Selyca Mulia Hotel - Managed by AccorHotels
About Selyca Mulia Hotel - Managed by AccorHotels
Selyca Mulia Hotel - Managed by AccorHotels is a lodging, located at Jl. Bhayangkara No.58, Bugis, Samarinda Kota, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75242, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 541 738000, visit their website for more detailed information.
Wahyu Pratama
" Clean and Nice Room, Food Ok. "
09 May 2018Andien Andaresta
" Hotel yang terletak berdekatan dengan Plaza Mulia ini sangat nyaman. Dekat dengan Masjid dan pelayanannya sangat ramah. Untuk Menu sarapan pagi juga sangat variatif dan harga kamar relatif terjangkau. "
06 May 2018Ridwan Iwan
" the location is great as it near the Plaza Mulia, the room is spacy and comfy, but the service is not so good.. they often miscommunicate with another employee in servicing the guests, i even always been asked from where when i want to access the free breakfast.. never feel so disappointed "
04 May 2018Aditya Rachman
" Room is ok although a lil bit dark (lack of light). Breakfast is so-so for a 4 star hotel. "
22 March 2018Syah Deel
" The hotel's located in downtown Samarinda, elegant,clean and spacious room, various types of food for breakfast prepared for you each morning and they're all delicious,the staff are polite,friendly and of the best hotel in town... "
11 February 2018Aya Zain
" Professional banget. Recommended very much. Nice place to get high quality family times. "
07 February 2018Muhammad Zaini
" This hotel is quite cheap at it's class (especially for the price for ballroom). The interior is good and the swimming pool are pretty large. The ballroom is okay, not that good but certainly not bad. The room is nice too. The strategic location of the hotel is certainly it's main attraction for people, it's located in the center of the city. Really easy to go everywhere from the hotel. You can go with online transport, rental car, or just walk. It's that easy. "
01 December 2017Chandra Adi
" hotel berkelas... nyaman.. hotel bintang 4 yang memiliki akses mudah kemana-mana karena berada di tengah kota. Lokasinya mudah dijangkau selain di jalan utama, ada mall nya juga dilantai bawahnya.
29 November 2017Kalau mau belanja makanan dan baju sangat dekat dan mudah.
Harga hotel disini lumayan.kisaran 600rb keatas tidak ada akomodasi buget. Tapi memang kamar dan fasilitasnya sangat nyaman dan tenang.
Makananya juga lumayan, harga premium standart hotel berbintang.
Jika ingin dapat hotel kamar murah di sini jalan saat Pig season. Sebaiknya cari low sesaon saja. "
Yudhi Thofani
" Spacious room, near with mall, good service, delicious breakfast and food quality good.. "
18 November 2017Ika Nuryani
" Room & cleanliness as expected, the reception ladies need to use more friendly tone though "
23 September 2017Firman D
" Nice and clean room. Near the mall and located in the city center. No express laundry here. "
27 August 2017SaNdy Wijaya
" poor services. the employees judge the guest for stealing the hotel's towel.
18 August 2017when actually there's only one towel when I come to my room.
the room was booked for me and my friend, and tuesday my friend have to go back to work, then I continue to sleep there for a night.
on wednesday dawn, at 3 am, I asked for a massage service.
but, the massager offers me more than just a massage.
then I rejects that offers, and she is mad.
in the morning when I'm leaving this hotel with my friends from another room.
I have to go to the parking lot to take my car, and my friends give the keys to the receptionist, but they said that one towel in my room has gone.
my friends told this when we are already leaving the hotel, while I was driving.
I really disappointed about this.
I didnt steal their cheap towel.
the indication, the towel case is having correlation to the massage sex that I've been rejected. "
Rendy Fernanda
" Selyca mulia hotel,i think this is great hotels.The room is big,and the service is Perfect,comfortable,the food is dellicous. "
09 August 2017Hendra BS
" right on next door to plaza mulia samarinda, limited parking area, spacious room (even the cheapest one) "
29 June 2017Munir Ahmad
" The hotel quite new when I stayed there. It has mall connected to it. Supermarket, Pizza Hut, 2 coffee shops, bakery, and donuts are available.
