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About Mahavihara Buddhamanggala

Mahavihara Buddhamanggala is located at JL. MT.Haryono RT 43 No. 153, Graha Indah Ring Road, Batu Ampar, Balikpapan Utara, Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76114, Indonesia. They can be contacted via phone at +62 542 861106, visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 17

Cindy Carissa

" Based on the structural and architectural, this is such a nice and pretty Buddhist temple. A lot of decorations and ornaments are in Thai nuanced. Even though this monastery is not that big, but the good layout made it look pretty spacious.

Just like other theravada buddhist temple, there is a weekly chanting with the buddhist fellowship here i supposed, so for tourists to come, it's better to confirm before coming and of course in a proper outfit.

I stopped by without any notice, in Tuesday morning, there was no monk standby, no guard at all, just 2 workers busy with the job. I wished to get more information about this place actually, so it didn't feel useless, but maybe I could come again someday. I also hope the workers will clean the temple regularly in order to maintain this holy place. "

06 June 2018

Iklan Baris

" Good and quiet place to deliver everyone's prayer... "

16 March 2018

Sriram Raju

" Good experience, Good for meditation ,very clam place "

07 November 2017

Romanus Agiyanto

" Lovely & Calm Place "

13 September 2017

Budi Wibowo

" Buddhist center in Balikpapan managed by Sangha Theravada Indonesia "

27 August 2017

Hengky Saujana

" Good view and place "

13 August 2017

Anton Ngo

" Nice place "

02 July 2017

Ming Budi Santoso

" Beautiful Temple in Balikpapan "

04 June 2017

Regan Lyman

" Vihara Budhist yang ada patung besar: Budha berdiri, patung Budha berbaring. "

24 May 2017

Rully Okok

" beautiful place "

07 May 2017

Heriansyah Heri

" Lebih baik melakukan perjalanan dengan Niat Tulus baik' dari pada sampai di Tempat tujuan Tidak Menentu'''

#Buddha "

15 April 2017

Muhammad Isnaini

" 👍 Keren abis.... udah 2x kesini "

08 February 2017

Desi Iriyanti

" Bagus banget buat foto dan mngenal sedikit agama buddha...ada jg patung buddha tidur "

13 January 2017

Andry Hermawan

" Vihara ini berlokasi 100 meter dari sebelum tanjakan RS. Kanudjoso Balikpapan, dan masuk kedalam sedikit. Disini adalah satu spot foto baru yang menarik di Balikpapan "

01 January 2017

Rendi Sin

" Biggest temple in Balikpapan "

15 July 2016

Lim Poh Wi

" Salah satu tempat beribadah umat Buddha yang paling besar di Kalimantan Timur, juga sangat menarik sebagai tempat wisata spiritual. "

04 June 2016

Ahmad Baiduri

" View nya keren "

13 May 2015

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