About PLN Tenggarong
PLN Tenggarong is located at Jl. K.H. Ahmad Muksin, Timbau, Kec. Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur 75511, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 541 661365 for more detailed information.
PLN Tenggarong is located at Jl. K.H. Ahmad Muksin, Timbau, Kec. Tenggarong, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara, Kalimantan Timur 75511, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 541 661365 for more detailed information.
Rizky Syaifullah
" The service is very good .. very satisfied especially complaints via mobile pln .. even Sunday the officer was alert ... just reported immediately handled "
07 June 2020Anthonius Kala'
" The service is not very good ... I called
09 May 2020wait no longer .. I call again the number is always busy .. Weve used the telephone kh cook from one era is always busy .. "
Farina Anggraini
" Why did the SR cable arrive now, even though it's been over a week "
05 March 2020Andri Setiawan
" On November 18 kmaren, my neighbor moved away, then there was damage between kilometers or electricity counseling ... if you turn on kilometers in front of the next kilometer, it will turn off as soon as possible ... so before the kilometers are safe, the whole distance is like a kilometer. just a lot of damage ... then I tlfn kn officer pln tell me the damage ... let's say the officer ... it's not our business, if you are concerned ... we will take care of the kilometers if there is damage ... first rt The official said so ... the house can't be ... the second one I got that was also the answer ... I stressed ... then we reported how else if there was damage ... after a long time ... the officer finally said ... yes, sir, I told people to do it ... after a few hours of waiting, the officer said, and when the officer asked, I was not there ... and was checked as completely ... and was done by my neighbor and my neighbors. sir ..... how come the officer is 150 rb ...... I have already called the officer pln 2 kli, how come the damage to the city was not even a dime out of the pling in drinking water ... the one I want to ask you should be by the SBR, sir, if you are concerned ... if you are not the matter of the PLN Electricity Officer .... until we don't call it on the carpet, why do we call it free, because it is still possible, but also the people who know the high PLI 50rb, by the way, sir, people like this, the money ... we don't know if the damage is reported when you don't, the officer is pln ... but sometimes the officer serves us like this ... Please fix it again. "
19 November 2019Alex Nor
" nice "
29 September 2018Nur7vn
" Untuk urusan listrik pln, silahkan menghubungi kantor PLN terdekat atau telepon contact centre PLN (Kode area)-123. "
06 March 2018Dewi Alfiyatul
" radifan sehat-sehat disana ya... amin "
24 January 2018Mukh Dan
" Pelayanan PLN masih perlu dibenahi, masih ada oknum-oknum yang bermain yang bisa menimbulkan sentimen negatif dari masyarakat. Pengalaman pribadi : kami pernah menyewa sebuah rumah, belum lama tinggal di sana datang petugas PLN yang menyatakan kami sudah melanggar aturan menaikkan daya dan harus bayar denda. Kami ditawarkan solusi tidak perlu bayar denda asal mau bayar sejumlah uang yang nilainya kurang dari denda. "
22 December 2017Hasyidan Radifan
" Listrik untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik "
24 August 2017Distribusi Tenggarong
" Bagus Sekali "
24 August 2017Ilham Firmansyah
" Baik "
10 August 2017Semoga Bermanfaat
" Baik "
18 June 2017