About Woodlands Town Garden
Woodlands Town Garden is a park, located at Woodlands Centre Road, Singapore 738930. Visit their website www.nparks.gov.sg for more detailed information.
Woodlands Town Garden is a park, located at Woodlands Centre Road, Singapore 738930. Visit their website www.nparks.gov.sg for more detailed information.
Low Hong Liang
" Now that it is revamped with a small restaurant and cleaner and better facilities, it is a good place to hang out with your family on the weekend, or to go there to enjoy nature. "
20 May 2018Tengku Abdullah
" Recently upgraded with new facilities and added brand new children playgrounds. A garden with a lake and scenic view. Good for a stroll in the late afternoon and weekend .Eating place within the park just next to the carpark is in-line with newer parks in Woodlands. Name officially changed to Marsiling Park. "
18 May 2018Always Thinking
" After 2 years of renovation, the park is finally ready. You can see more Family Friendly playground there. The park is installed with more lamps. A new 24 hours coffeeshop just open in the park. "
17 May 2018Tan Teng Heng
" Nice place for kids to play after the revamped. Good views especially in the early morning dawn period. A jog round the park is slightly above 1 km. "
12 May 2018Steven Lee
" The park is a very great place for a leisure walk and to enjoy nature. There are sufficient shelters and toilets.
01 May 2018For those who like to come here, please help to keep the toilets clean and don't choke the wc by throwing a big chunk of toilet paper into the wc (which was what happened when I went to one of the cubicle).
Flush regularly if necessary. "
" Terrible traffic jam on friday night from singapore to malaysia "
23 March 2018Tengku Abdullah
" A garden with a lake and scenic view. Good for a stroll in the late afternoon and weekend .A litle quiet compared to other newer parks in Woodlands. Now undergoing upgrading and name change to Marsiling Town Park. "
03 March 2018Mohshe Quek
" Oh,it under reconstruction. Do not go there yet "
20 February 2018Ralph Rodrigues
" A new upgraded park is being built once opened it will be a good place to spend the day with the family . There is a very nice playground awaiting for the children to enjoy "
19 December 2017Noordin Noorhisham
" Hopefully after upgrading, this will open up for more family friendly park and NPark, please consider build a platform for rc boating. "
10 December 2017Cedric Soh
" town centre, full of the usual HDB shops "
05 October 2017Jackie Oh
" Old HDB estate with some nice foods. "
14 August 2017Ricky Sng
" Ok place, very quiet "
16 July 2017Always Thinking
" It is under renovation. Used to be dark, dangerous and sleazy "
02 July 2017Ralph Rodrigues
" A new upgraded park is being built once opened it will be a good place to spend the day with the family "
21 May 2017Sam In Southern
" Famous name "
23 April 2017Isaac Cheah
" A slice of greenery, always precious in highly built up Singapore. "
21 April 2017Chong Yikchueh
" Custom queue long "
10 April 2017Eightin Mang
" Great place for jogging, nice view , nice air. "
19 November 2016Kavitha Subramanian
" The lake was calming "
07 November 2016Playboy679301
" Good "
19 July 2016Desmond Thia
" Old town centre with hawker and some small shops. The attraction is the huge Seng Siong Supermarket. "
13 July 2016ChungEe Tan
" Good "
30 June 2016