Tuanan Orangutan Research Program
About Tuanan Orangutan Research Program
Tuanan Orangutan Research Program is located at Tuanan, Palangkaraya. Visit their website coreborneo.wordpress.com for more detailed information.
Our long-term goal is to support the long-term protection of the Mawas Reserve and to maintain the thriving orangutan population within the Mawas Reserve.
Our research, conservation, and education activities take place within the Mawas Reserve, a region targeted by the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation in 2003 to protect 309,000 hectares of peatland forest habitat in Central Kalimantan in collaboration with local governments and communities. The Mawas Reserve is recognized as an important source of global carbon storage and is estimated to provide habitat for approximately 3,500 orangutans, one of the largest remaining wild populations. The Tuanan Orangutan Research Station lies within the Mawas Reserve, and is led by an international team of scientists dedicated to deepening our understanding of orangutan behavior and the influence of habitat degradation on their ecology. CORE aims to promote not only the long-term conservation of this valuable habitat and the orangutans that reside there, but also to support the training of Indonesian students in biological and conservation sciences. We also engage the local community by providing numerous training, educational, and employment opportunities. For up to date information on Tuanan, check out our NGO CORE Borneo https://www.facebook.com/COREBorneo/?ref=bookmarks