" nice fiew, clean and have a huge area, instagramable, have a golf car, banna boat and clean food court "
07 April 2018
Muhammad Purwa Prasetya
" Refreshing area "
19 March 2018
Rizki Ramadhan
" Its beautiful "
11 February 2018
Fitri Pitcuz
" Clean, refresh, car parking a lot "
23 January 2018
Yanuar Putra
" Clean and good maintenance "
22 January 2018
Firman Muttaqin
" Good coast, clean, cozy place "
15 October 2017
Nyayu Chandra Dianie
" Quite good "
15 October 2017
Raditya Wahyu
" Disana lumayan bersih namun akses jalan menuju pantai lumayan jauh dan rusak mungkin pengelola membutuhkan perbaikan jalan untuk akses masuk nya "
05 October 2017
Dijah Pulungan
" Tempatnya bagus....
Keren...bersih lg.. "
04 October 2017
Kang Bowo
" Clean and Quiet "
17 September 2017
Hendra BS
" better than manggar beach "
10 September 2017
Ayung Yulian
" Untuk bersantai bersama keluarga dan tidak jauh dr pusat kota. Pantai ini cukup bagus untuk d kunjungi "
25 August 2017
Gandie Azizar
" Pantai yang cukup bersih dan indah. Perpaduan antara air laut, pasir, serta hutan pinus yang cukup rindang. Sangat cocok untuk acara2 gathering serta liburan bersama orang2 terdekat anda "
23 August 2017
Ade Ahlan
" Bersih, adem banyak pohon, bisa buat gathering keluarga / teman. Keren tempatnya. "
12 August 2017
Muhammad Muhlis
" Nice place for weekend "
28 June 2017
Jenny Wulandari
" Nice place even with brown water... kinda far from downtown "
27 April 2017
Krisnadinova Bayu Bujana
" Sangat bagus pemandangannya di sana bisa menjadi tempat spot foto yang bagus dan keren "
11 April 2017
Ims Pelwarie
" Sweet beach "
12 January 2017
Dhita Larasati
" beautiful enough for beach near city, instagram-able for pine/christmas tree, good place for family hangout "
25 December 2016
Md .ilyas
" Nice "
21 October 2016
Ali Bamukrah
" Manttaaaap "
13 August 2016
Roy Tumimomor
" Nice beach, you can do barbecue on the beach, it a loooong way from the side of the main road though "
24 June 2016
Muhammad Alief
" Good place for weekend "
03 April 2016
Wahyu Dhira Pranaditya
" wow great beach but, the water still dirty....!! "
Togas Mantora
" Good..... "
09 April 2018Agus Ruswandy
" nice fiew, clean and have a huge area, instagramable, have a golf car, banna boat and clean food court "
07 April 2018Muhammad Purwa Prasetya
" Refreshing area "
19 March 2018Rizki Ramadhan
" Its beautiful "
11 February 2018Fitri Pitcuz
" Clean, refresh, car parking a lot "
23 January 2018Yanuar Putra
" Clean and good maintenance "
22 January 2018Firman Muttaqin
" Good coast, clean, cozy place "
15 October 2017Nyayu Chandra Dianie
" Quite good "
15 October 2017Raditya Wahyu
" Disana lumayan bersih namun akses jalan menuju pantai lumayan jauh dan rusak mungkin pengelola membutuhkan perbaikan jalan untuk akses masuk nya "
05 October 2017Dijah Pulungan
" Tempatnya bagus....
04 October 2017Keren...bersih lg.. "
Kang Bowo
" Clean and Quiet "
17 September 2017Hendra BS
" better than manggar beach "
10 September 2017Ayung Yulian
" Untuk bersantai bersama keluarga dan tidak jauh dr pusat kota. Pantai ini cukup bagus untuk d kunjungi "
25 August 2017Gandie Azizar
" Pantai yang cukup bersih dan indah. Perpaduan antara air laut, pasir, serta hutan pinus yang cukup rindang. Sangat cocok untuk acara2 gathering serta liburan bersama orang2 terdekat anda "
23 August 2017Ade Ahlan
" Bersih, adem banyak pohon, bisa buat gathering keluarga / teman. Keren tempatnya. "
12 August 2017Muhammad Muhlis
" Nice place for weekend "
28 June 2017Jenny Wulandari
" Nice place even with brown water... kinda far from downtown "
27 April 2017Krisnadinova Bayu Bujana
" Sangat bagus pemandangannya di sana bisa menjadi tempat spot foto yang bagus dan keren "
11 April 2017Ims Pelwarie
" Sweet beach "
12 January 2017Dhita Larasati
" beautiful enough for beach near city, instagram-able for pine/christmas tree, good place for family hangout "
25 December 2016Md .ilyas
" Nice "
21 October 2016Ali Bamukrah
" Manttaaaap "
13 August 2016Roy Tumimomor
" Nice beach, you can do barbecue on the beach, it a loooong way from the side of the main road though "
24 June 2016Muhammad Alief
" Good place for weekend "
03 April 2016Wahyu Dhira Pranaditya
" wow great beach but, the water still dirty....!! "
03 January 2015Alvin Gunawan
" Pantai Lamaru sih ok...bagus... cuma sayang tdk terawat...dan didalam pantainya banya karang tajam...!!. "
17 November 2013Michael- Kris
" Good place!
24 May 2013EXO!! Wow!!!! "