pramukabakauheni "
04 July 2016
Arief Rachman Ashar
" Main harbor bridging Sumatra and Java. For such important harbor, it need more maintenance. "
Haryo Pangestu
" My is favourite place from seaport "
19 June 2017Hari Suantho
" Enak kalu mau naek kapal ga antri "
08 February 2017Indra Yanto
" Berangkat nyebrang "
04 February 2017Agus Aconk
" Satu2nya tempat penyebrangan kapal laut yang menghubungkan antara pulau jawa dan sumatra. Tempat ini sangat terawat dengan baik dan dengan pelayanan yang memuaskan. Saya suka itu "
02 February 2017Tri Wibowo
" OK "
11 January 2017Davit Kurniawan
" Informasi tentang Ketersediaan kapal, kemampuan kapal dlm menampung jumlah kendaraan tidak tersistematis. "
25 December 2016Ham Cunkruxs
" Beberapa kali lewat sini, antrinya sering panjang.... "
23 October 2016Oktri Yusroh
" The only way to get / off Java Island if you're using land transportation.
23 August 2016Careful of your belongings. "
Rizky Amalia
" I like the place, the frequency of the ship is high so you don't need to wait long "
19 August 2016JM
" Transport from and to the sea port is terrible, bus only (theres also train but not sure how it is), took me f5ve hours for 200km trip (!!), how can you grow the economy if your public wheels are so slow?? Dont go with public transport to this port, or kikk yourself 😧 "
30 July 2016SHFL Sumi Hiu
" Tertib bersih "
26 July 2016Fiky Firmansyah
" As ASDP system is not pretty clear, you may find yourself a confusion taking ship here "
23 July 2016Mochamad Soleh
" No clear indication of route to port, no direction from Port personnel to improve waiting time "
21 July 2016Agung Kurniawan
" Bisa lihat laut "
19 July 2016Jaenudin Saja
" Untuk lebaran ini saya kasih bintang 5. Hari ini saya mudik dgn angkutan. Bawaan saya lumayan. Diangkut sama pramuka. Diarahkan ke bus Damri kalo yg bawa balita/lansia. Terimakasih #pramukabakauheni "
04 July 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" Main harbor bridging Sumatra and Java. For such important harbor, it need more maintenance. "
03 November 2015