Kartika Pulomas Hospital
About Kartika Pulomas Hospital
Kartika Pulomas Hospital is a hospital, located at Jalan Pulomas Timur, Jakarta, Special Capital Region of Jakarta 13210, Indonesia. Visit their website www.kartikahospital.id or LinkedIn profile for more detailed information.
Kartika Pulomas Hospital has been fully managed by PT Daya Dinamika Sarana Medika as an effort to be part of the nation's health solution. Kartika Pulomas Hospital has transformed into Kartika Pulomas Hospital with unlimited access to excellent health services that can be accessed by general patients, BPJS, insurance and without exception for poor patients
Hanifah Nurkhasanah
" Your swab test service is so disappointing, so crowded, no social distancing, no covid screening before entering facilities. It was promised that the result will ready in 1 day, till 2nd day, i have not received the result yet. "
04 December 2020Daryo Rahmadi
" Was here for Rapid Test (Air Asia discount), the place was super crowded, feels like no social distancing here.
29 November 2020The service was super slow. Arrived at 11 am, had to wait for almost 3 hours (until 01.50 pm) just to be called for the test. They promised that the result will be available less than 1 hour. But still need to wait more than 1 hour actually to get the result.
Just for 55k rupiah discount, not worth for the wait and service. "
Dean Adit Prapanca
" Good medical services
06 November 2020Good health protocol
Good thorough examination
Good hospitality
Good people "
Frans Gustav
" Visiting for the first time for the purposes of a Rapid Test, being one of the partners of the Air Asia airline with a cheap inspection fee, only 95,500 rupiah if you can show proof of an Air Asia ticket booking
26 August 2020Rapid test 24 hours, during the day conducted in a modified container room near the hospital exit. Fast and friendly service. In the evening, they are informed directly to register at the hospital registration.
Quiet location in a residential area in Pulomas.
My first fun experience at this hospital. Thank you Kartika Pulomas. "
M Hendri
" A small hospital if you compare with others. But this place have a nice arrangement: huge parking space, a good lobby, tasty and cheap foodcourt, and many good facilities. This is looks great. Management is briliant. They develop a human manners, nice and friendly security staff, an experience doctor, etc. Nice one. Great one. "
02 July 2019Novie Messakh
" Parahhh...
17 April 2018Sudah sangat amat mengecewakan.
Dari meja Informasi petugas sudah jawab seakan kita pengemis kesini, hello semua juga bisa dibayar kali...
Jam 9pagi, ada petugas yg ga tau lah, sekalinya ada tapi sangat jutek, dan bilang sore jam 4 dtg lagi.
Sekarang dtg lagi bialng sedang cuti semua dokter paru, baru ada besoklah, hari kamis, trakhir bilangny Jumat jam 10pagi.
Ketahuanlah ya dari petugas informasi saja, informasinya BURUK, gimana petugas dibagian selanjutnya, PRIHATIN. "
Louis Eunike
" Saya sangat kecewa, saya hanya minta surat rujukan bpjs ke dokter kandungan kartika karena mau operasi di cikini , karena saya dari awal sudah di cikini, info dari puskesmas bisa untuk minta rujukan, tapi saya tersinggung dengan sikap dokter bagian obgin yang sangat ketus dan muka jutek. Keberatan kasih surat rujukan, padahal saya bawa memo dari dokter RS cikini. Masukan aja buat kartika tolong di perbaiki pelayanan nya, saya pakai bpjs juga bayar. Unrecomended deh "
23 October 2017Azizah Arianto
" Bismillah, semoga bisa segera bergabung dgn manajemen rumah sakit kartika. security nya ramah, mau menunjukkan arah jalan ke mushola secara terperinci untuk anak yg baru mau melamar pekerjaan seperti saya 😊 "
14 May 2017Yudhi Haryansyah
" Rumah Sakit ini berada di areal perumahan di Pulo Mas. Jika Anda tidak ada kendaraan pribadi, bisa menggunakan Taxi atau Bajaj. Seperti kebanyakan rumah sakit, pelayanan selalu menjadi masalah. Rumah Sakit ini nyaman untuk proses penyembuhan pasien karena jauh dari bisingnya arus lalulintas.
21 March 2017Selamat bertugas, Paramedis. Tingkatkan terus pelayanan kesehatan bagi para pasien Anda.... "
Agus Bandriyati
" Ok "
03 February 2017Ferdiansyah Ferdy
" Biaya kunjungan Dokter nya mahal bener siiih...Dok
27 January 2017Padahal di periksa doang di tarif 185ribu... "
Dwi Dastri
" Ok "
12 August 2016Fuzhie Harie
" Saat ini keluarga saya sedang mengalami sakit kanker yg mana waktu bbrp bln lalu pernah oprasi kanker payudara dan skrg setelah operasi kanker tersebut ada lagi di tempat yg sama yaitu payudara dan pertumbuhan kanker tersebut makin cepat.dan skrg tuk menemui dokter yg bersangkutan sangat sulit krn berbagai alasan yg dilontarkan rmh skt tersebut ada saja. "
19 July 2016Eric Wirjanata
" Sekali pernah masuk UGD di sini, not the most comfortable but the nurse and doctor are responsive and gave me comprehensive information.
29 May 2016My mom undergone cataracts procedures here, and she's happy. "
Diana Sari
" Rumah sakit ini lokasinya sedikit masuk ke dalam jalan tapi cukup mudah di cari. Area bersih dan asri, tapi sepi. Pelayanan parah. Petugas memberikan informasi yang kurang sehingga hrs bolak-balik fotocopy dokumen. Cek darah pake jarum bekas, ga pernah di ganti kecuali kalo di minta. Suster juga ga mau ngaku sampe di ubek sampah medisnya ga ada jarum bekas di situ. Kapas tidak di pakai alkohol, melainkan pakai detol hand sanitizer. Dokternya maen ganti obat sesuai yang ada di apotik mereka padahal pasien sudah cocok dengan obat yang biasa di pakai. Baik dokter dan suster sangat mengecewakan. "
16 May 2016Asngad Hm
" Walaupun gedungnya sederhana tp rapi&bersih "
17 April 2016Akmal Gony
" anak saya lahirr. Di situu "
15 April 2016Sya LALA
" For the lack information from the information staff. Everyday they could say different info "
04 August 2015