" Two of my daughter love to go here after dinner. the lights and sea creature seems to amaze them "
19 January 2018
Bhakti Adi Chandra
" Lagoi Bay is not just a beach. It has many recreation sites we can try and one of my fav is Lantern Park. Could you imagine spending your night with your family with a glimpse of beautiful lantern around you and the sound of the sea just 20 meters away? You must take some photos for sure here. Just love it and definitely back here some day. "
09 September 2017
Dennis Torio
" Nice and awesome place for family and leisure activities "
07 September 2017
Lidia Juwono
" A very interesting and attractive place. At night our eyes will be pampered by the colorful light while at day time this place can be an educative place for visitors especially children "
07 September 2017
Helsa Caesaria
" Recommend place to visit at night time "
07 September 2017
Edi Sutoto
" Beautyfull "
17 August 2017
Eka Handa
" Lantern Garden ini tempatnya menyenangkan dan bisa jadi pilihan lain saat berwisata di Lagoi pada malam hari. Lampionnya berupa hewan langka yg dilindungi pemerintah, disebelahnya juga sudah ada papan keterangan mengenai hewan tersebut. Cocok banget buat wisata keluarga. "
Mintarja Ade
27 March 2018Yuda Yehuda
" Two of my daughter love to go here after dinner. the lights and sea creature seems to amaze them "
19 January 2018Bhakti Adi Chandra
" Lagoi Bay is not just a beach. It has many recreation sites we can try and one of my fav is Lantern Park. Could you imagine spending your night with your family with a glimpse of beautiful lantern around you and the sound of the sea just 20 meters away? You must take some photos for sure here. Just love it and definitely back here some day. "
09 September 2017Dennis Torio
" Nice and awesome place for family and leisure activities "
07 September 2017Lidia Juwono
" A very interesting and attractive place. At night our eyes will be pampered by the colorful light while at day time this place can be an educative place for visitors especially children "
07 September 2017Helsa Caesaria
" Recommend place to visit at night time "
07 September 2017Edi Sutoto
" Beautyfull "
17 August 2017Eka Handa
" Lantern Garden ini tempatnya menyenangkan dan bisa jadi pilihan lain saat berwisata di Lagoi pada malam hari. Lampionnya berupa hewan langka yg dilindungi pemerintah, disebelahnya juga sudah ada papan keterangan mengenai hewan tersebut. Cocok banget buat wisata keluarga. "
10 May 2017