Replika SD Muhammadiyah Laskar Pelangi
About Replika SD Muhammadiyah Laskar Pelangi
Replika SD Muhammadiyah Laskar Pelangi is located at Lenggang, Gantung, East Belitung Regency, Bangka Belitung Islands 33562, Indonesia
Dektu Mastu
" Very inspiring. If you ever watch Laskar Pelangi the movie, or read the book Laskar Pelangi, you'll know what i mean. I don't know whether they film the movie here or not, but the school looks like what it appears in the movie. It has 2 classroom, a pole flag with Merah Putih of course, and white sand surrounding the building. You have to pay 5k per pax to visit, but it is nothing compare to what experience and what beautiful, inspiring pictures you get. If Belitung means Laskar Pelangi for you, a visit to this site is a must. "
17 May 2018Aria Pradipta
" Remember the movie called laskar pelangi,originated from the novel wittern by Andrea hirata which have the same title. You'll experienced the school from the story told. Well,it's a must to visit here when come to belitong. "
18 April 2018Alya Hananti
" Untuk fans Laskar Pelangi, oke lah foto-foto di sini. Tapi sayang aja interior sekolahnya kotor dan kurang menarik. Mungkin sengaja dibikin agak kotor biar dapet suasana Laskar Pelangi ya, tapi menurut saya bisa ditingkatkan lagi dengan memperbanyak detil kayak buku, foto, prakarya anak SD dll "
09 April 2018Sabz Ayo
" Tempat spot foto yang menarik. dibiarkan begitu saja, kelihatan tua, banyak anak2 suka datang main ke sana. Dipenuhi pasir. Sepertinya pasir dari pantai diangkut ke sini. karena sekitarnya tanah. Banyak tempat wisata belitung yang gratis. temoat yg menyenangkan! "
08 April 2018Agnes Desiyana
" The place is far from city, one thing you can see here is the school building which remind you to the movie. There is not so much things to do here, but people usually come here to take a mandatory selfie. "
05 March 2018Bambang Suryadi
" I wasn't able to appreciate the place. But having driven for almost 2 hours, just a couple of mandatory shots here and there..
01 March 2018Low entrance fee.
Follow signs to "Wisata Laskar Pelangi" when you arrive in Desa Gantong. "
Jusfar Rivai
" Gantong village in Belitung Timur (East Belitung Regency) be a famous village after making "Laskar Pelangi" film based on Andrea Hirata's novel. Lucky me ....., when I visit to this village for several times in 2007, I watched the making of "Laskar Pelangi". We can reach this village by car about an hour from Hananjoeddin airport, Tanjung Pandan (TJQ), West Belitung. Still standing the replica of historical elementary school "SD Muhammadiyah". Not far from here you can continue your trip to Manggar the Capital of East Belitung Regency..., and you'll see many coffee stores..., and taste it if you like. "
23 February 2018Okky Aditya Yudha
" If you guys dont know the story behind, it will be just an ordinary old building. But if guys know the story before.. It will be amazing.. "
15 February 2018Alexander Marshall
" This place significance is link to "Rainbow Warriors/Laskar Pelangi Story". Otherwise it is just a wooden build which almost collapsed. "
28 September 2017Widya Kirana
" Good place to visit, but not worth to see because its too far from the city and the only thing we can do in here is just take a photo with the school. Maybe if there's a cinematography museum about "Laskar Pelangi" movie, it would be more interesting. "
27 September 2017Alex L.
" Chill spot, take some pics and grab a few snacks. They sell sarangs and other traditional patterned button up shirt. It's a touristy spot for a Indo film from back in the day. There is also restrooms towards the back as well. "
04 September 2017Octavina Octavina
" Good view. You can be reminded of your school life, esp if you came from a remote village in Sumatera. "
21 August 2017Romandito Mahendrayudha.s
" Historical place, a poem who went to this humble school eventually end up as a scholarship winner to Sorbonne France. "
25 July 2017PoullyHB Gunharie
" Good spot to taking pics while you are at Belitung Timur. "
03 July 2017Ivy Marcia
" This place is used to film a box-office movie Laskar Pelangi and will bring nostalgic atmosphere of the film to the visitors. It's based off a real school that has collapsed.
21 June 2017The entry fee is Rp. 3000/person. I think this place will remind you that not every person has a chance for a good education but that doesn't mean we should give up on learning new things. That's what the film taught you as well. "
Amit Pawar
" This place got importance after box office hit movie "laskar pelangi". story of film based on scool children from this school. this place famous amongst indonesians. "
19 April 2017Syarif Chandra
" It raises your childhood memory when studying in primary school. Historic place for Laskar Pelangi. "
25 March 2017Ferrylieno Pamungkas
" Reminds us of how education in any kind of situation may become inspiration for the greater good "
21 March 2017Papa Atha
" It was a famoust movie set, foreigner will not understand why this place became a tourist attraction.
28 February 2017Lokasinya biasa saja, cuma untuk napak tilas film Laskar Pelangi. "
Emir Ahmad
" Just the replica of school from laskar pelangi movie. There are also souvenir and foods. Dont forget to get one of the satam stone. "
24 February 2017Ionrossa Ismono
" Such an historic place for education history in belitung island "
11 February 2017Panca Purnamasari
" Small place, view is okay. The food is good, inexpensive "
16 January 2017Aria Dhika Rayendra
" Its basically a replica of the school in the film. There's nothing much to do and the building is already vandalized. There are small stores nearby and nothing else "
02 January 2017Redy Satria
" Locals were helpful but the downside came from the tourists who seemed to leave the building dirty by vandalism "
27 August 2016Vira Luthfia Annisa
" The movie, "Laskar Pelangi", teach us to have the strongest spirit, no matter how hard our life is. Even though your school building this ugly, doesn't mean you can't make your biggest dream become reality. This school building reminds us to keep fighting to reach our dreams. "
06 August 2016Farid Rusdi
" Kalau pernah nonton film Laskar Pelangi, tempatnya menjadi sangat menarik... "
24 June 2016Rayhan Nathanael
" Basic place since you have to watch the film to understand "
22 June 2016Jason Nathanael
" A place where you can take photos of the movie set, and that's it. Nothing else to see and the building has been vandalized by visitors carving their name on the walls. "
20 June 2016Angga Indra Nugraha
" Memorable "
17 June 2016Lie Ming
" Not well maintained "
16 June 2016