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KEBUN RAYA BATAM is a park, located at Unnamed Road,, Sambau, Nongsa, Kota Batam, Kepulauan Riau 29465, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 812-6684-0844, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 14

J3 K

" Sidewalks and some greenery on the side of a hill. Beautiful view to the west; hard to tell if the garden is not yet finished or already falling apart. "

23 March 2018

Gazziella Angela 21

" This place is very nice if you want to make a movie "

09 February 2018

Heriyanto Jamal

" The latest attraction in Batam. Opened to public just recently. Cleverly designed to make the garden looks as if it is located on top of a hill. There are no shelters in case it rain. We may see more flowers and trees in their next building phase. For now there isn't many things to see and some roads leading to the park are still close. Overall a great place for family outing. "

29 January 2018

Denver Agpianka

" A promising place to take a breath with your friends or family. It is needed to be repaired and constructed because of there is still unfinished spot.
Have a good view and scenery, you may saw Batam Centre from here. "

26 January 2018

Eko Prihartono

" its not ready yet, but has great potential if managed properly "

23 January 2018

Ferijaki Manullang

" Masih kurang bagus "

07 November 2017

Yuliawan Narendra Derozali

" Jadilah pengunjung yang bijak , kami teteskan keringat siang dan malam. Agar anda puas.. "

04 November 2017

Irwan Prayogi

" Dalam pekerjaan "

20 October 2017

Nirra Mifta

" Sangat bagus "

24 August 2017

Wedi Afrizal

" Masih dalam tahap pembangunan. Lokasi diatas bukit dengan view yang menarik. "

12 July 2017

Marwan Setiawan

" Hasil ekspidisi, kita tanam di KR Batam bersama tim.. "

14 June 2017

Muhammadarif Nasution

" Masih tahap pembangunan sih, Moga aja cepet rampung "

25 May 2017

Eka Handa

" Masih nunggu, kapan tempat ini resmi dibuka, pagarnya cakep sih. "

12 May 2017

Sung Kono

" Pengembangan harus cepat Yo Pk ,supaya cepat jadi "

24 March 2017

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