About Wendy's Balikpapan Plaza
Wendy's Balikpapan Plaza is a restaurant, located at Jl. Jenderal Sudirman No.30, Klandasan Ilir, Balikpapan Kota, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76114, Indonesia. Visit their website www.wendys.com for more detailed information.
Christian Santoso
" It's a very hot place, no much air circulation.. Maybe the AC is not working properly "
07 June 2018Isman Testing
" Seneng banget nemu Wendy’s disini "
04 June 2018Yoenoes Lucas
" Place is good. "
01 June 2018Aamauli Haqie
" Tempat terbaik yg saya kunjungi. Burger nya enak banget .Apalagi jika disaat patty baru di panggang. Bikin ngiler juicy nya. Ga bikin kecewa deh harga rasanya balance. Nice "
30 May 2018Mukroni Warteg
" Restoran cepat saji "
28 May 2018Jokosatria Putra
" Good "
28 May 2018Andika Priatna
" Tempatnya agak panas. "
26 May 2018Ratih Putri
" Wendy's!! Sekarang udah jarang banget nemu fastfood ini... eh ternyata ada di braga. Bangunannya terkesan ga terawat, makanannya ya khas fastfood lainnya "
25 May 2018Ivon Christando
" Pakai kartu kredit bank mega diskon 50% dengan minimal belanja rp 330.000. Ada menu baru shrimp burger rp 36.363. "
25 May 2018Gregg Fowl
" Not much option to choose from but the foods are 7/10 "
24 May 2018Dharma Surya
" Tempat makan sambil nongkrong dan ngobrol yang asik. "
22 May 2018Brent Ahmad
" Bukan makanan cepat saji, rasa enakk "
22 May 2018David Franklin
" Burgers are pretty good with aussie beef. "
21 May 2018Setiono Gunawan Argoputro
" Tasteful burger and fried chicken "
20 May 2018Kris Rasta
" They got tweet war between fast food chainers back then. Wendy's claim themself sell real 'food', unlike others. Well I agree, they got better burger & better fries. I try their beef burger and it was far better than kf*'s or mc*'s, eventough Burger Ki** felt slightly better. Two thumbs up for Wendy's Burger. "
17 May 2018Fadhli Rais
" Good "
13 May 2018Ngemper Backpaker
" Cozy place..near from lawang sewu "
10 May 2018Mario Shane
" Happy faces, moreover if we are served fast enough "
10 May 2018Benny Fitrizki
" Pelayanan Ramah, hanya saja kadang saya antri terlalu lama di gerai ini, entah karena pemikiran saya kalo ini masuk fastfood jadi mau cepet aja "
10 May 2018Mariana Darmadjaja
" Enak selesai shopping di carrefour mampir disini ada diskon khusus pake credit card bank mega "
09 May 2018Satriyo Kza
" Makanannya cukup enak.. dan murah jika pakai CC bank Mega "
07 May 2018Ratna Fahjrianita Utami
" Pretty new, service ok, "
06 May 2018Call/WA 0852 8888 8215 Makeup.artistmakassar
" stunning "
06 May 2018Mohammad Farid Fadila
" Pelayanan buruk. Sudah nunggu lama tidak ada yang melayani. "
04 May 2018Call/WA 0852 8888 8215 Make Up Wisuda Natural
" out standing "
04 May 2018Laniyuwati Wahyu
" The burger so yummy..... 😘😘 "
03 May 2018Dedi Azril
" Sangat bagus "
" Nice "
" Nyaman "
27 April 2018DiCabrio J. S Squall L
" Sesekali boleh lah kesini, paling seringnya ke tempat makan nusantra RM Padang. Makan lamak. Meningkatkan ekonomi rakyat dan umat. Dan yang jelas #2017GantiGubernur DKI jadi ADEM, #2018JabarjadiASYIK dan #2019GantiPresiden Indonesia kembali ADEM "
27 April 2018Michael J
" Like "
26 April 2018Dimas Budi Iswanto
" Ok "
24 April 2018Aditya Novianto
" Good place with a good view and service, also served delicious dish. "
21 April 2018Ben Johnson
" Pertama kali nyobain fried chicken di Wendy's ternyata enak banget, lebih enak dari fried chicken yang lain. Mungkin baru pertama kali makan yah. hahahah. Ditambah pakai voucher Dealjava yang bikin tambah hemat yang dapat 2 ayam + 1 nasi + 1 soft drink. Bener-bener worth untuk promo Wendy's di Dealjava. Thank you Dealjava! "
19 April 2018Alfan Satar Asc
" Special resto for chicken and burger which is affiliated in Chairul Tanjung Group... "