28 June 2017The hotel it self should have done better with some of its facility. While the room is good, the wall is too thin, 1 believe it's only single wood board, as you can hear someone on the next room trying to plug his phone charger to electricity socket on the wall. It's also the case for water pressure in the bathroom, it's just too noticeable.
Swimming pool is located in 3rd floor. It has sun rise view, very nice from 6-7 am. Then becomes too hot after that. The pool it self should be maintained better, as many people jump in every day. "
Otakkadut Roy
" The city hotel integated with Mall Shopping Centre the Best in Town "
04 April 2017Martin Hardiono
" Next to a mall and supermarket where you may be able to find any of your need during your stay. Service is good, room is clean, food is ok. "
24 March 2017Driya Amandita
" Ok for a business hotel. Attached to a decent mall with food options. "
20 March 2017Nanang Wahyudi
" Good for enak "
14 January 2017Rizky Febriyanti
" Great experience! Good quality services! "
31 December 2016Muhammad Yani
" Good hotel and the location on the center of samarinda city "
07 November 2016Aril Sesa Tiara
" This mall had a big mosque. You can go to pray anytime you want while you visiting this mall "
12 August 2016Arie Kusuma Atmaja
" One of crowded malls in Samarinda. You can hang out with your families, relatives, and friends here to have fun and buy daily necessities.
01 August 2016I agreed with some other reviews here on Google Map. I can confirm that there is a mosque upstairs, so Muslim can even do Friday prayer here, while sometimes or probably most of the time some elevators function manually so you have to use your own feet manually and healthily for sure. Also, you must remember which elevator goes up and which one goes down otherwise you can hardly move your ass upstairs/downstairs here. "
" located on top of Plasa Mulia Mall
25 July 2016great and spacious room hotel
since on top of PlasMul, we have place to got for eating and hangout and shopping "
Hendra Putra
" Nice place, this shoping place have a mosque at top "
12 July 2016Arie Kusuma Atmaja
" One of crowded malls in Samarinda. You can hang out with your families, relatives, and friends here to have fun and buy daily necessities. "
11 July 2016Dccdc Keoe,dp
" santa bagus sekali "
19 June 2016Ahmad Faozi
" bersih...makanan enak "
30 April 2016Zainal Putra
" Bagus "
19 April 2016Jara Kada
" They have several manual escalators. Yes, it's manual! You have to move up & down with your own foot! What a healthy plaza! "
11 February 2016Shinchan Cruns
" Dulu lumayan nyaman, sekarang udah kyk ga kerawat . Paling ke sini cuma ke hypermart atau jco soalnya paling deket dr rumah "
28 January 2016Risty Happy
" Hotelnya bagus untuk keluarga, kamarnya besar, bersih dan makanannya lumayan banyak hanya anak usia 5 tahun keatas kena cash 75rb. "
10 January 2016Cizi Elrho
" + hotel bersih, pelayan ramah, tepat d atas pusat perbelanjaan plasa mulia, makanan enak
22 November 2015- sinyal wifi kurang kuat d beberapa kamar dan cenderung lambat, lampu dekat cermin kamar mandi kurang terang, kran wastafel kurang pas pemasangannya,amenity kurang variasi cuma ada sabun sampo sikat gigi,tidak menyediakan kunci duplikat,pertama datang dapat sandal hotel bekas "
Fauzi Yustiawan
" Harusnya bs jadi mall yng cozy dan nyaman lebih dri yng skrg walaupun kecil. Krn untuk design ga sama dgn render awalnya. Plusnya hampir smua tenant kalangan menengah ke atas dan ada masjid. Minusnya gada toko buku dan cinema. "
12 September 2013