" Great hotel, but not so many restaurant around at night. The place is clean and comfortable for reasonable price. The breakfast is quite good, but not special.
The electric kettle produce bad smell for coffee, which is a deal breaker for me. "
07 January 2018
Anand Yulianto
" I always been here if I went to kudus central java. "
10 December 2017
Mike Furst
" Very drab not clean rooms smell stale staff not helpfull "
26 September 2017
" Good service, near from public area "
23 September 2017
Andi T. Sutrisno
" For 1 star hotel, quite nice and comfortable. More than expected. There's a restaurant and the food is quite tasty.. "
12 September 2017
Virnia Riska
" looks good "
25 August 2017
Vronsky Akter Bawole
" Tempat bisnis "
18 July 2017
Muhamad Fajri Adda'i
" Low budget "
12 July 2017
Mei Disa
" Hotel dengan fasilitas yang sesuai budget, lokasinya yg berada di pusat kota mempermudah kami untuk jalan2 di Kudus. Sarapannya lengkap dan cukup enak, pelayanan ramah dan suasana tenang. Wifinya lancar, patut dicoba. "
05 July 2017
Siiperantau Paraperantau
" Decent "
05 July 2017
Calvin Sumajow
" feels like home "
02 July 2017
Deyna Mongdong
" Overall the hotel is good, cheapest one, ok "
30 June 2017
Lia Purnamasari
" Good rooms with affordable price. The room has hot water even though you will need some minutes to wait for the heater to turn hot. It gives free breakfasts for two persons and complimentary in-room mineral water, coffee, and tea. "
16 June 2017
Fredy Listiono
" Affordable and comfortable hotel "
14 May 2017
Khumairah Mohtar
" Sangat membantu bagi yang ingin menginap dengan harga murah dan pelayanan terbaik "
24 April 2017
Richardus Kurnianto
" Hotel berbintang 1, saya kira semacam hotel melati.. tapi bukan.. lumayan bagus, ada restaurant juga,.. ya... worth it lah ya antara harga dan fasilitas.. :) "
06 April 2017
Agus Arifin
" Bagus
Hotel bergaya minimalis moderen dengan harga cukup murah pelayanan ramah. "
16 March 2017
Brigitta Audrien
" Clean, afforable price, "
05 March 2017
Rayhan Tyas
" Hotel yg nyaman dan bersihhh di daerah Kudus. Deket bgt ke Simpang Tujuh. Mau jalan2 ke Menara Kudus juga hny 15 menit jalan kaki. Makanan di sekitar hotel (di Jl. kepodang) juga banyak. Ada sate ayam ponorogo, martabak, lumpia mini, tahu gimbal, lontong tahu, soto ayam/kerbau banyaak deh "
29 January 2017
Andy P
" Nice affordable hotel "
23 January 2017
Hanipa Dina
" Murah nyaman "
08 January 2017
Ricsoon Ciu
" Standar buat kalau dinas kerja. Harga relatif "
11 December 2016
ErTanto Rent Car Jogja
" Lumayan bagus "
22 November 2016
Bayu Damopolii
" Dekat pusat kota "
25 October 2016
Hanto Setiawan
" Ew "
11 October 2016
Luqman Pandey
" 😁😁😁 "
25 September 2016
Jin Karyo
" nice.. terutama jika sudah corporate.. :D "
22 September 2016
Deddy Longkoy
" jalan2 jadi dekat "
17 September 2016
Kak Nico Lasy Arifanto
" Hotel murah meriah dan bagus, nyaman tempat dan layanannya "
03 August 2016
Calvyn Mamoto
" kurang nyaman ... "
23 July 2016
Latief Sofwan
" Hotel Minimalis . Bersih . Tenang. Murah . Makan pagi tersedia .
Bagus untuk istirahat sejenak . Mudik "
29 June 2016
Roni 9797
" mantap "
29 June 2016
Alixas Biki
" Hotel favorite yg lokasinya berada di depan Gramedia Manado, pas buat saya yg kutu buku.. :) "
17 June 2016
El Zhinta Thawil
" Hotel Central memiliki tempat yang paling strategis di Kota Manado, Hotel tersebut Berhadapan dengan Gramedia Book Store juga hanya memakan waktu 10 menit sambil berjalan kaki untuk ke Mega Mall, "
Ricky Sumilat
" Good "
26 April 2018Dwindy Stanza
" Great hotel, but not so many restaurant around at night. The place is clean and comfortable for reasonable price. The breakfast is quite good, but not special.
