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PT Torrecid Indonesia


About PT Torrecid Indonesia

PT Torrecid Indonesia is a company, located at Bekasi, West Java, Indonesia. Visit their LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.

TORRECID is a Globalized Multinational Business Group founded in 1963, dedicated to providing products, services, solutions and future trends to the Ceramic and Glass Sector. Torrecid Group is present in 29 countries around the world with customers in more than 130 countries. Its headquarters are located in Alcora - Castellón, in Spain. Torrecid Group is present in Indonesia since 1995 under the name of PT Torrecid Indonesia. Our business in Indonesia focused on providing services and solutions for ceramic tiles and glass industries. Indonesia's main and biggest Ceramic Factories have become our customers since 1995 and continue to cooperate with us to this day in providing new innovation and trends to Indonesia's ceramic market.



Item Reviews - 8

Samsul Maarif82

" Jos "

31 July 2017

Andy Wijaya

" Keramik "

26 July 2017

Apt Meikarta Progress

" lokasi strategis sngat dekat dengan jalan utama dan di depannya terdapat KFC atau MCD lupa. Tapi custmer service nya kurang ramah dan tidak beretika. Kesannya mengapa sebagai tamu mereka mengusir secara halus. Padahalkan kita berkepentingan dengan alasan pribadi dia. Padahal waktu kerja untuk urusan pribadi dibelakangkan dong "

15 June 2017

Diki Hariyanto

" Empatnya strategis dan masih sepi "

27 April 2017

Mohamad Handal Islami

" bagus rapi nyaman sepi "

14 March 2017

Entang Rusmana

" Sepi adem "

03 January 2017

Andrawira Angkasa

" Provide best competitive solution for ceramic industries "

14 July 2016

Rahendra Ida Bagus

" Reliable Service, great product for ceramics industries "

09 May 2016

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