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About Cinemaxx Living Plaza Balikpapan

Cinemaxx Living Plaza Balikpapan is a movie theater, located at 2nd Floor Living Plaza Balikpapan, Gn. Bahagia, Balikpapan Sel., Kota Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur 76114, Indonesia. Visit their website for more detailed information.



Item Reviews - 10

Diviart 25

" Tempat duduk empuk. Karena masih cinema baru is OK. Wajib coba. depan cinema ada foodcourt jadi sebelum / sesudah makan bisa nonton dulu. Lokasi di lantai 3 diatas Ace Hardware / Informa "

02 June 2018

Vernando Z S

" Located at 4th floor with 6 small theaters in small sized but convenient Plaza "

01 May 2018

MiK Walujo

" It is newer and cheaper ticket price than XXI at BSB Ewalk. But the snacks are pretty expensive. When you order hotdogs, remember to state spicy or not. Otherwise, they just dump both ketchup and chilly sauce in there. Bathroom kinda smelly. Theatres look clean, for now. "

15 April 2018

Bondan Caroko

" Alternatif tempat nonton yang dekat dengan area perumahan-perumahan besar di Balikpapan. Seringnya beli tiket lewat app-nya (dgn kartu kredit) kalo ke sini, bisa langsung pilih tempat duduk favorit. Saingannya Cineplex XXI lah pokoknya =) "

14 April 2018

Dinda Faridha

" Pop corn was great. The french fries was even better! The place was clean, bright, and cozy enough. But there were only few movies. Each theatre was small. Small screen, too. I do not recommend upper seats because of that. Still, it was not too crowded and I liked it. "

09 April 2018

Floren Gabriela Lombogia

" Mini theatre I must say but very cozy and clean. Smaller theatre means lots of movies list. The Snaxx comes with packages and many choices of menu there, it will cost you Rp 48.000 per package, large popcorn and one drink. Watching on weekdays cost you Rp 30.000, on weekends Rp 50.000 and on Friday night Rp 40.000 (if I'm not mistaken). "

26 March 2018

Royan Hasjim

" Small but cozy ... Cheap ticket prize but proper to be chosen as a better cinema with great choices of movies. Just watched the last jedi plus new jumanji there. Neat ! "

21 December 2017

Sitti Sahara Ira

" The newest cinema in balikpapan.
The ticket is cheap. But the food is really expensive. The drink too. A bit choice.
The staff is friendly. The supervisor is the best. He doesn't hesitate for helping the staff.
Overall it is a nice and comfortable place to hangout with. "

12 December 2017

Andyka Kawa

" The first watching new Cinemaxx living plaza..👍
Tempat bagus karena masih baru opening..👍
Tempatnya strategis karena terletak dengan di jln. MT. Haryono yang juga pusat keramaian yg menuju ke pusat kota..👍 "

06 December 2017


" First Cinemaxx branch in Balikpapan. Open with 6 regular 2D & 3D theater (748 seats). This cinema looks pretty good. "

06 December 2017

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