18 April 2018Boby Lamuda
" numpang lewat doang "
16 April 2018Firmansyah Kahar
" nyaman buat nongkrong, dan makanannya juga sangat beragam. "
15 April 2018Nikodemus Gunawan
" I like this one like the few other fast food chains, and I heard that Wendy's uses foodstuffs with high standard of hygiene which mean no preservatives or any other additives but I don't really know that and I'm not quite sure whether it's true or what it is all about is actually the restaurant which is very clean or it might be either the place or the food is clean "
15 April 2018SteFanie Rama
" Menu nya enak. Tapi kebetulan waktu itu, cust.service nya sedikit kurang ramah "
13 April 2018TONNY VEMBRI
" Love it "
11 April 2018Awegedebe
" Hmmm...my all time favourite fast food restaurant. My experience here is quite different, the food is as tasty as they advertise but the speed is sluggish slow like you are at the bus stop not at the fast food outlet. Hope they will improved to gain the fast food title. "
11 April 2018Hardono Arivianto
" #LetsGuide, known for their baked potato its one of the place for u also if u are looking for burgers, and fried chicken "
09 April 2018Craig Hollander
" Best American fast food in Balikpapan, light years ahead of A&W. "
08 April 2018Kevin Eka
" We (me and my office mate) usually come here when we are broke, yes, broke! Bcs they have life time promo with Mega Credit Card which is 50% off for min 300k IDR purchase exclude tax, and 25% off for min 150k IDR purchase exclude tax.
08 April 2018The food here (wendy's sun plaza) taste better than other outlet. I love their cheese, but their fried chicken taste just average. "
Sakiman Lie
" Restauran cepat saji yg menjual ayam goreng "
06 April 2018Maya Rahma Sari
" thank's :) "
29 March 2018Rob Jag
" Very disappointed in mushroommelt burger. The lettuce was thicker then the beef patty (if it's even beef. Wendys was always one of the best burger fast food places. Really gone down in quality and taste. You can't even buy a large Frosty. They serve you a small/medium and call it a large. The founder Big Dave would be disappointed with this "
10 March 2018Cornellia Widiastuti
" Superb burger, imho. One star off for its often slow service. Nothing rivals McDonald on speed. When you take 15min to deliver your product to ur customer, you don't belong in the fast food world. I'm talking about you too, KFC. "
21 February 2018Pranata Derry
" tempat yang sangat nyaman...dan karyawan nya ramah dan sopan .i like it "
19 February 2018Rika Purnama
" I love this place "
13 February 2018YAN HARDIYAN
" With disc from Mega it's awesome "
13 February 2018Cantik Cel179
" Tempatnya bagus dan ada kaka saya namanya arip cahya wijaya "
09 February 2018Sairin Sukaryo Keto
" Good taste "
03 February 2018Royan Hasjim
" Good friendly staff and fast food services provide there. Yes, three stars it is ! "
02 February 2018Bleuenn Ledan
" Aaaall good "
30 January 2018Anggi Ayuningtias
" burger paling enak yang pernah aku makan, apalagi beef burgernya ..dagingnya terasa banget 👍 "
28 January 2018Pascal Wijler
" Good grub and friendly staff. Inside Pacific Place Mall. Clean restaurant. "
24 January 2018Halija Ijha
" Restoran siap saji di TSM yg harganya lumayan terjangkau. Bagus tuk anak2 dan ngumpul bersama keluarga. Recommended pai kentang carbonara. Tuk pengguna kartu kredit bank mega dapat diskon 25% tuk pembelian 110 rb dan diskon 50% tuk pembelian 330 rb "
23 January 2018Heri Fitrianto
" Ok "
20 January 2018Clint R
" Tastes nothing like real Wendy's. "
19 January 2018Rizky Hermawan
" Rasanya standard, tidak terlalu wah. Pelayanan dari staff baik. "
13 January 2018Ardnas Dewi
" I came for lunch, i ordered a la carte..
