SPBU 64-75110 Kampung Pinang
About SPBU 64-75110 Kampung Pinang
SPBU 64-75110 Kampung Pinang is a gas station, located at Jl. Aw Syahranie, Bukit Pinang, Samarinda Ulu, Kota Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur 75243, Indonesia
Kusuma Prabowo
" lokasi luas. bisa utk istirahat sebentar sblm melanjutkan pjln ke tenggarong. "
28 May 2018Randy Akm
" Bagus "
11 April 2018Syahril Putra
" Cukup baik "
12 December 2017Diah Fazrin
" Oke "
03 November 2017Hanif Rizky Hidayat
" Bersih rapi "
27 August 2017Muhammad Rahmat Nor
" ok "
12 July 2017Dep Istanto
" Travellers from Samarinda-Tenggarong/Tenggarong-Samarinda mostly fill up their tanks here since it is the only petrol station between the cities. It is not opened 24 hours. "
15 January 2015