" This is the entrance of the newest addition to Batam, a botanical garden developed by the government. In the midst of an industrial park, a place for "hard working people" to enjoy, this garden will provide repose for the visitor's body and soul. While the garden is not yet completed, it's a destination you definitely want to put on your list for future travel. "
08 August 2017
Abid Affandi Wedatama
" This is the entrance of the newest addition to Batam, a botanical garden developed by the government (@bpbatam). In the midst of an industrial park, a place for "hard working people" to enjoy, this garden will provide repose for the visitor's body and soul. While the garden is not yet completed, it's a destination you definitely want to put on your list for future travel. "
Siregar Olong
" Mantap "
13 March 2018Abid Affandi Wedatama
" This is the entrance of the newest addition to Batam, a botanical garden developed by the government. In the midst of an industrial park, a place for "hard working people" to enjoy, this garden will provide repose for the visitor's body and soul. While the garden is not yet completed, it's a destination you definitely want to put on your list for future travel. "
08 August 2017Abid Affandi Wedatama
" This is the entrance of the newest addition to Batam, a botanical garden developed by the government (@bpbatam). In the midst of an industrial park, a place for "hard working people" to enjoy, this garden will provide repose for the visitor's body and soul. While the garden is not yet completed, it's a destination you definitely want to put on your list for future travel. "
19 May 2017Nova Saputra
" Like "
19 April 2017Orox Menes Fry
" Kawasan konservasi tumbuhan exsitu "
07 September 2016