13 January 2018The taste of food is very good..
The soup is delicious, the garden salad is very very fresh and impressive..
They really provide excellent customer service..
There's also a socket so i could charge my phone..
Thank you very much.. "
Su Narto
" Good "
13 January 2018Edmoond MMM
" Nyaman "
08 January 2018Kurniawan Winchester
" Baked potato here is so small. Although i ordered carbonara, there is no cheese in it..
06 January 2018Place looks clean, but i can smell there is cockroach near the basin ( i have phobia of cockroach ) "
Brilliant Johanes
" Good place "
23 December 2017C's Family
" Tempat makan cepat saji yg nyaman .. terlebih lagi bagi pengguna Credits Card Mega .. dpt promo diskon lohh #bukanPromo ya.. "
19 December 2017Hendra Gunawan Sembiring
" Prmayanan lamban, paketnya ngga jelas, tempatnya panasss "
17 December 2017Yves Frombelgium
" It's fast food, but the quality and taste just a notch above the competition (and the price too!) "
15 December 2017Gunadi Kr
" Another Wendys chain store. Disc up to 50% using Mega Credit Card. It located at LG Floor in front of Trans Studio entrance "
14 December 2017Reno Sutia Rini
" Paket makannya 20 rb ayam, nasi, dan softdrink murahlah ya, enak juga gk pake lama, tapiiiiiii saya gk saran jika mau beli air mineral disini yang 2rb'an bisa jadi 12rb gokill kan tu, mending beli dulu mineralnya di lantai2 transmartnya "
05 December 2017Erwin Eka Putera
" just as usual wendys "
29 November 2017Tony Schuster
" Best Burger in Manado ! "
26 November 2017Dinda Faridha
" Always homemade chicken burger, can't move on from that haha. But they have new menu called beefanator or something. It was amazing! Please try it! And don't forget to use your bank mega card or bring along a friend that has it. The discount is big. This fastfood restaurant is on the ground floor, near the back entry of the mal. It has outside seating. "
25 November 2017Dinda Faridha
" I liked it. Mostly because there were so many discount for certain card holder. Despite that the burgers were indeed delicious. "
23 November 2017Bagus Purnomo
" Tempatnya nyaman ada free Wi-Fi nya "
14 November 2017Hardono Arivianto
" Good taste, value for money experience "
14 November 2017Fidhy M
" lumayan ngilangin laper "
11 November 2017Chintami Aruma
" Quiet place.. love the ambiance "
08 November 2017Stefhen Michael
" Tempat nongkrong enakkk. Banyak promonya. Letaknya didepan pintu masuk transmart tegal "
08 November 2017Ila Rizky Nidiana
" Tempat makan enak, asyik buat hangout bareng keluarga. Lagi ada promo menu 20 rb an paket puas dapet 3 produk. "
07 November 2017Suryati Arifatullaili
" It's good for you who are looking for a quick bite. "
24 October 2017Dennis Jayeck
" Selalu penuh saat jam makan siang, harganya memang agak sedikit mahal dibanding fastfood yang lain tapi kebersihan terjamin "
19 October 2017Lissy Art
" Cute little beef burger and something taste like sprite lemonade...was nothing special..sorry 😐 "
13 October 2017David Kennell
" Althought not expensive, food wasn't vegry good. "
13 October 2017Kane 777
" Good "
02 October 2017Jeff Dario
" Good place "
01 October 2017Budi Purwantoni
" Yg saya coba Beef Burger & Chili soup keduanya menurut saya enak. "
27 September 2017Adri Adrian
" Dpt potongan 50% pkai TCASH.. terimakasih "
27 September 2017Kaese Leonard
" Very bad "
24 September 2017Ryan Sutedjo
" Entire outlet smelled like puke. Soda tasted like it was mixed with chemical water. 7pm and they were out of fries already. "