07 January 2018The electric kettle produce bad smell for coffee, which is a deal breaker for me. "
Anand Yulianto
" I always been here if I went to kudus central java. "
10 December 2017Mike Furst
" Very drab not clean rooms smell stale staff not helpfull "
26 September 2017ONLINE PROMOTION
" Good service, near from public area "
23 September 2017Andi T. Sutrisno
" For 1 star hotel, quite nice and comfortable. More than expected. There's a restaurant and the food is quite tasty.. "
12 September 2017Virnia Riska
" looks good "
25 August 2017Vronsky Akter Bawole
" Tempat bisnis "
18 July 2017Muhamad Fajri Adda'i
" Low budget "
12 July 2017Mei Disa
" Hotel dengan fasilitas yang sesuai budget, lokasinya yg berada di pusat kota mempermudah kami untuk jalan2 di Kudus. Sarapannya lengkap dan cukup enak, pelayanan ramah dan suasana tenang. Wifinya lancar, patut dicoba. "
05 July 2017Siiperantau Paraperantau
" Decent "
05 July 2017Calvin Sumajow
" feels like home "
02 July 2017Deyna Mongdong
" Overall the hotel is good, cheapest one, ok "
30 June 2017Lia Purnamasari
" Good rooms with affordable price. The room has hot water even though you will need some minutes to wait for the heater to turn hot. It gives free breakfasts for two persons and complimentary in-room mineral water, coffee, and tea. "
16 June 2017Fredy Listiono
" Affordable and comfortable hotel "
14 May 2017Khumairah Mohtar
" Sangat membantu bagi yang ingin menginap dengan harga murah dan pelayanan terbaik "
24 April 2017Richardus Kurnianto
" Hotel berbintang 1, saya kira semacam hotel melati.. tapi bukan.. lumayan bagus, ada restaurant juga,.. ya... worth it lah ya antara harga dan fasilitas.. :) "
06 April 2017Agus Arifin
" Bagus
16 March 2017Hotel bergaya minimalis moderen dengan harga cukup murah pelayanan ramah. "
Brigitta Audrien
" Clean, afforable price, "
05 March 2017Rayhan Tyas
" Hotel yg nyaman dan bersihhh di daerah Kudus. Deket bgt ke Simpang Tujuh. Mau jalan2 ke Menara Kudus juga hny 15 menit jalan kaki. Makanan di sekitar hotel (di Jl. kepodang) juga banyak. Ada sate ayam ponorogo, martabak, lumpia mini, tahu gimbal, lontong tahu, soto ayam/kerbau banyaak deh "
29 January 2017Andy P
" Nice affordable hotel "
23 January 2017Hanipa Dina
" Murah nyaman "
08 January 2017Ricsoon Ciu
" Standar buat kalau dinas kerja. Harga relatif "
11 December 2016ErTanto Rent Car Jogja
" Lumayan bagus "
22 November 2016Bayu Damopolii
" Dekat pusat kota "
25 October 2016Hanto Setiawan
" Ew "
11 October 2016Luqman Pandey
" 😁😁😁 "
25 September 2016Jin Karyo
" nice.. terutama jika sudah corporate.. :D "
22 September 2016Deddy Longkoy
" jalan2 jadi dekat "
17 September 2016Kak Nico Lasy Arifanto
" Hotel murah meriah dan bagus, nyaman tempat dan layanannya "
03 August 2016Calvyn Mamoto
" kurang nyaman ... "
23 July 2016Latief Sofwan
" Hotel Minimalis . Bersih . Tenang. Murah . Makan pagi tersedia .
29 June 2016Bagus untuk istirahat sejenak . Mudik "
Roni 9797
" mantap "
29 June 2016Alixas Biki
" Hotel favorite yg lokasinya berada di depan Gramedia Manado, pas buat saya yg kutu buku.. :) "
17 June 2016El Zhinta Thawil
" Hotel Central memiliki tempat yang paling strategis di Kota Manado, Hotel tersebut Berhadapan dengan Gramedia Book Store juga hanya memakan waktu 10 menit sambil berjalan kaki untuk ke Mega Mall, "
06 May 2016