Apotek Kimia Farma Lubuk Baja
About Apotek Kimia Farma Lubuk Baja
Apotek Kimia Farma Lubuk Baja is a pharmacy, located at Jl. Imam Bonjol, Lubuk Baja Kota, Lubuk Baja, Kota Batam, Riau 29432, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 778 458560, visit their website www.kimiafarma.co.id for more detailed information.
Rian Bn Hapirin
" 👍🏻 "
29 May 2018Setio Suprapto
" Pharmacy "
05 December 2017Andra Suta Rambe
" sopan ramah. obatnya jg lengkap "
26 August 2017Samuel Edyson
" This is an apothecary that combines with a clinic with some on-practice doctors (including a gynaecologist). Pretty difficult to find the location and limited parkings. Staff are very kind though, and the pharmacy sells quite a broad range of medical items and supplies. Don't forget this apotek is open 24 hours. "
14 July 2017David TheLaw
" Pelayanan lumayan "
30 June 2017Samuel Edyson
" This is an apothecary that combines with a clinic with some on-practice doctors (including a gynaecologist). Pretty difficult to find the location and limited parkings. Staff are very kind though, and the pharmacy sells quite a broad range of medical items and supplies. Don't forget this apotek is open 24 hours. "
02 December 2016Samuel Edyson
" This is an apothecary that combines with a clinic with some on-practice doctors (including a gynaecologist). Pretty difficult to find the location and limited parkings. Staff are very kind though, and the pharmacy sells quite a broad range of medical items and supplies. "
05 September 2016Aisyah Putri Rimadhani
" Pelayanan untuk tes spirometri sangat buruk.Dijanjikan untuk melakukan tes pukul 14.00 tapi ternyata petugasnya terlambat datang. Sudah terlambat, harus menyiapkan perlatan untuk tes. Hingga akhirnya jam 14.50 diberitahu bahwa tidak bisa tes karena ada 1 alat yang katanya hilang. Kemudian dialihkan ke kimia farma terdekat untuk melakukan tes spiro dan harus menunggu lagi. Ternyata di tempat yg ini petugasnya baru datang jam 4. Akhirnya dikabari bahwa di tempat awal yang tadi alat tesnya sudah ketemu. Sungguh mengecewakan pelayanan seperti ini. Membuat orang lain menunggu lebih dari 1 jam dan bolak-balik. "
04 August 2016Yoriz Ama Tea
" Sering membeli obat ke tempat ini . "
08 May 2016Ivan Tevano
" Tempatnya membeli berbagai macam obat. Lokasi cukup strategis dekat dengan perumahan kampung utama. Obat yang disediakan cukup lengkap. Tidak begitu luas dan terasa cukup sempit. Tersedia dokter untuk melayani anda. Pelayanannya memuaskan. "
25 November 2015