11 September 2017Ferry We
" A Cozy place of fast food restaurant, 🍔 burger taste good, promo paket puas is cheap and good. Burger, french fries and cola yummy.. "
11 September 2017Deval Agrifarman
" taste are better than other fast food around, but the price bit higher "
11 September 2017Rizky Hermawan
" Good taste, just ok. "
08 September 2017Alfin Mario
" Yummy...!!! "
03 September 2017Fikih Fikiawanto
" Bagus "
31 August 2017Andi Hartono
" Full in saturday and sunday "
27 August 2017Todo Sibuea
" Nice place, good fried chicken and burger 🍗🍟🍔 Pricey but delicious. Best thing about Wendy's is its original recipe (timeless) 👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽 "
25 August 2017Wibisana Jusuf
" Good fast food joint, though not my favorite. One of the few remaining Wendy's anywhere. "
19 August 2017Maurenty Srie Rizky
" Pelayanam supeerrrr lama... Blg 15 menit jadi2 35 menit. How come.. You are a fast food restaurant.., kl emg gabisa 15 mnt slesai..hrsny jgn ngmg 15 mnt selesai.. Mohon d review ya pak / bu karyawannya. Thx. "
12 August 2017Danny Lotek
" Nyaman cocok buat nyantai "
09 August 2017Timoteus Setyawan
" Try Dave double and taste the mermerising one 😃👍 "
30 July 2017Tom Fisk
" Very clean kitchen and newly remodeled dining space. "
22 July 2017Zheng Ougrh
" Friendly service, kind-hearted attendant
19 July 2017Good tasty Chicken "
Susan Yuanta
" #1. enak, ekonomis, kenyang dan sehat! "
19 July 2017Ozi Putra R
" Competitor for restaurants fast food. Different taste from other restaurants fast food "
19 July 2017Janson Son
" Hahaha "
14 July 2017Arzalia Maria
" nice place to hangout
11 July 2017yummy burger and potatoes "
Dion Faust
" Beef burger deluxe didn't taste good "
09 July 2017Tecky S
" Less crowded wendy's store conveniently located inside carrefour building. "
05 July 2017Aidah Rahmanita
" Comfortable place "
03 July 2017Jason Tjokro
" Tempat nya oke, bersih dan rapi... Makanannya sdh pasti oke "
20 June 2017Sudono Chen
" Bad Services, but the food is quite ok "
16 June 2017Halija Ijha
" Tempatnya trendy, cocok untuk keluarga. Makanannya enak "
14 June 2017Andi Sari Murni
" playground 👌 "
02 June 2017Fajarpas
" Cepat dan ramah "
31 May 2017Anta Karize
" Tempat nya nyaman,,,soal nya lg sepi "
27 May 2017Ameya Joshi
" Good joint for burgers. Tasty "
25 May 2017Alfian Gea
" Tempatnya oklah
14 May 2017Staffnya oklah trus waktu pesan ayamnya ,ayamnya sangat asin "
Senda Irawan Pratono
" I love Wendy's. My favorite menu is baked potato with cheese and broccoli.
13 May 2017The place is so nice.... "
Gas Engine
" Nice taste "
10 May 2017Ferry Wijaya
" Comfortable and lots of seatings.... "
09 May 2017Dyka F. Rafiif
" Nice and cozy venue, good food and friendly server "
08 May 2017Riki Oke
" Tempatnya enak dan bersih "
04 May 2017Nagi Sanzenin
" Its too expensive for fast food
22 April 2017The place is not big enough "
Arief Cahya
" Pelayanan yang ramah, dengan sajian prodak prodak yang fresh. "
14 April 2017Kristianto Wibowo
" Good for quick bite but long queue during lunch hour "
06 April 2017Hera Wicaksono
" Average "
05 April 2017Harry Breton
" As always okay. Inside shopping mall Teraskota. "
23 March 2017Hero Agoes Santoso
" Terletak di lantai dasar... deket2nya parkiran bertingkat. "
20 March 2017Erwin Ardiansyah
" Good place "
19 March 2017Arthur Paysant--Tholi
" I love Wendy's!!!!!! So not an objective comment haha.
19 March 2017Only fresh food, it's a nice fast food chain. "
Ithe Monoarfa
" Suka ama menu potatonya... "
18 March 2017Elfrida Sirait
" Suasana nya nyaman untuk anak-anak makan dan bermain. Hanya saja perlu pihak pengelola perlu memperhatikan agar tempat bermain nya lebih aman "
18 March 2017Safrina TAAJ
" baked potato! "
17 March 2017Ithe Monoarfa
" Syukak ama potato menunya.. "
17 March 2017Holmes Silalahi
" Bertempat di carrefour...setelah belanja bisa isi perut dulu..hanya saja lebih luas di outdoor indoor hanya beberapa meja "
11 March 2017Hitam Putih
" Harganya lumayan murah "
09 March 2017Nurul Fatimah
" I loved the baked potato "
08 March 2017Martin Lenski
" Slowest fast food in this hemisphere. "
28 February 2017Leonard Agustinus Sumawan
" I like wendy's. They used to be my favorite, but now I'm not sure.. Just a couple days ago I ate a burger here, and I'm definitely sure their burger is far worse than they used to be. "
12 February 2017Max Hetfeld
" Best fastfood ever! Thank you!!! "
27 January 2017Aulia Azzahra
" Pesan delivery hampir 1 jam tidak sampai juga padahal cuma dari pluit vilage ke aston pluit hotel kan dekat banget kecewa "
27 January 2017Bayu Prijono
" Easy to reach "
23 January 2017Mindaugas Tijusas
" Had wendys for the first time here - better than expected "
18 January 2017Andi Agusman
" Makanan fastfood di pim, kurang leluasa dengan saosnya yg hanya diberi saos bungkusan. Tidak seperti fastfood lainya. Selebihnya okey "
15 January 2017Henry Erik Estrada
" The place is not too comfortable and the queue in the cashier can be long. The fries are the best compared with other fast food, the baked potato also great. Burgers also good "
06 January 2017Haisin Rusli
" Good food and place for your children's birthday... "
13 December 2016Roy Tumimomor
" Great place for burgers. Ask for Double Stacker if you don't want vegetables spoil your burger :) "
11 December 2016Dwi Person
" Baked potatoes enak! "
01 December 2016Mohammad Alfajar
" Ok "
07 November 2016Yodi Hanidi
" Burgernya mantab "
06 November 2016Don Davis
" A&W is far better in service & quality.
23 October 2016Problem with Wendy's... All was bad but they gave a small burger free for the trouble and errors so I gave 2 star.
They had no lettuce so the manager said we will give extra onion and tomatoes. Then he said go sit and we will bring to your table. So after 10 min I went to the counter to get our food. fries sat the whole time and were cold so they gave new. Fries and two burgers finally came after 4 more min. Mind you there are very few people there. 1 chicken burger had only one tomato slice and nothing else other had 2 slices and nothing else after sending back once they gave bake with 1 slice tomato more. "
Medan Hostel
" I like the burger "
17 October 2016Brett Kwong
" Clean and nice staff, they also have power plug to charge your phone. "
20 September 2016Changsu Siris Woo
" The burgers are really really small compared other countries I have tried before. Also the chicken burger tasted cheap. Not the right place to eat. "
18 September 2016Wiien Hasugian
" Wendy's Kuala namu . Fast food restauran. Letaknya di lantai bawah. Harga masih terjangkau, ada wifi dan tempat cas handphone-nya. Nice.. "
14 September 2016Heru Sulistiadhi
" Very good Burger and if you use Mega Credit card, you can get 50% discount "
06 September 2016Arief Rachman Ashar
" A fast food chain, located in 5th floor. The back, where the cashier is, is larger than the front. The seating and sofa placement are inefficient, some space are left unusable. There's free wifi available, but inaccessible or crawling at best. As for the food, it's a disappointment. The illustration and the real product are 2 totally different things. I don't think it's worth the price. There's small survey at the end of the receipt, if you fill it online, you can get 1 small fries for free. "
05 September 2016Arif Khunaifi
" Bagus "
22 August 2016Ardy Seftian89
" Mantap "
16 August 2016Ademaulana Fitroh
" Ok "
14 August 2016Suhandi Widjaja
" Kalau pakai kartu kredit bank Mega, dapat discount "
12 August 2016All About That-05
" Enak "
22 July 2016